PT Wahana Pengembangan Usaha

Renewable Energy for Better Future

8469 Dd60


Devi Damayanti

Devi Damayanti


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Renewable energy is energy generated from renewable resources, such as sunlight, wind, waves, geothermal heat and water. Renewable resources are replenished and will never run out. Other sources of energy are finite and will some day be depleted. Indonesia is a rich country with natural resources that can be converted to generate power such as mountain river and sunlight. Energy produced from moving water is commonly referred to as hydro energy, and it is one of the oldest sources of energy on the planet.


The company promotes renewable energy by using micro-hydro power, solar power and biogas to provide poor communities in rural areas with an affordable, easy to maintain, and long-term solution to their energy needs. Using this renewable, indigenous, non-polluting resource, the plants can generate power for homes, clinics, schools and workshops.

Micro-hydro power is the small-scale harnessing of energy from falling water, such as steep mountain rivers. Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, usually using photovoltaics (PV).

Renewable Energy for Better Future


From the very beginning, WPU was established not only for making profit but also to support government policy in energy supply. Indonesia's state-owned power utility, PLN, sometimes cannot reach rural areas due to its remote location so it is uneconomical to make electricity line.

Indonesia's government realized that it is their obligation to ensure the availability of electricity line, but they also have concern about the obstacles of the remote location. "We are here to offer solution for the cheaper and reliable power generation, using renewable energy," said Daniel, Director of WPU. "Our team is consisted of professional people in Geodesy, Geology, Civil, Electrical Mechanical and also Economy."

"Once we worked with WWF (World Wild Foundation) in Tuo Village, Jambi, Indonesia. The village was located near the Kerinci Sebelat National Park. WPU became the entry point for WWF community development project in the village. Together, we educate village people the importance of preserving the forest. Let them realize that by preserving the forest, the river flow can be preserved, and then micro-hydro power generation is feasible to be developed and finally the village can get benefit from micro-hydro power to enlighten the village."

Overall impact

From no access to electricity, some remote villages now can enjoy the benefit of electricity. It means increasing rural community's welfare by giving opportunity to have a cheaper and reliable power source.

Business benefit

WPU worked closely with government and non profit entity. "Our project mostly funded by The Indonesian Budget/Regional Government Budget, since electricity supply is part of government responsibility," said Daniel. "Not many company in Indonesia offering consultancy services for micro-hydro power, and up to now, we are the major player for micro-hydro power project in Indonesia".

Since 2 (two) years ago, WPU also entered the solar power project due to increasing demand for making solar power especially in the Eastern area of Indonesia.

Social and environmental benefit

United Nation' Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon has said that renewable energy has the ability to lift the poorest nations to new levels of prosperity. Like exactly what WPU does. "After development stage of the power plant was completed, we visit the community and introduce how to optimize the use of electricity for their optimal life needs such as sewing and baking," said Daniel. "And also how to maintain the power plant so the benefit will be everlasting".

So it is a complete package, not only doing research on the feasibility study for micro-hydro power project but also helping the community will get the best benefit out of the micro-hydro power to increase their welfare.


Daniel Taufik, Director

Photo of interviewee

Business information

PT Wahana Pengembangan Usaha

PT Wahana Pengembangan Usaha

Bandung City, West Java, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1996
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
Founded in 1996, PT Wahana Pengembangan Usaha (WPU), is a business consulting service in Bandung, Indonesia. WPU focused its business to provide engineering and technical advisory in renewable energy, specializing in micro-hydro power. In line with company motto, “Partnership in Development”, WPU tries to utilize the abundant natural resources by using technology to improve the welfare of human being.