




Ana Garcia Jaidar

Ana Garcia Jaidar


Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Externado de Colombia


Gustavo A Yepes López

Gustavo A Yepes López

Global Goals

5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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Interno is a social reintegration project that seeks to empower women in the San Diego prison by training them in different areas such as cooking, customer service, productive garden, finance and business creation, among others; and thus give them the necessary tools to re-enter society in a dignified manner (El Nuevo Herald, 2017 Octubre "El Interno: un restaurante ‘gourmet’ que redime a las reclusas en Colombia")


Internal, the first restaurant in the world in a women's prison opened its doors to the public on December 15, 2016 so that the penitentiaries could offer diners a tasting of freedom. Through this social enterprise the inmates had the opportunity to train in cooking, customer service, productive garden, finance and creation of companies to offer services in the Internal Restaurant. A unique initiative in the world that contributes to global goals, gender equality, sustainable cities and communities, decent work and developing economy, responsible consumption and production through its reintegration model. (El Universal, 2016, Diciembre "El Interno de San Diego abrió sus puertas")



Interno Restaurant was born looking for the improvement of the quality of life of the prison population and pospenada of Colombia. By means of art, training, productivity and empowerment for work, has achieved with facts, strengthen the concept that the prisons should stop being just places of detention, to become centers of excellence and development of skills individual and collective. (BBC News, 2017 Febrero, "INTERNO, el restaurante dentro de la cárcel de mujeres de Cartagena abierto al público que está de moda en Colombia")

Overall impact

This initiative has impacted the prison population by being able to change the image of inmates, to teach them skills that will help them build a dignified life after confinement in a prison. It is to create from the Prison a true Second Chance, to start over and to build a path for each one. (El Tiempo, 2016 Diciembre, "Interno, el restaurante que funciona en una cárcel")

Business benefit

Interno Restaurant benefits from being the first restaurant in the world open to the public from a Women's Prison, promoting the improvement of the Tourist Zone of Cartagena where it is located and above all extolling that the Restaurant is attended and managed from within by the Prisoners, where the food is grown. Inmates are trained in kitchen, customer service, organic garden, adaptation of spaces and bakery, which ensures the sustainability of the business over time. (BBC News, 2017 Febrero, "INTERNO, el restaurante dentro de la cárcel de mujeres de Cartagena abierto al público que está de moda en Colombia")

Social and environmental benefit

It benefits the Company to the extent that it guarantees that the Prison is a place of Resocialization, opening the doors of a Prison to provide a restaurant service of the best quality and achieving a second opportunity for the inmates to reintegrate into society.(BBC News, 2017 Febrero, "INTERNO, el restaurante dentro de la cárcel de mujeres de Cartagena abierto al público que está de moda en Colombia")



Business information



Bolivar, CO
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Interno Restaurant is a social enterprise that seeks to improve the quality of life of the inmates of the San Diego women's prison in Cartagena. Through an innovative model of social reintegration, the Internal Action Foundation generated spaces for reconciliation between the prison population and the civilian population. (El Espectador, 2017, Enero "Interno, el restaurante de las reclusas de San Diego")