Habi Home

Reviving Tradition, Redefining Sustainability

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Michelle Santos

Michelle Santos

Rica Francine Liquete

Rica Francine Liquete

Levin Salac

Levin Salac

Keindyll Maxine Bongado

Keindyll Maxine Bongado

Enrique Miguel Reyes

Enrique Miguel Reyes


De La Salle University

De La Salle University


Pia Manalastas

Pia Manalastas

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 15. Life on Land 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Nestled in the heart of Makati, Philippines, is a homegrown brand, Habi Home, that sets out to redefine sustainability in home furnishings, driven by a passion for traditional craftsmanship and natural materials that deeply align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through ethical labor practices supporting SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth and championing organic materials aligning with SDG 12 on responsible consumption, Habi Home demonstrates how eco-conscious business operations and viability can intertwine.

The company's commitment to using sustainable raw materials that do not damage ecosystems or deplete natural resources, aligning with SDG 15 on protecting life on land, provides a blueprint for purpose-led brands aiming to make a real impact. By integrating social and environmental considerations into its business core, Habi Home illuminates how principles and profitability can seamlessly co-exist to transform entrepreneurship.


"I hope the world returns to using natural materials in our homes. Habi Home's innovation lies in its commitment to sustainability and natural materials. At a time when most home goods contain synthetic, non-biodegradable, and toxic components, Habi Home stands out for its use of organic, eco-friendly, and non-toxic materials like rattan, bamboo, and natural fibers."

While these materials, especially in the Philippines, have been used for centuries, Habi Home is pioneering their application in modern home goods. By blending traditional handicrafts with contemporary design, Habi Home makes sustainability inclusive and accessible. The company caters to the growing demand for environmentally conscious products.

Habi Home Shop currently focuses on exporting goods internationally but plans to expand its market presence in the Philippines. By sharing its mission and products locally, Habi Home aims to inspire Filipino consumers to make greener choices that reduce waste and chemicals in their homes. The company strives to make natural materials mainstream again.

As our planet faces grave climate change and pollution threats, we urgently need solutions that harmonize with nature. Habi Home offers an example of innovation guided by ecological wisdom rather than blind consumerism. Their products reconnect us to time-tested materials that are gentle on the Earth.

We stand at a crossroads where business success and ecological stewardship need not be opposing forces. Habi Home illuminates a path where entrepreneurial vision elevates age-old craft and wisdom to create a sustainable future. When quality design translates ancestral skills into goods enhancing modern lifestyles, innovation safeguards vanishing cultural heritage. Most meaningfully, each purchase becomes an investment toward harmony between humankind and nature.

Reviving Tradition, Redefining Sustainability


Jennifer Lo, the founder of Habi Home, shared that her deep appreciation for traditional craftsmanship and sustainable materials inspired her to start this social enterprise. Having grown up immersed in her family's generations-old weaving traditions and their mastery over natural plant fibers, Jennifer developed a passionate connection to eco-friendly artisanal practices from a young age.

"My grandparents were exceptionally skilled at using age-old techniques to work with organic materials like bamboo, rattan, abaca, and water hyacinth. Watching them weave beautiful and sturdy baskets, mats, and furniture pieces ignited my passion for sustainability," Jennifer recalled.

Troubled by the home furnishing industry's widespread use of non-sustainable and synthetic materials, Jennifer was determined to revive natural, biodegradable fibers for household items. She started Habi Home to provide eco-conscious consumers with greener alternatives to mainstream decor and furniture while preserving her ancestral legacy of craftsmanship.

"I want to tackle synthetic furnishings' environmental and health impacts at their root. Our artisans ethically source renewable plant fibers to handcraft home goods that are kinder to people and the planet. We hope to spark a return to more mindful, traditional practices across the industry."

– Jennifer Lo, Founder of Habi Home

By integrating innovation with time-honored techniques, Habi Home allows consumers to appreciate modern design and cultural heritage through its sustainable products. Jennifer's inspirational journey shows how passion and purpose can drive positive change. As each artisan passes down generational wisdom, they empower more conscious choices, harmonizing humanity's imprint within Earth's delicate web of life.

Overall impact

"My commitment to sustainability at Habi Home is not just about business; it is a nod to my grandparents' legacy. To continue the legacy, I have taken on the responsibility to preserve the craft and the values of traditional craftsmanship and the use of natural materials. It is a family tradition I am proud to carry forward."

As time unfolded, the overarching vision underwent a transformative evolution. Beyond preserving the family's cherished legacy, Habi Home aspired to propel sustainability into the heart of households. The mission became a call to action, urging a return to non-toxic and biodegradable materials. The company became a staunch advocate for reducing the pervasive use of plastics and harmful chemicals within the confines of homes. This visionary stance consistently aligns with the broader global movement towards fostering more sustainable living practices.

