Orbit Future Academy

Sekolah 4.0: Transforming the Schools in The Era of Revolution 4.0 - Orbit Future Academy


Leni Herlina

Leni Herlina


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Orbit Future Academy (OFA) has various innovative projects in transforming the schools in order to be able to adapt with the industry 4.0. Having the official partnership with major technology companies such as Microsoft, Intel, and AWS, OFA delivers a program named “Sekolah 4.0”. The purpose is enhancing the teachers’ and students’ digital and entrepreneurship skills around the nation. In order to be able to deliver the program to more schools, OFA is collaborating with Indonesian companies that focus on education sector.


Sekolah 4.0 is Orbit Future Academy (OFA)’s flagship program that focuses on transforming the schools in order to enhance both teachers’ and students’ digital as well as entrepreneurship skills in adapting to industry 4.0.

OFA comes up with an innovation of how to help the schools adapt to this fast-changing situation and how to deliver it virtually across Indonesia. Being the official partner of major technology companies such as Intel, Microsoft, and AWS, OFA delivers this Sekolah 4.0 program. Adapting the curriculum from those 3 big tech companies, OFA has tried to implement it in the schools. The program is recommended for high schools. As Sekolah 4.0 program is for both teachers and students, the followings are the details:

• Teachers

1. 21st Century Learning

2. Teachers’ Development Program

• Students

1. Artificial Intelligence

2. Cloud Computing

3. Entrepreneurship Program

During the learning process, the participants (teachers & students) are given the final assessment to measure their understanding of the materials. In addition, the assessment is not just a theory. They are asked to create a prototype app, proposal, engaging lesson plan, etc.

In collaboration with various companies from different sectors that focus on education, this program has been implemented in almost a hundred schools in Indonesia. The companies are trying to digitalize not only schools in the urban area but also in the rural area. The points are how technology is brought to everyone & everywhere, inclusive for them, suitable for those who are not coming from IT major, and able to be accessed virtually.

Sekolah 4.0: Transforming the Schools in The Era of Revolution 4.0 - Orbit Future Academy

One of learning sessions


Orbit Future Academy (OFA) is a skills development company for future work and the improvement of school teaching skills with world-class quality standards. OFA work together with other companies to take part of the national movement to build the highest quality human resources needed by the industry in the future, both as creators and job seekers. OFA is a legacy of the thoughts and movements initiated by the late. Mrs. Ainun Habibie with the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia, the late. Mr. B.J. Habibie in an effort to encourage the development of industrial technology knowledge and expertise in Indonesia.

Orbit Future Academy is also developing a Smart Classroom Network and Platform for Future Skills (digital education platform) for future skills with specializations in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industry 4.0, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Makers, & Entrepreneurship which consists of various programs that can be developed according to their respective needs and purposes, both in the industrial and corporate fields as well as in the field of education.

The covid-19 pandemic had changed the style of the teaching-learning process from face-to-face to online meetings. The schools were suddenly required to conduct everything online. However, it was a big problem at first. Many of the schools in urban especially rural areas were not familiar with doing it virtually. This program was inspired by this situation.

Overall impact

Sekolah 4.0 program provides long-term sustainability benefits for educators that can be implemented during their teaching-learning process as a teacher. Introducing the 21st Century Learning method as a teacher reference for teaching. A form of collaboration between teachers and students in a two-way learning process in the classroom. Creating teaching and learning methods by prioritizing the improvement of students' hard skills and soft skills.

Through this program, students are equipped with technology skills that will be useful when looking for work or creating jobs (start-ups) in the field of technology. The final Artificial Intelligence project will be included in the Habibie Tech Festival, an annual Orbit competition in the field of technology. Participants have the opportunity to be registered in Orbit's job portal where digital talent seekers can access the portal

All final projects will refer to the 17 points of Sustainable Development Goals.

Business benefit

Orbit Future Academy was founded in 2016. The purpose is to improve the quality of life through innovation, education, and skills training. Orbit is the legacy of the late Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie and the late Dr. Ing. B.J Habibie – 3rd president of Republic Indonesia. He was a figure who drove the development of the world of education in Indonesia. Orbit has been providing future skills training to tens of thousands of Indonesians through various programs such as Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship for Youth, Incubator Readiness, Orbit Arjuna, and others.

Starting from the annual “Habibie Technology Festival” event in 2016, Orbit has transformed into a rapidly growing education company. Together with the ministry of education, culture research, and technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Orbit delivered the “Artificial Intelligence” program to thousands of students in Indonesia. Year by year, the company is started to grow bigger and bigger by delivering a program calls “Kampus Merdeka”, a program where undergraduate students have the opportunity to study outside the class and get the freedom to choose where they want to join the program and it is embedded to their semester credit. Starting from July 2021 up to now, this program has been delivered to 2400 undergraduate students for the Artificial Intelligence program.

September 2021 was the kick-off of the Sekolah 4.0 program. Up to now, this program has been delivered to almost 100 schools where it consists of thousands of students and teachers around Indonesia. Together with companies in Indonesia that are concerned with the education sector being the donor, they deliver this program. This program gets special attention because it provides what the market wants. It is customizable.

Orbit gets the opportunity to collaborate with the Ministry of education culture research and technology of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Manpower Education Institute of Teacher Training to deliver various programs for teachers and lecturers. The business is growing rapidly and promising to have more program to be delivered around Indonesia. The business grew 10X these days.

Social and environmental benefit

As Sekolah 4.0 program is implemented not only in urban but also in rural areas, it brings a social impact. How Orbit Future Academy and partnership companies try to digitalize Indonesia evenly and are accessible for anyone & anywhere by giving this program for free. The interesting part is that some companies that work with OFA have their fostered schools such as mining companies where they give this program to the schools around their sites. So, the surroundings get a direct impact by joining this program for free. The companies are not only thinking of their profit but also how to give a social impact on their surroundings.


Florence Hadeli, Program Director

Business information

Orbit Future Academy

Orbit Future Academy

Jakarta Selatan, Around Indonesia, ID
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Orbit Future Academy (OFA) has various innovative projects in transforming the schools in order to be able to adapt with the industry 4.0. Having the official partnership with major technology companies such as Microsoft, Intel, and AWS, OFA delivers a program named “Sekolah 4.0”. The purpose is enhancing the teachers’ and students’ digital and entrepreneurship skills around the nation. In order to be able to deliver the program to more schools, OFA is collaborating with Indonesian companies that focus on education sector.