Total Famille Hakki

Religion and Food Are Everyone's Right

4198 4Cad


Khalid Hakki

Khalid Hakki

Zakaria Boughrara

Zakaria Boughrara


Al Akhawayn University

Al Akhawayn University


Mary Grace Neville

Mary Grace Neville

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-Being 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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This gas station contains a restaurant that serves free “Iftar meals” (breaking the fast) every year during the whole period of Ramadan.

We believe that this act is really contributing to the notion of positive peace because the service gathers people in need to eat around a table in a very homely manner, which creates a spiritual tranquility and a holy atmosphere where no conflict is to be created.

The reason behind our choice is that this business respects the religious teachings of Islam in a way that promotes good social values.


Since this gas station is surrounded by many commercial activities, especially in the period of Ramadan, many poor people and workers who work away from their families find themselves in need of meals. Total's restaurant becomes a place where such people can share big meals at tables that are both inside and outside the gas station restaurant. By doing so, our specific Total gas station protects poor people from stealing food or suffering from hunger after a long fasting day. Indeed, the interviewee, asserted "We wanted to help people who are travelling and can’t find a place to breakfast, also because nowadays people are forgetting about the good teachings of Islam like Zakat which consist of sharing with the less fortunate. Our business encourages social values like collaboration, solidarity, and sharing which eventually contributes in creating positive peace within society."

Muslim tourists who get stuck on the road and need a breaking-fast meal as soon as possible are also welcome to share the free meal; in fact, this initiative fights against hunger and promotes values that modern Muslims may have forgotten like solidarity, sharing, and compassion.

Religion and Food Are Everyone's Right


This business was inspired by the teachings of Islam in the context of social equity. The business was really touched by some pillars in Islam like Zakat, for it promotes values like sharing and helping the poor; it looked at Zakat as a starting point and therefore created this idea of gathering people during the holy month of Ramadan. This idea will inspire people to do good and create new ideas by themselves.

Overall impact

Society and good individuals will look at the business and may be inspired to spread its goal which is "zero hunger".

This initiative is only a starting point that will create social sensitivity and compassion within people so that they contribute to societies' well being in the long term. In fact, the interviewee claimed that: "The world would better if we apply democracy in an ethical manner; also if we provide every human being with equal opportunities at the level of education, health. And also if societies promote peace instead of ridiculous political agendas."

Business benefit

Besides good reputation and profit, the business has a selfless benefit which is creating a base to make the world a better place in the future.

Social and environmental benefit

Encouraging values like compassion and generosity will make people more sensitive towards each other which spreads peace and love within society in both the short and long term.

One of the goals of this business is fighting hunger and making people aware that decent food is a natural right and not a luxury.


Hakki Abdelhak, Famille Hakki

Business information

Total Famille Hakki

Total Famille Hakki

Sidi Ayache Ouled Slama, Gharb-Chrarda-Beni Hssen, MA
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1956
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
This business is a for-profit business, yet it was created to remind people of Islamic peace values that people are starting to forget about. It has a restaurant that organizes some events for the purpose of sharing positive social values.