Volvo Group

Safety and Convenience with the Environment in Mind


Wan Ching Chin

Wan Ching Chin

Raneem Jisri

Raneem Jisri



Jingming Zhang

Jingming Zhang


Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping International Business School


Guenola Nonet

Guenola Nonet

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action

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XC40 is the latest car model and also the innovation that helps to improve our world. It brings sales and profit to Volvo group, brings convenience to the society, and brings some benefits to the environment.


Much of the textile interior found in the XC40 comes from plastic, nets and other debris thrown into the ocean. A unique innovation with XC40 is also that, via its Volvo on call app, you can share your car with friends without having to meet and hand out the key. It brings convenience to our daily life which is a big social benefit for all people in the planet.

In environmental aspect, the new innovation XC40 reduces greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide emission and the noise level. It gives less pressure to our environment. XC40 can contribute to the "Climate actions" UN goals, because less harmful pollutants are released by the car. It contributes to "Sustainable city and communities" as well. Volvo aims to provide a sustainable and affordable transports for we all.

''Good health and well-being'' is also a goal so Volvo considers decreasing the number of injuries and deaths that caused by the road traffic accidents. It's one of the main targets that Volvo is working on by 2020. They focus mostly on safety by developing their products and add more safety features in their vehicles and machines.

Safety and Convenience with the Environment in Mind


The XC40 is the latest launch among Volvo’s models. It is the first Volvo SUV (sport utility vehicle) that is built on the new smaller platform called CMA (Compact Modular Architecture). Design, security and innovation are the main features describing the XC40.

'' It’s not just the car, it’s a life style. '' It aims to provide the most convenience way to people to transport.

Overall impact

The innovation XC40 has definitely bring economic benefits to the company itself and to the whole society. Volvo’s products are used by people, built by people and Volvo provides good services and products to people. Volvo always provides car model with high safety and security. With the high guarantee of the car model, people build trust on Volvo and its products, thus it bringa Volvo great sales and profit, which means more economic benefits and investment are coming in long term. This further lets the business to grow and expand worldwide.

In long term, Volvo Group can achieve sustainable development goals such as “good health and well-being”, “industry, innovation and infrastructure”, “sustainable cities and communities” and “climate action”. XC40 has been designed with high safety, which aims to bring zero injury or death to people. This new innovation does not only result in well-being, it also helps to improve the environment by reducing harmful pollutants and fuel consumption. This further contributes to climate action by slowing down the speed of global warming.

Business benefit

Volvo group has experienced a growth of its profitability since year 2012 and has succeed to reach all its financial targets compared to the other competitors in the market.

Business benefits or economic benefits that can be brought from the Volvo's group are the growth in the net sales and the profits during the last few years (short term benefits). The long-term benefits that brought from the company are the increasing in the amount of investments and shareholders.

Social and environmental benefit

Volvo’s business idea is to manufacture cars for people who want a clean, reasonably advanced functional design. That is why they design the car for people who care about the family and environment, people who like yoga as well as football and, in other words, are not so self-employed. No one should die or seriously injured in a Volvo model after 2020.

Additionally, according to the sustainability report of Volvo Group in 2011(Volvo 2011), the most available contribution of Volvo Group is exploring the new ways that can increase the efficiency and innovate vehicles that can use renewable fuel.

Besides this, the Volvo Group’s Environmental Policy also made four strategies which are holistic approach, continual improvement, technological development and efficient resource utilization.


Torbjorn Rasberg, Joanna Wannerstam, Sales manager, Market coordinater

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Business information

Volvo Group

Volvo Group

Gothenburg, SE
Year Founded: 1927
Number of Employees: 10000+

Volvo was founded in 1927 in Goteburg of Sweden which is one of the most famous luxury car brands in the world. Today, Volvo company has more than 950,000 employees and with production facilities in 18 countries, 190 markets, three hundred thousand sales volume in the world.