Tin Lid Hat Co.

Small Business, Big Impact


Steve Michels

Steve Michels

Delaney Gartland

Delaney Gartland

Heba Alkhamis

Heba Alkhamis


Western Michigan University

Western Michigan University


Timothy Palmer

Timothy Palmer

Global Goals

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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Despite being a small company, the founders of Tin Lid Hat Co., Jon Tuck and Will Andre, have proven that any company in any industry can have a positive impact on the environment. Tin Lid Hat Co. has partnered with Trees For The Future and the National Forest Foundation, and has pledged to plant a tree for every item they sell.


In 2014, Tuck and Andre discussed the idea of creating a hat for disc-golfers that has a strap on the side that holds a pencil. After designing the hat, they decided they wanted to have a more meaningful and impactful reason behind each hat that was sold. In addition to using environmentally-friendly materials in their products, Tin Lid Hat Co. decided to partner with Trees For The Future and the National Forest Foundation, and committed to planting a tree for each hat that was sold. For Tuck and Andre, the reason for the partnership was simple; “We wanted to make a hat that not only looked good on our customers, but also served a better purpose for society and the environment." Although Tin Lid Hat Co. didn’t necessarily “innovate” through their product, they wanted to make sure that their business was still contributing towards the betterment of the environment. Their partnerships with Trees For The Future and the National Forest Foundation has turned out to be a huge success, and has resulted in more than 100,000 trees being planted since Tin Lid Hat Co.’s founding in 2014.

Small Business, Big Impact


The original idea for Tin Lid’s signature hats came from the need to have easy access to a pencil at all times while disc golfing. However, the founders knew from the very beginning that their product needed to have a greater impact than just a strap to hold your pencil. Disc golf is a sport that is directly affected by the environment that it’s played in, so being able to contribute to the preservation and beautification of the environment around the world was an important process to which the founders of Tin Lid Hat Co. wanted to contribute. By planting a tree for each hat sold, they’re also able to offset the impact the production of their hats has on the environment.

Overall impact

Despite being a small business, Tuck and Andre wanted to make sure their product had a greater impact than just being a fashion statement. When they created Tin Lid Hat Co., they realized their potential customers were the type of people who spent time outdoors and enjoyed nature. Although the overall impact of planting a single tree per product sold might seem small, the fact that customers know their purchase has improved the environment has certainly benefited Tin Lid Hat Co. Since its founding in 2014, Tin Lid Hat Co. and their customers have contributed to planting more than 100,000 trees around the globe through their partner organizations.

Improving the environment was clearly the main goal for Tuck and Andre, but they also wanted to serve as an example for other small businesses that wanted to contribute towards improving the environment but were unsure of what actions they could take. Tin Lid Hat Co. is a perfect example of how even the smallest businesses can have a greater impact on their communities and the world. Their overall impact might be small right now, but as Tin Lid Hat Co. continues to grow, their overall impact and contribution towards improving the environment will grow exponentially with each tree that is planted.

Business benefit

Tin Lid's products appeal to people who spend a lot of time outdoors. When a customer buys a product, they're notified that a portion of their purchase has gone towards planting a tree through one of their partner organizations. Although this small step the company takes doesn't seem like a big one, the number of items they've sold since the company was created has certainly had a measurable affect on the world. It's hard to say if planting a tree is a major selling point for most customers, but that's not really the reason why Tin Lid's founders adopted the idea. It's about proving that even the smallest companies can have a net-positive impact on the environment.

Social and environmental benefit

The idea behind planting a tree for each product purchased has the potential to change the world we know. Tin Lid Hat Co. alone has planted more than 100,000 trees around the globe. The founders wanted to serve as an example for both small and large companies, and prove that everyone is capable of improving the environment in direct and indirect ways. Deforestation is a major problem around the globe, but a new generation of business leaders is not afraid to tackle environmental issues head on, even if it means cutting into profits or getting creative with their contributions.


Jon Tuck, Co-owner

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Tin Lid Hat Co.

Tin Lid Hat Co.

Traverse City, MI, US
Business Website: https://tinlidco.com/
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Tin Lid Hat Co. is a small clothing company located in Traverse City, Michigan that sells high quality and environmentally friendly hats. Most of their products feature their signature side strap for holding a pencil while playing disc-golf or other sports that require a pencil for scorekeeping. For each product that Tin Lid Hat Co. sells, the company plants a tree.