Helvar Oy Ab

Saving Energy and Improving Well-Being with AI


Linnea Henttunen

Linnea Henttunen


Hanken School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics


Martin Fougere

Martin Fougere

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

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Helvar is a Finnish lighting company focusing on intelligent energy-saving lighting controls and components. Helvar concentrates on selling lighting controls that fundamentally manage light intensity and color temperature. Beyond visual aesthetics, they significantly influence energy efficiency, well-being, productivity, and cost savings for building adaptation.


The innovation of Helvar is ActiveAhead, an intelligent and scalable wireless lighting control solution. The energy efficiency of a client's office is significantly improved by ActiveAhead since it learns from patterns and adjusts lighting according to the usage of the space. ActiveAhead helps to create smart environments built for the future by using information and working seamlessly with other systems. Through optimization and AI, the innovation manages to save energy for the client.

The achievement of Helvar's innovation in doubling energy efficiency improvement directly contributes to sustainable development Goal 7, specifically targeting SDG 7.3, implying “Doubling the improvement rate in energy efficiency”.

Employee well-being is improved with the innovation, which is a huge factor and can lead to fewer sick days and save the company resources. Human-centric lighting impacts how people feel, and productivity has increased because of the innovation. Innovative lighting systems can mimic our internal circadian rhythms and thus increase our productivity. The innovation thus supports social sustainability through SDG target 3 “Good health and well-being” by reducing the sick days of the employees.

Saving Energy and Improving Well-Being with AI


The idea that inspired the creators of ActiveAhead was the desire to reducebuildidng emissions and create comfortable and enhanced spaces around the world with technology that can be easily installed and utilized. ActiveAhead is a story of continuous innovation. Back in 2013 Helvar had systems that were using smart algorithms to determine how and when to turn the lights on and adjust the lighting based on how people use the space. A pivotal moment in the story of this innovation was in 2015 when Max Bergstrom, Helvar’s technology director at the time, proposed that they should adopt a Bluetooth mesh communication standard. At that point, Helvar figured it would be quite an impactful and effective way for the luminaries to communicate with one another. Over the course of many years these algorithms were tested and used with customer feedback, and in 2020 Helvar launched the second generation of the lighting solution, ActiveAhead.

“We're proud to say that ActiveAhead is the first AI-based lighting controls solution in the world, so we are pioneers in that sense.” - Maxim Goreansky, Digital Marketing Specialist at Helvar

Maxim continues, saying, “We nowadays preach that lighting control does not have to be difficult. That was the motivation.”

Overall impact

ActiveAhead reduces energy consumption significantly. Only around 50% of workstations are actively used in offices. ActiveAhead learns from daily routines and adjusts the lighting accordingly. For example, smart lighting controls can optimize the lighting. The space where the light operates does not need to be illuminated fully if there are only movements or people in 30% of the area. With Helvar’s innovation, up to 85 % of lighting energy consumption can be saved by switching from a schedule-based fluorescent system to intelligent LED lighting. Since Helvar’s innovative lighting solution is wireless, it is easy to install and does not require renovation. Therefore, resources are saved and emissions are avoided.

As a result, much more energy is saved with ActiveAhead compared to common lighting. Which reduces both short-term and long-term carbon footprints. Furthermore, the well-being of the people who operate in the space is increased which impacts social sustainability.

Business benefit

Adopting ActiveAhead reduces energy consumption and electricity costs. Helvar is based in Finland, Sweden, and the UK, but the company works with partners all over the world. The future of the lighting industry is in wireless communication technology, and it is a massive business opportunity.

Employee well-being is improved with the innovation, which is a huge factor and can lead to fewer sick days and save the company resources.

Furthermore, the innovation makes Helvar a leader in the market of AI-driven lighting solutions. This will in the long run increase revenue if the marketplace is held.

As ActiveAhead is the very first AI-driven intelligent lighting control solution, it puts Helvar on the global map of innovations in the industry.

Social and environmental benefit

The company evaluates its carbon 'handprint', which measures the positive impact of a product on the environment, while a carbon footprint measures the negative impact (absolute greenhouse gas emissions) of a product on the environment. A luminaire’s carbon handprint in the use stage is five times greater than its footprint from the manufacturing stage (Helvar, 2022). Therefore, Helvar’s carbon footprint is significantly smaller than its handprint.

Additionally, Helvar's innovation has a profound positive impact on society from a human perspective. Its human-centric lighting positively affects human health by enhancing mood, productivity, and overall well-being. It promotes better sleep patterns and contributes to improved mental health. Furthermore, its capacity to create visually comfortable environments fosters a sense of safety and motivates social interactions, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and healthier community.

As consumption is reduced from energy savings the innovation also benefits the environment. The reduced consumption also reduces the use of natural resources. Furthermore, the innovation is recyclable which promotes circular economy and is beneficial for both the society and the environment


Maxim Goreansky, Marketing specialist

Lotta Marjamäki, Sustainability engineer

Business information

Helvar Oy Ab

Helvar Oy Ab

Helsinki, Uusimaa, FI
Business Website: https://helvar.com
Year Founded: 1921
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Helvar creates intelligent and energy-saving lighting solutions. Intelligent lighting is essential to the well-being of employees, customers, visitors, and patients. Helvar solutions help create smart environments built for the future, using information, and working seamlessly with other systems.