Satat Eco

Satat Eco


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Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Satat Eco offers a range of earth friendly alternatives to harmful plastics products available.

The activities of the company are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #12 (Responsible consumption and production) as it believes in offering a range of mindful products which can make a difference in the society.


Satat Eco is a company that aims to replace plastic based products and introduce earth friendly alternatives. It offers products under various categories like bath essentials, oral care, self care, travel essentials, stationery, home & office, zero waste kits and gift boxes.

The founder of Satat Eco is a first generation entrepreneur who believes in bringing about positive changes by replacing everyday plastic products and implementing Sustainable Development Goals.

The company aligns with the 12th Sustainable Development Goal (Responsible Consumption and Production). The concept of swapping plastic products with earth friendly alternatives has been talked about so often but the huge dependence on plastic has made the journey much more cumbersome then it was supposed to.

A society free of harmful plastic is better for the environment as plastic takes a very long time to decompose. The water bodies of our world have been impacted by plastic waste which have negatively affected the ecosystem, thus impacting the balance in the biosphere.

By eviscerating plastic from our life’s , we would be practicing mindful swapping of eco-friendly substitutes, which then in the long run would improve the well-being of the planet. The rise in volume of waste generated by plastic and the millions of dollars spent on collecting and disposing it can be eliminated and a sustainable industry can be established.

Satat Eco


The inspiration behind starting a venture like Satat Eco was to eliminate the use of plastic in our day-to-day lives. Plastic production requires a huge amount of both human and non-human resources and is also the leading cause of carbon emissions contributing to global warming. The production of plastic has increased drastically from 1950 to 2012 from 1.7 million tons to nearly 300 million tons per year. Recycling plastic is a cumbersome process and as discussed, it takes lot of time to compose. Only 9% of total plastic gets recycled. Hence, it is crucial to reduce the use of plastic.

With the COVID pandemic and various other disasters faced by the world in 2020, climate change seemed as real as it could get.

Quoting the entrepreneur herself, “The epiphany, that we were all doing something wrong and a grave shift was needed hit. But a large-scale operation was not possible at that moment, so we started on an individual level by swapping everyday-use plastic products for more earth-friendly alternatives. Instead of going for something big, we collectively made small changes in the right direction to contribute to the environment. We believed that little changes go a long way in creating a bigger impact and we focus on products that can be reused to reduce the impact of single-use plastics on the environment.”

Satat Eco aims at bringing quality products to consumers at an affordable price range to make the swap easily adaptive.

The vision stands to indulge more and more individuals to make a switch to a conscious and sustainable lifestyle in an effortless manner.

Overall impact

Humans have thought plastic as an ally, a cheap substitute, a reliable material but the impact that plastic has had on our ecosystem is unimaginable, the damage so humongous that people have been left bewildered.

Facts and figures on plastics will leave you subdued, we intake between 0.1 to 0.5 grams plastic every week, we use 500 plastic cups every year and the list goes on.

The idea of replacing plastic has short term and long-term effects. The short term effect would be that the alternative to plastic would be expensive, the plastic oriented industries would become more aggressive and bring the prices down, which would make the alternatives harder to sustain in the multi-billion dollar plastic industry.

The long-term effects would be a society free of plastic, good news for rivers, oceans and all the bodies of water. These mighty mineral rich resources, would reinvent themselves and flourish in the way that they are supposed to. There would be lot of industries that would replace plastic, bringing a lot of new employment, investments and all together a better society.

From the beach cleaning practices to the ban of plastic products used for eating shows the shift in mindset of people. Government giving incentives to the eco-friendly alternatives shows the commitment of countries towards plastic and its substitutes.

Business benefit

Satat Eco was bootstrapped in March 2021 with an initial INR of 2,00,000. After reinvestment of profits, the company stands at a little over break even. Satat Eco is a a registered business based in Haryana, India.

The founder works around most processes from product selection, vendor tracing and procurement along with social media, logistics and customer service. The business has another helper for packing and dispatching orders.

Satat is mostly selling through social media channels like Instagram (satat_eco) and through their e-commerce website (

Experimenting with social media marketing strategies has gained a follower base of 1800+ and a recurring customer base of 200+ span over India.

There are different products targeting people from different age groups to help them make sustainable choices.

For children, Satat Eco has introduced eco-friendly stationery items. For adults there are different personal care options available to eliminate the use plastic packed products.

It has also curated a variety of gifting options to make gifting more earth friendly since a lot of waste is generated due to gifting during the holiday season.

Hundreds of plastic toothbrushes has been saved from ending up in the landfill by replacing it with their bestseller, the bamboo toothbrush.

Social and environmental benefit

The entrepreneur founded Satat Eco in the year 2020 when the world got hit by a lot of disasters around the globe at the same time.

By encouraging innovation, a lot can be achieved by implementing ambitious policy goals practically. This enables organizations to find ways to achieve organizational as well as environmental goals efficiently and effectively by creating winners in new markets and business opportunities.

The innovation environment can consist of degrees of collaboration and networking, group and individual interaction levels, leadership presence and commitment to innovation.

Satat Eco wants the society to work as a whole and irrespective of the volume of impact that can be created. Minor changes in the right direction to protect the environment can do greater good.

The toxins released from plastics can cause cancer, auto-immune diseases, increased risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and many other illnesses.


Vidushi Ahuja, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Satat Eco

Satat Eco

Faridabad, Delhi, IN
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Satat Eco offers a range of quality alternatives to everyday use plastic products at an affordable price range. Their earth friendly products aim to contribute to the overall wellbeing of the planet by reducing the consumption of non-biodegradable plastic in daily lives.