Open Farm

Regenerative Farming: the Future of Sustainable Sourcing


Michael Zhang

Michael Zhang

Cale Greenwood

Cale Greenwood

Vianney Duarte

Vianney Duarte

Jocelyn Barcenas

Jocelyn Barcenas


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Dominican University

Dominican University


Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Anjali Chaudhry

Anjali Chaudhry

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Global Goals

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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Open Farm is committed to advancing 1 million acres of farmland utilizing regenerative farming practices by 2030. The SDGs it solves are climate action, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production and life on land.


Open Farm's innovation is advancing regenerative farming by 1 million acres of farmland by 2030. Regenerative farming refers to a series of practices in animal husbandry, crop management, and other farming-related practices that seek to leave the land better than before something was planted. This can include crop cycling, animal graze management, and planting more diverse produce.

"The benefits of regenerative farming are countless but some include carbon reduction, boosting biodiversity of the area, and increasing the nutritious properties of produce. In summary, regenerative farming leaves the land better off than it started" - Gwen.

Regenerative farming practices also lower the need for pesticides and chemicals and lead to more sustainable land that can be used for a long time. This directly relates to the "climate action", "sustainable cities and communities", "responsible consumption" and "life on land" SDGSs set by the UN.

Regenerative Farming: the Future of Sustainable Sourcing


This innovation came from its alignment with Open Farm's brand values and mission. "Open Farm's mission is to "do some good for animals and the plant", this was the original goal of the founders and continues to be Open Farm's mission" - Gwen. To accomplish this, they base decisions on their main brand values of transparency, animal welfare, providing premium nutrition, and sustainability. In the beginning, the company mainly focused on transparency, animal welfare, and providing premium nutrition but as the company grew, the team began to think about how the brand could have a more positive impact and how in the future they could continue to have a positive impact for animals and the planet. Through this thought process, the idea of regenerative farming which not only aligns with the sustainability pillar of the company's values but also will have a long-term positive impact on the brand, came to be.

Overall impact

Open Farm's team worked with the University of Missouri to determine how to implement the innovation as well as what results they should expect.

Some of these results are, "produce should be more natural/there'll be more animal welfare benefits/more natural methods towards growing fruits and vegetables, resulting in fruits and vegetables being more nutrient-dense" - Gwen. Evidence like, "Healthier soil, increased biodiversity, better nutrients of fruits and vegetables/The land should be used to grow more/ Soil health - reduced erosion, carbon benefits (resulting from farmers planting more trees in their pastures)/farmers using fewer chemicals and fertilizers/better water quality" - Gwen. These are all indicators that an impact has occurred.

The main value that Open Farm's team is looking at is how many acres of land are implementing regenerative farming practices.

Business benefit

By completing this innovation goal, it'll establish the brand as a leader in sustainable production and supply. As well, it shows the brand's commitment to impact and their brand values with scientific evidence backing their claims. Internally, "it also furthers the company mission [doing some good for animals and the planet]" - Gwen.

Revenue wise, it'll lead to a better supply chain and an easier time sourcing ingredients for their products. As well, with the benefits of regenerative farming in consideration, it'll lead the company to have higher quality products making consumers happy as well.

Social and environmental benefit

Regenerative farming has many benefits for the environment. It'll result in healthier soil and mitigation against climate change. There'll be increased biodiversity on farms with regenerative practices and farmers will be able to produce a variety of crops year round leading to a diverse environment that benefits the farm and the farmer.

Farmers will hopefully have better farms through a more diverse and high quality yield. It'll improve their livelihoods and encourage others to become more sustainable with their businesses.

The work done here can also contribute and be added to other regenerative work to further help the planet. It all relates to a concept called the, "virtuous cycle, if you grow things better, if you have better farming practices, there will be a better impact on the supply chain and the planet" - Gwen.


Gwen Cottle, Associate Director of Sustainability and Impact

Business information

Open Farm

Open Farm

Toronto, US, Canada, CA
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
Open Farm is a Canadian company based out of Toronto Ontario, that sells premium pet food. They make sure to stay true to their brand values of transparency, sustainability, ethical sourcing and providing premium nutrition. All decisions the company makes stay true to these values and aim to do some good for both animals and the planet.