Taos Ski Valley

Sliding Down the B Slope


Dustin Williams

Dustin Williams


University of Tennessee

University of Tennessee


Emily Landry

Emily Landry

Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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Taos Ski Valley, a company who is a certified B Corp, has ideas to impact and influence our generation to come by shining their light on topics that need to be supported or noticed. For instance, Taos continues to strive for and push through goal #16 of the UN SDG’s, Peace, Justice, and Institution, by supporting Black Lives Matter movements and working on being more diverse within their own company.


After interviewing the CEO of Toas Ski Valley, David Norden, I was able to learn a lot more about the CEO himself, and of course, the companies innovation. I also got introduced to their ideas and what steps they are continuing to take to ensure that the stay certified.

First and foremost, Norden's vision for the company is start transforming into a more diverse culture. Not saying that there company or community is not already diverse enough, but he thinks they could be even better. This innovation emerged 5 years ago when he first started at his position. Norden stated that he realized almost immediately that he wanted to do something about it, and he has been doing something about this issue from the start. The best part about hearing this is that we all know that the world is changing and it will continue to change. The main issue in this world is that we as human beings naturally want to seclude ourselves from other people when we feel alone. David Norden and the many employees ready to do something about this issue has started 9 years ago and has not stopped since. What this company is broadcasting as a Certified B Corporation is checking off goal #10 of UN SDG; Reduced Inequality. Which is striving for by 2030, empower and promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic or other status.

Sliding Down the B Slope


As the interview continued, I feel as if this is where it really gets interesting, and I also get to figure out who the real David Norden is; as if he is not already real enough. Where I born and raised, Nashville TN, when you ask anyone what sport did they play growing up or what sport are you playing now; they usually say football, basketball, or even baseball. Are you ready for his answer, because I can assure you that growing up where he was born is a lot nicer than Nashville, California. And yes, you guessed it. Only because I gave it away by saying California. Surfing and skiing are the accolades under Norden’s belt. Coolest thing in my honest opinion. Reason for the background story is to illustrate that these kinds of sporting activities are embedded within him. The reason he is the CEO of Taos Ski Valley is because of the history that is also embedded within the company. The company was first founded in 1995, and being part of the culture is something that Norden could only dream of. Now it is not a dream anymore, luckily it is reality and a lifestyle he gets to breathe in everyday. In his position, I know for a fact because I played sports myself that being CEO of Taos Ski Valley is being part of a team. Speaking of teams, Norden says that “if you are going to be successful, it has to be a team effort”. Norden lives by this rule and carries it as a high value aspect of the company for each team member or employee to follow.

Overall impact

In my opinion, and including the information I gathered from the interview Is that there innovation is to continue to strive to be better than they were a day before. Each day matters to David Norden and Taos Ski Valley. Granted there is only so much time available in one day and there is only so many days in the year. I genuinely felt like I was able to connect with Norden with the time allotted for the interview, so I can go on to stay their going is to be 1% better everyday. In one-hundred days they will be one-hundred percent better than they were. This method is what a special company even more special. Since we are on the topic of wanting to be better than the average and focusing on the “umph” that each company wants, Norden think his company is comparable to a “unique, boutique, coffee shop” vs being a Starbucks chain like every other company who is not a Certified B Corporation. This is what we as consumers need to take into account moving forward is thus world that is consistently changing everyday, that we need to support businesses that change with world at the same time instead of ten years later. Taos Ski Valley exemplifies excellence by what they are striving for in measurements of short term and long term. Short term is everyday improvement. Long term is what they have been doing for the past five years.

Business benefit

Taos Ski Valley is smart enough to have their innovation and there standards set for only the betterment of the company. Being a more diverse company is something that people want to be apart of and what a community wants to support, which in return benefits the company. It is almost as if you can call it a Certified B Circle, because what goes around comes around. If you only want to do good by people, your employees, and community then Taos Ski Valley will get what they deserve. Norden knew that Taos Ski Valley deserved that recognition. The year 2017 when Norden started was the year that Taos Ski Valley got certified.

Social and environmental benefit

Taos Ski Valley is smart enough to have their innovation and there standards set for only the betterment of the company. Being a more diverse company is something that people want to be apart of and what a community wants to support, which in return benefits the company. It is almost as if you can call it a Certified B Circle, because what goes around comes around. If you only want to do good by people, your employees, and community then Taos Ski Valley will get what they deserve. Norden knew that Taos Ski Valley deserved that recognition. The year 2017 when Norden started was the year that Taos Ski Valley got certified. Ever since Norden was the CEO his plans for the environment around him checked off goal #11 for UN SDG; Sustainable Cities and Communities. Which is striving for by 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for woman and children, older persons and persons with disabilities. Another UN SDG goal they check off is goal #12. Responsible Consumption and Production which strives for by 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. Last but not least, they check off goal #9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure which means develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus of affordable and equitable access for all. The best part about all of this is that David Norden and Taos Ski Valley is not going to stop there.


David Norden, CEO

Business information

Taos Ski Valley

Taos Ski Valley

Taos County, AZ, US
Business Website: https://www.skitaos.com/
Year Founded: 1955
Number of Employees: 201 to 500

Taos Ski Valley, a company who is a certified B Corp, has ideas to impact and influence our generation to come by shining their light on topics that need to be supported or noticed. For instance, Taos continues to strive for and push through goal #16 of the UN SDG’s, Peace, Justice, and Institution, by supporting Black Lives Matter movements and working on being more diverse within their own company.