
Seeding Futures: Reforestation Through Innovative Technology

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Thimo Elissen

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Elias Bocksch

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Thijs Cortenraede

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Maastricht University

Maastricht University


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Jolien Huybrechts

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Working with people and groups from all over the world, GoForest helps them carry out major reforestation. The initiatives are aligned to Sustainable Development Goals 13 and 15 on Climate Action and Life on Land respectively, which involve tree planting and nurturing to mitigate climate change, regenerate ecosystems and advance biodiversity. GoForest differentiates itself with its focus on long-term tree survival as well as providing transparency using digital tools including an impact dashboard that they use to monitor their environmental impacts.


Antoine and Sarah launched GoForest, an innovative reforestation enterprise that aims to combat climate change and enhance biodiversity by planting and caring for trees all over the world. The company was established by Sarah when she changed her focus from sales to environmental impact. She was motivated to act because of a preference for transparency and sustainable ecological solutions. In Argentina, Belgium, Congo, Madagascar, Peru, and Tanzania, GoForest works with individuals, businesses, and local communities in order to ensure that reforestation programs are sustainable and beneficial to the local economy. GoForest targets the areas where ecological recovery is most needed.

Their innovative idea lies in implementing advanced technologies such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and satellite images to monitor and validate that newly planted trees are growing well. Through an open reporting system that uses real-time updates from an impact dashboard built specifically for users, they can track the progress of their donations. The strategy does not only make sure the trees have a high survival rate but also sets up a standard for accountability in environmental projects.

Not only does GoForest restore habitats, but it also creates employment opportunities and teaches communities on sustainable practices through community involvement and long-term sustainability. Their global reforestation initiatives under this all-inclusive plan will thus aid positively the ecosystem and biodiversity as well as effectively contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals specifically SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land).

Seeding Futures: Reforestation Through Innovative Technology


The inspiration behind GoForest’s innovation comes from both its founders and its current leadership. Sarah, the founder of GoForest, had a successful career as a salesperson. However, she felt unsatisfied with selling products that did not necessarily benefit individuals or the environment. This led her to a crucial realization. As Charlotte recounted in the interview, Sarah thought, "What if I used this talent to bring back nature and support nature?" She envisioned a company that not only planted trees but also ensured their long-term survival and provided complete transparency regarding their growth and impact. This vision subsequently became the foundation of GoForest.

Antoine, who is the co-founder, brought a technical perspective to the table. His expertise in ecological restoration was crucial in identifying the most impactful projects and guaranteeing their success. "Antoine's deep understanding of ecological needs and project quality has been instrumental in our success," Charlotte said. Together, they aimed to create a business that combined technological innovation with ecological restoration in order to have a real and measurable impact on the environment.

Charlotte joined GoForest as Co-CEO in 2023 and was inspired by the company’s commitment to transparency and long-term environmental impact. With a background in economic engineering and extensive experience in corporate management, she perceived an opportunity to make a significant impact. "I wanted to move away from the corporate world and do something that truly benefits the planet," Charlotte explained. Her decision to join GoForest was motivated by a strong desire to contribute to a company that was making tangible, positive changes in the world.

Overall impact

GoForest's innovative approach to reforestation has had significant short-term and long-term impacts. In the short term, the company has successfully planted thousands of trees in various nations, including Belgium, Argentina, Madagascar, Armenia, Congo and Peru. These efforts have provided immediate environmental benefits, such as the restoration of degraded lands and the creation of new habitats for wildlife. Furthermore, their impact dashboard has helped build trust with their clients, who can see the tangible results of their contributions in real-time.

GoForests impact is even greater in the long term. By monitoring and taking care of the trees for 20 years using advanced technologies like AI, satellite imagery, and blockchain, GoForest ensures that 80% of the trees will survive for at least 20 years. This long-term survival is crucial for combating climate change and improving biodiversity. As Charlotte mentioned, "We monitor our projects for decades, ensuring that our reforestation efforts lead to substantial and lasting environmental benefits." This commitment to long-term monitoring and transparency sets a new benchmark in the industry and inspires other companies to adopt similar practices.

GoForest's impact is evident through their rigorous reporting and monitoring systems. Their collaborations with companies like GenVision, which employs artificial intelligence and satellite imagery to monitor tree growth and carbon capture, provide tangible proof of their projects' accomplishments. For example, GoForest planted 10,500 trees in Belgium to compensate for a company's emissions, and regular updates showed healthy tree growth and increased biodiversity in the area. These documented accomplishments highlight the efficacy of GoForest's innovative approach and its significant contribution to achieving SDGs 13 (Climate Action) and 15 (Life and Land).

Business benefit

GoForest’s innovative way of planting trees using technologies to ensure that sustainable promises are kept and transparency is provided is the main selling point for customers. GoForest was created by Sarah, a previous sales representative who decided to positively impact the environment using her sales skills in combination with advanced technologies to optimally serve her customers by making a positive impact at the same time. These used technologies are characterized by state-of-the-art features like AI, satellite imagery, and blockchain for transparency and future-oriented customer partnership. This invention arose from Sarah’s desire to put her sales skills to profitable use, thus resulting in an exceptional model for GoForest. Trust and long-term relationships are nurtured by providing customers with an elaborate impact dashboard that gives them regular updates regarding their projects, leading to trust building.

The policy of openness and long-term commitment has facilitated the creation of these opportunities. Therefore, companies are more willing to assist the projects run by GoForest since they know how their inputs are being tracked and controlled. In addition to business opportunities within transparent business conduct, GoForest's strong vision leads to good employee retention, which is a crucial part of business success since every successful company requires motivated employees.

Social and environmental benefit

GoForest’s societal and environmental benefits stem from its innovative tree planting and reforestation method. Through the use of highly developed technology such as AI, satellite imagery and blockchain, GoForest guarantees higher survival rates for trees. Enabled by this transparency through technology, 80% of trees will survive for at least 20 years which is crucial for long-term environmental advantages. Moreover, this promise is supported further by the company’s dedication to replanting trees that have died within one year only. This approach revitalizes forests and captures carbon dioxide, hence combating climate change that is directly linked to a number of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The society also gains a lot from the operations of GoForest. GoForest makes jobs available not only within its own organization in Belgium but also within the communities in which trees are planted. For instance, local communities taking part in reforestation get a chance to have permanent employment which is important for improving their standards of living as well as boosting rural economic growth. Trust is built through long-term monitoring and transparency by GoForest, thus educating people on the significance of sustainable practices. It is their goal to involve companies and individuals in their projects that help to foster shared responsibility and environmental consciousness.

GoForest promotes global environmental justice by making sure that funds from Western firms are also directed toward reforestation in developing countries. Avoiding deforestation impacts conserves biodiversity and revives natural habitats. The company’s activities lead to a bridge between corporate responsibility and specific, open, and traceable environmental actions; this is an example for other companies on how they can affect society and the environment positively.


Charlotte Van Lent, Co-Chief Ecological Officer

Business information



Brussels, BE
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

GoForest is a forward-thinking reforestation company that uses sustainable tree planting programs to improve biodiversity and fight climate change. The company is based in Belgium and works with local communities, companies, and individuals in different countries such as Argentina, Madagascar, and Tanzania to carry out reforestation projects that are beneficial to the environment. GoForest uses cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and satellite imagery to monitor the health and longevity of its planted forests in an effort to make a long-lasting environmental impact. Beyond just planting, they also support transparency and engagement with all stakeholders involved in their projects.