Upon reflection on this journey, the unmistakable impact of Habi Home comes into sharp focus. Its endeavors have imprinted an indelible mark on the industry, molding the company's identity and influence with enduring significance.

One of its standout attributes lies in its steadfast support for local communities. The company actively engages in initiatives that uplift the communities, which sustains them in return – from sourcing materials locally to initiating community welfare projects. Habi Home Shop understands that its achievements passionately link to the thriving vitality of the localities it engages with.

Habi Home hopes for an equitably sustainable future by interweaving its success with regional prosperity. One where lovingly handcrafted goods echo tales of people and land thriving in harmony, moreover, where each purchase sustains treasured craft, people, and the planet.

Business benefit

Habi Home's commitment to sustainability shines brightly in a world dominated by excess. As consumers increasingly gravitate towards purpose-driven brands, this committed enterprise willingly goes the extra mile to attain its mission humanistically.

Guided by the Triple Bottom Line Framework, Habi Home passionately emphasizes people and the planet. In line with this commitment, the company's core values encourage individuals to embrace natural materials in their homes, fostering a lifestyle that contributes to a greener and more eco-friendly existence and aligns with the broader global movement towards sustainability.

"Our vision for the future of Habi Home is to be a global leader in sustainable living, providing innovative and eco-friendly solutions for homes. We aspire to continue pioneering advancements in environmentally conscious manufacturing, promoting ethical practices, and inspiring a widespread adoption of sustainable living. Through our commitment to transparency, local engagement, and minimalistic design, we envision a future where every customer choice contributes to a more sustainable and harmonious world.

As we grow, we aim to set the benchmark for sustainability in the home goods industry worldwide. By investing in research and development of natural materials, we will create groundbreaking green products never seen before. Our customer-centric approach means we will collaborate with clients to co-create solutions tailored to their ecological aspirations. Furthermore, our social outreach programs will empower more artisans and communities to join our stewardship mission.

With purpose as our guiding light, we strive to make Habi Home synonymous with a lifestyle that cherishes our shared planet. Our dream is a future where sustainability is not a lofty ideal but an everyday reality lived out through products enhancing homes worldwide."

Social and environmental benefit

Notwithstanding the external competitiveness of the industry, Habi Home maintained the vigor of its internal operations by upholding the highest ethical labor standards that have solidified the brand's reputation. The founder has been successfully championing equitable labor conditions, weaving vital components of personal dignity and work decency through fair salaries. Beyond the confines of its artisanal atelier, Habi Home likewise extends its reach, embodying the essence of community support via active participation in community development programs that nurture skills growth and forge sustainable livelihoods. The preservation of traditional crafts is likewise exhibited in the business operations of Habi Home, thereby holistically empowering stakeholders toward a renewed appreciation for the historical significance and a more rigid social impact embedded within every artisanal creation.

Moreover, a commitment to traditional artisanship lies at the heart of Habi Home's success. Unlike mass-produced alternatives, Habi Home's products are conscientiously crafted, ensuring quality and uniqueness. Using natural materials further distinguishes Habi Home in a market flooded with synthetic options. From sustainably sourced wood to organic fabrics, each material is chosen carefully considering its environmental impact. This emphasis on authenticity resonates with consumers seeking products that align with their values.

Habi Home's business model is underpinned by sustainability, positioning the company at the forefront of a growing market for eco-friendly products. As global awareness of environmental issues reaches new heights, consumers seek brands prioritizing sustainability. Habi Home's unwavering commitment to this cause gives it a distinct advantage, attracting environmentally conscious consumers who prioritize quality style in their homes.

In the contemporary landscape where consumer decisions' repercussions echo globally, companies like Habi Home are at the vanguard, illustrating the formidable impact businesses can have as agents of positive change. Beyond merely creating visually appealing home furnishings, Habi Home distinguishes itself through an unwavering commitment to enhancing social and environmental outcomes. In doing so, it pioneers responsible commerce and sets an inspiring precedent for the broader business community. This steadfast dedication reinforces the belief that businesses, far from being mere profit-driven entities, can and should actively contribute to a world that prioritizes sustainability and social responsibility.


Jennifer Lo, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Habi Home

Habi Home

Makati City, PH
Business Website: https://habihomeshop.com/
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
Habi Home Shop is an e-commerce retailer that offers thoughtfully curated, sustainable home decor, furniture, and accessories. Their goal is to make environmentally conscious home design accessible, enjoyable, and representative for all.