
Shifting Dynamics: Equality in Online Connections

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Nicolina Steele

Nicolina Steele


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Lisa Daggett

Lisa Daggett

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 5. Gender Equality 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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Bumble is a social networking platform that empowers women by giving them control in the world of online dating and professional networking. Through its unique "women make the first move" approach, Bumble aims to address the UN SDG of gender equality by promoting equal opportunities and challenging traditional gender norms, fostering a more balanced and inclusive digital space for all users.


Bumble is a revolutionary social networking platform that is disrupting traditional gender dynamics in the online dating and professional networking spheres. Founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd in 2014, Bumble offers a unique solution to address the UN SDG of gender equality by empowering women to take control of their online interactions. The platform operates on the principle of "women make the first move," giving women the agency to initiate conversations within a designated timeframe.

Bumble's approach challenges the existing quo in the present world of online dating. Bumble aims to lessen the number of unwanted messages and harassment that frequently plague other dating platforms by asking women to initiate contact. With this approach, women may engage in meaningful friendships on their own terms while also feeling more secure and empowered. Beyond dating, Bumble's dedication to gender equality extends to business networking with Bumble Bizz. In this scenario, women are urged to take the initiative in expanding their professional networks, seeking out mentors, and investigating job opportunities. Bumble promotes a more diverse and inclusive work environment by giving women a platform to actively participate in directing their professional lives.

By questioning established gender conventions and fostering equality, Bumble's creative strategy has contributed to the UN SDG of gender equality. Bumble supports a transformation in culture that emphasizes women's agency and consent, promoting more respectful and equal interactions. Bumble improves the world by removing the obstacles that women frequently encounter in the workplace and online by enabling them to confidently achieve their professional and personal goals. The platform's accomplishments in advancing gender equality have established it as a trendsetter in the tech sector and a force for transformation, motivating other businesses to reconsider their strategies and make contributions to a more inclusive and balanced society.

Shifting Dynamics: Equality in Online Connections


We interviewed Elisa Steele about her experience as a board member at Bumble Inc and what inspires her as a leader. This is what she has to say:

"I wanted to leverage my leadership and management experience to be a part of something meaningful to me: empowering women. Bumble’s mission is to empower women to make the first move in their lives - whether it is choosing a partner, finding a new friend or progressing their career."

"I truly believe that enabling women with tools and resources to be independent in their thinking and actions is extremely motivating and important. One of the most inspiring aspects of working at Bumble is witnessing the tangible difference we make in the lives of millions of women worldwide. Being a board member allows me to contribute to the strategic direction of the company, ensuring that our products, policies, and initiatives continue to uplift and empower women from all walks of life."

"Bumble is a mission-driven company that was not only founded by a woman but went public on Wall Street and is now run by the founder as the CEO. The board of Directors is made up of over 80% women, which is very unique in corporate America."

"At Bumble, we're not just about empowering women in their personal lives, but also in their professional journeys. As a board member, I am motivated by the opportunity to support and guide initiatives that foster the career growth and development of talented women, enabling them to reach their full potential and break through glass ceilings."

"Joining Bumble's board means being part of a company that not only talks about empowering women but also walks the talk. With a founder-led approach and a CEO, Whitney Wolfe Herd, who understands the importance of women's voices, being on the board allows me to shape the future of Bumble and influence the trajectory of an industry leader."

Overall impact

The overall impact of Bumble's innovation has been significant, challenging traditional gender dynamics and promoting equality in the realm of online connections. Founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd in 2014, Bumble introduced the concept of women making the first move, reshaping the landscape of online dating and professional networking.

In the short term, Bumble's innovation has empowered women to take control of their online experiences, providing a safer and more inclusive environment. By requiring women to initiate conversations, Bumble has reduced the prevalence of unsolicited messages and harassment, fostering a culture of respect and consent. This has led to increased confidence and agency among female users, enabling them to participate actively in shaping their relationships and professional networks. In the long term, Bumble's impact goes beyond individual empowerment. By challenging gender norms and promoting equal opportunities, Bumble has contributed to the larger goal of achieving gender equality. The platform has inspired a cultural shift in online interactions, encouraging other companies to reassess their approaches and prioritize the safety and agency of their users. Bumble's success has also sparked conversations and awareness surrounding gender equality, influencing societal norms and expectations.

