
Retrofitting for a Better Tomorrow


Kevin Wullur

Kevin Wullur


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Lighting retrofit and air compressors projects ensure an innovative approach (UN SDG9) through a sustainable production process (UN SDG12) that results in considerable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand as an attempt to combat climate change (UN SDG13).


Tenneco has two main innovations that aim to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030. The first innovation is the Lighting Retrofit project. This project consists of replacing the old HID technology with LED lights, which helps reduce energy consumption used for lighting. The Retrofit project links to SDG 13: Climate Action. Point 13.2 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals focuses on the implementation of climate change measures and policies in order to reduce energy demand. Tenneco has managed to implement the LED retrofitting in most of its facilities worldwide, which in turn causes a decrease in energy demand through the reduction in energy used for lighting. Less energy reduces the demand for fossil fuels and therefore results in an overall reduction in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus combating climate change. SDG12, ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, is implemented through the Retrofit project due to its underlying motivation to follow a production process that aligns with society’s most crucial battle, climate change.

Our second innovation is the addition of variable drive motors on air compressors. Within this innovation, they have managed to reduce the air compressors’ psi requirements from 110 to 90, by researching and implementing control systems to ensure the psi does not exceed 90 psi. Tenneco uses variable drive motors to allow the air compressor to idle at a lower rate than required when the air compressor is in use. The change in psi required as well as the implementation of variable drive motors help reduce the company’s overall energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. This links mainly to SDG 13, whilst also having strong connections with goals 12 and 9. Reduction in psi reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps mitigate climate change and global warming. Due to its use of variable drive motors, it is strongly linked to SDG 9 to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Tenneco has implemented high-quality technology that helps make industrial processes more sustainable. Likewise, SDG12 is supported by this initiative by having 80% of its North American facilities implement variable drive motors, thus ensuring sustainable production.

Retrofitting for a Better Tomorrow


Tenneco’s inspiration stems from its commitment to reach a True North, and to becoming a world-class environment health and safety company. They want to make sure they control electricity and their greenhouse gas emissions as a means to become a more sustainable company. Air compressors and LED lights were specifically chosen based on their impact on the environment. Given that air compressors and HID technology (which was replaced by LEDs) are the highest consumers in all manufacturing facilities, the commitment to make an impact pushed them to implement a reduction in psi (for air compressors) and replace HID with LEDs.

Overall impact

Transitioning to LED lighting in large facilities allows the business to have many benefits on energy demand. This system lasts longer and is of low voltage—some LEDs work at a 12V compared to 120 or up to 230V. Having a low voltage system allows the business to reduce its energy consumption while improving the conditions in which people work as they are also safer. Projects with installing LED lights will last 11-15 years. Tenneco estimates that for their LED lighting substitution in their Germany facility alone, they will save 70.5 metric Tonnes of CO2 and 56,000 USD. This initiative has also been implemented throughout the majority of their facilities throughout North America.

Air compressors are heavily used in industry, so being able to control the speed at which they run and reduce the psi is a game changer for Tenneco. Tenneco managed to have some control over the speed of air compressors by implementing a variable frequency drive motor; so the air compressor was able to idle at a lower horsepower when not in use, leading to energy savings. “Rather than idling at the same horsepower all the time, when the air compressor is not in use, it can idle at 70% the regular demanded power.”

Business benefit

Tenneco has been responsible for making huge changes in its processes to achieve its goals, mainly when it comes to reducing energy demand and reducing their CO2 emissions. Changing the HID lights to LED and reducing the PSI required to produce from 110 to 90 will help Tenneco to reduce its energy demand. This has led to two main outcomes for the business: a good reputation and a reduction in energy demand. At the same time, these benefits allow Tenneco to continue to achieve its long-term sustainability goals and have a better overall impact on society.

Tenneco was recognized earlier this year, for the second-consecutive year, as one of the 500 most responsible companies in the United States by Newsweek and Statista. This has a great impact on the reputation of the business. In 2012, Newsweek had almost 1.5 million subscribers with millions of viewers which allowed Tenneco’s efforts in sustainability to be broadcasted to many people.

Moreover, some of their actions have already impacted the business when it comes to finances. The Lighting Retrofit Project which replaced HID Tech with LEDs—as previously mentioned, this action allows the business to save up to 75% on energy used for lights and up to 15% of the entire electricity consumption. 80% of production required compressed air, so after heavy research, they decided to reduce the plant air press from 110 psi to 90 psi and they achieved the same performance. Implemented variable frequency drive motors further reduce energy consumption. According to our contact, if they are not being loaded, they will reduce speed to 70% of demand.

Social and environmental benefit

Psi reduction in air compressors decreases greenhouse gas emissions; LED lights promote energy efficiency and reduce energy demand, such as fossil fuels, which in turn reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon dioxide build up in the atmosphere and warm the climate, leading to extreme weather events. Tenneco’s main innovations (psi reduction and LEDs) contribute to the reduction of the main catalysts of these side effects. By no means do they have the power to fully fix climate change, but as a multinational corporation, they use its high-quality technology to contribute to the global challenge.

Society and the environment benefit from the significant reduction in CO2 emissions as well as energy use. Reducing CO2 emissions also helps reduce air pollutants, which in turn improves air quality and human health. Climate change has been extremely detrimental to people’s heart and respiratory health; therefore implementing measures that reduce CO2 emissions (psi reduction in air compressors and LEDs) can lead to a much healthier environment for the society.


Olivera Stacy, North America Clean Air Operations Strategy Manager

Kent Krause, North America Clean Air EHS Manager

Business information



Lake Forest, MI, CA
Business Website: https://www.tenneco.com/
Year Founded: 1999
Number of Employees: 10000+

Tenneco is a large Tier 1 automotive supplier with over 260 sites worldwide and 71,000 team members globally. Tenneco began as a stand-alone company in 1999 but its history spans several decades prior to that. Tenneco was part of a conglomerate consisting of six businesses that included farm and construction equipment, gas transmission, shipbuilding, packaging, automotive and chemicals prior to 1999. In 2018, Tenneco acquired Federal Mogul, doubling the size of the company. Tenneco comprises four different divisions: Motor parts, Performance Solutions, Clean Air and Powertrain. Tenneco has a rich portfolio of over 25 market leading brands such as Monroe, Walker, Rancho. Over the years, Tenneco has significantly expanded its global footprint as well as developed a clean air solution to help its customers meet strict emission control regulations.