PT Holland for Water

Safe Drinking Water for Everyone, Everywhere

2E25 8Df5


denny Ardhia

denny Ardhia


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Safe drinking water for everyone, everywhere

Nazava Water Filters sells cheap and affordable water filters to the poor and urban people. The customer can use any source of water (tap water, rainwater, river water etc). After the water has been filtered, the water has no bacteria and it is safe to drink. The filtering process does not need any energy or electricity. It is mobile and handy, so it is easy to bring everywhere.


The core product of Nazava is the Tulip water filter. Using this filter, households can filter their own tap, well river or rainwater. The Tulip filter is used in 11 different water filter housings. The replacement filter only costs $8,- US (Retail). The costs of the water filter housings vary from $10 US to 45 USD (including the filter). All products come with an Indonesian user manual with clear and simple pictures, an indicator to replace the water filter and a one-year guarantee card. This product is providing the cheapest, mobile and very simple water filter equipment compare with other brand/equipment. Other advantages are there are no need for electricity or boiling the water before drinking. There is no bacteria in the water after it is filtered. The products are sold to urban and poor people as the company primary market segment target. The company wants people in cities and other areas to have affordable safe-drinking water. Since 2009, Nazava Water Filters has provided more than 160,000 people with access to safe drinking water through 60 resellers in over 53 cities in Indonesia.

Safe Drinking Water for Everyone, Everywhere


Nazava Water Filters lives their mission by ensuring people at every level, especially those at the bottom of the pyramid, can afford safe drinking water. The company is happy to sell filters at a low price with a small profit, rather than generating a larger profit from the higher paying customers, in order to serve as many people as possible. Once the water has passed through the Nazava Water Filters, the water has no bacteria in it at all. It had been tested by many of laboratory and researcher. It is really safe-drinking water and you do not need to boil the water before drinking. This product can create another advantages. The water from the filter does not need electricity, and chemical to make the water drinkable. It means that people who utilized the product do not need spend money on electricity cost and no need fuel/wood to boil. This is reducing the consumption of nature resources especially reducing on consumption of energy, fuel and also, it is not harm to environment since there is no chemical usage. This product is environmental friendly and reducing our carbon footprint.

Overall impact

The product gave the company profit and during the marketing process of the product, company gave awareness to people on how to get the safe-drinking water from any type of water. The filter can make safe-drinking water from rainwater, river and any source. People can have safe-drinking water everywhere. The products filter the water and the end product has no bacteria that can harm people. People do not have to worry about the bacteria, as long as the water has been filtered. It already tested by various laboratory and researchers. The water is safe-drinking water and it prevent people from any diseases such as diarrhea, cholera etc. These products sell to the poor and urban people that they are in the bottom of pyramid. There are 160.000 people of the bottom of the pyramid in Indonesia using it. And it is very affordable and easy for them to have safe-drinking water. They’re a lot of advantages for the urban and poor people especially they are in healthy and well-being. During filtering the water, the products do not need electricity and do not need to boil the water first. Just fill in the upper container, wait it for a while and the end product is safe to drink. People do not need to electrify, it means the products is fit for people who do not have electricity source. Hence, it will reduce the energy consumption. Since the end product has no bacteria, People do not need to boil the water first; it means that natural resources consumption (fuel/wood) will be reduced. The people who use this product can save the money and reduce the natural resources consumption at once.

Business benefit

This product is profitable because it had positive EBITDA since 2013. The reason of it are the price is affordable, easy to find the water source and mobile, also, save the money and natural resources.

Social and environmental benefit

It increases the health and well-being level of urban and poor people. Since the end product has no bacteria. It makes people easy to have safe drinking water everywhere. It also reduces the natural resources consumption and households cost especially on electricity utilization, fuel and wood for stove.


Guido Van Hofwegen, Safe Drinking Water for Everyone, Everywhere

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Business information

PT Holland for Water

PT Holland for Water

Cimahi, West Java, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2009
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
PT Holland For Water is a company based in Bandung, Indonesia. the company start at the end of 2009 it sell the best affordable and safest household water filters in Indonesia under the BRAND NAME Nazava Water Filters. The company enable lower income households to filter their well or tap water without the need to boil or using electricity, hence reducing human diseases, household costs and green house gas emissions.