GreenCup Nordic

Saving the World One Cup at a Time

Unknown 1


Wilma Andréasen

Wilma Andréasen

Bessy Sederlöf

Bessy Sederlöf

Kajsa Olson

Kajsa Olson

Sofia Pyykkö

Sofia Pyykkö


Hanken School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics


Martin Fougere

Martin Fougere

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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This solution was a response to the 2021 EU Single-Use Plastics Directive that is an act against plastic pollution. It helps solve the sustainability development goals for responsible consumption and production (nr.12), by replacing single used products with an option with a longer lifespan.


Greencup started offering its service and products in the Nordics in November 2021 and was founded by Joar Löf and Nuutti Lintu. Greencup makes the process of using reusable cups easier in the following ways:

Firstly, they deliver the reusable cups to the location, meaning that the customer doesn’t have to worry about storing cups.

Secondly, many events do not otherwise have the capacity to be using reusable cups, but Greencup offers the service of washing the cups even on site. After the event, the rented cups are washed in the central washery where they use the most environmentally friendly machines on the market. The cups are made to last, but in case there is any damage after an event they are 100% recyclable.

This innovation helps reach the following targets of SDG goal number 12, responsible consumption, and production:

12.3 “achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.”

12.5 “substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.”

Saving the World One Cup at a Time

The washer of GreenCup


Greencup’s leaders saw an opportunity to help businesses in the future. Joar Löf explains that:

“Sweden is already banning the usage of single used plastic products starting next year in January, in a way that certain restaurants […] have to offer reusable products in addition to single used.”

The leaders of Greencup were expecting that the same legislation will also be implemented in Finland and the other Nordic countries in the near future. This inspired the leaders to be proactive and find an easy solution for businesses to start offering reusable products instead of single used products. As Löf points out: “the tougher the legislation the more convenient it is to reuse products”.

Overall impact

We have a need for a more circular economy in which the entire life cycle of the product is considered, and this business idea supports that. Joar Löf mentions that: “The cup can be recycled and used to produce new material since it’s clean plastic, it doesn’t contain anything which could not be reused”. The cups are made from sustainable material, polypropylene, and can be washed hundreds of times.

Polypropylene has the quality that “when it is recycled the new product retains all the same qualities as the old one” (Greencup, 2023). Greencup works closely with a recycling company that can repurpose old cups to, for instance, coat hangers or ice scrapers.

Greencup was founded only a few years ago and it has great potential to evolve and expand its business in the future. Joar Löf mentions that the company is looking to expand their offerings to other reusable products e.g. cutlery and plates.

Business benefit

This innovation, replacing single use cups with reusable ones by renting cups for events, is not only something that benefits the business, but is the core business idea. Because Joar Löf and Nuutti Lintu noticed this need in the market they managed to establish a profit-making business with a focus on CSR. Furthermore, the company’s important agenda makes the employees’ work meaningful.

They have a large portfolio of reusable cups that they can rent. This service helps event organizers reduce their carbon footprint. Luckily many organizations nowadays want to be more sustainable or feel outside pressure of being more sustainable, which makes this business and model work.

Social and environmental benefit

This innovation benefits society and the environment by reducing overconsumption and the creation of waste. Greencup makes it possible for other companies to be more sustainable by offering their products and services. As a consumer you notice the difference in the change only because there might be a refundable deposit for the cup or a Compulsory Levy Scheme, but otherwise your drink experience stays the same, or even better in case you are climate conscious.

For their customers the benefit is an easy transition to reusable cups. Storing, washing and delivery, all is handled by Greencup if needed.


Joar Löf, CEO and Co-founder

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Business information

GreenCup Nordic

GreenCup Nordic

Helsinki, Uusimaa, FI
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Greencup is a company that rents and sells reusable cups for various events where drinks are served. Their goal is to replace single used plastic products by reusable ones and thus reduce waste.