Evidence of Bumble's impact can be observed through its growing user base and positive user feedback. The platform has gained significant popularity, attracting millions of users globally. Testimonials from users often highlight the positive experiences and increased sense of control and agency that Bumble has provided. Additionally, the conversation sparked by Bumble's innovation has led to broader discussions around consent, online safety, and gender equality, indicating a tangible impact on societal attitudes and norms.

Business benefit

The business has profited greatly from Bumble's ingenuity, which has fueled its expansion, goodwill, and profitability. In the fiercely competitive industry of social networking platforms, Bumble has set itself apart by putting a priority on women's agency and encouraging inclusivity.

First off, Bumble's innovation has resulted in increased sales and a wider market. Increased user engagement and monetization potential have resulted from the innovative strategy of encouraging women to make initial contact. Through premium subscription options, in-app purchases, and advertising collaborations, Bumble has achieved financial success. The company has been able to invest in growing its services, hiring new personnel, and fostering further growth thanks to this revenue generation.

Second, Bumble's innovation has improved employee satisfaction and retention. Bumble has established a workplace where employees feel appreciated and motivated by establishing a culture that is based on kindness, respect, and empowerment. Top talent who share the company's dedication to social impact and gender equality have been drawn to it. High employee retention rates are a result of the supportive workplace culture and attention to employee well-being, which has helped to build a strong and committed workforce that fosters innovation and corporate success.

Finally, Bumble's innovation has created new business opportunities and alliances. Investors who recognize the company's potential for growth and impact have been drawn to it because of its distinctive position as a pioneer in questioning gender conventions and advancing equality. This has led to additional financing deals and key alliances, giving Bumble the means and backing it needs to keep growing its market and service offerings.

Social and environmental benefit

First, Bumble's focus on female empowerment advances gender equality. The platform gives women a special chance to start connections, both for dating, business networking, and new connections through Bumble BFF. This change in dynamics questions established gender roles and encourages equal involvement, empowering women to make their voices heard and take control of their lives. Bumble promotes a culture where people are inspired to break free from constricting stereotypes and contribute to a fairer and more inclusive world by leveling the playing field.

Second, a safer and more respectful online atmosphere has resulted from Bumble's innovation. Bumble lessens the occurrence of unsolicited communications, harassment, and other types of online abuse by requiring mutual consent before communicating. This improves users' general well-being and safety while also helping to tackle the chronic problem of online abuse. Beyond its own platform, Bumble focuses on building a culture of respect and consent, having an impact on the larger online community, and encouraging healthy digital relationships.

Third, Bumble's dedication to social impact goes beyond its main technological advancement. The business actively participates in programs and alliances that advance many social objectives, such as gender equality, the prevention of domestic abuse, and mental health awareness. Bumble highlights these important social concerns by using its platform and power, and it invites its user base to get involved in bringing about change.


Elisa Steele, Board Member

Business information



Business Website: https://bumble.com
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

Bumble Inc. serves as the parent company for renowned platforms like Bumble, Badoo, and Fruitz, enabling individuals to forge meaningful and balanced relationships. Since its inception in 2014 by CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd, Bumble has stood out as a pioneering dating app that places women at the forefront, facilitating connections across dating (Bumble Date), friendship (Bumble BFF), and professional networking (Bumble Bizz) spheres. Badoo, a dating platform established in 2006, has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of web and mobile dating. Fruitz, founded in 2017, embraces a unique approach by fostering open and sincere communication of dating intentions using playful fruit metaphors. Bumble Inc. maintains a diverse and compassionate workforce committed to making the internet a safer space, where authentic connections thrive. The company's culture is rooted in kindness, respect, and personal growth, empowering team members to make a purposeful impact aligned with its mission.