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Education is one of the key success factors or basic foundation to support nation growth. Through education we can generate well educated human capital who will be ready to overcome the current and the future challenges.
As a pioneer and one of the leading financial institution in Indonesia, BMI (Bank Muamalat Indonesia) intended to contribute or even to lead economic shariah growth in Indonesia. And this can only happen if we have sufficient and strong human capital who will play a significant role as shariah economists or shariah bankers. BMI sets up a scholarship program for the less fortunate people to become shariah economists or economists using the Islamic economic system (non-usury approach).
In mid 2015, BMI established dedicated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) working unit and started a CSR program called “Sekolah Prestasi Muamalat”. This program focuses on education-related activities which cover scholarships for students who came from lower income families, including the non-banking staff employees (such as office boys and security guards) and provide in class courses or training to promote economic shariah and shariah banking to the students. In addition, BMI requires the scholarship beneficiaries to maintain their good performance and learn Al Quran intensively to have a good understanding on Islam and its principles. The intention of this requirement is to ensure that the student is not only good in academics but also has a good attitude and good character.
This program supported several United Nations (UN) global goals such as the effort to reduce poverty, achieve zero hunger, improve education quality, support decent work and economic growth, reduce inequality, create sustainable cities and communities, and also hand in hand creating partnerships to achieve the goals.
The program is funded by BMI employees and BMI as a corporation through the "zakat" fund. According to the Islamic / shariah principle all employees' income and company’s revenue need to be deducted at least 2.5% and distributed to the parties who have the right to receive those funds (the poor, the disabled etc) as defined in shariah principle.
“This program will be continued in the long term and soon we will expand our target to non-banking people by training and giving the opportunity for them to open payment points and become our payment agent. In this extended program, we will educate them on how to open a payment point, train them on our related products and provide them the equipment required to support their activities as a payment agent. Through this program we expect them to have a regular income for their own benefit and support BMI's business as well,” explained Fitri Anggriani, BMI CSR Officer.
This program has been implemented in several schools especially in the Islamic boarding schools, academies, and universities across Indonesia such as in Jakarta, Medan, Padang, Mataram, Lampung, Nunukan, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Sukabumi and almost in all cities where BMI have their branches. As of April 2017, this program has reached more than thousand students with a total of about 5 billion IDR funds distributed, or about 373,000 USD.
On 24 Feb 2017, BMI was rewarded the First Rank Winner with Platinum award from the Indonesian Corporate Social Responsibility Award (ICSRA) which is given by Economic Review Magazine and awarded by Business Review Indonesia on April 2017. These awards bring a positive impact to BMI’s image and are expected to boost BMI growth as well.
Through this program, BMI has shown their commitment in improving the social well-being, economy and education of Indonesian people. BMI expects that more people in Indonesia will have better and higher education so that they can play an important role and give their contribution to the country. The success of the program is because it is supported by the company’s top management, employees, and stake holders.
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Fitri Anggraini, CSR Officer