Produce bins from recycled material (cans, tins, drums). The raw material derived from the waste industries around Bandung areas.
From recycled material (waste) to wealth.
- CLEANSEE buy raw materials from industries, also sell raw material to the consumers.
- CLEANSEE produce bins/trash can, chair, table, flower/plant pot, from recycled material
- CLEANSEE rent bins/trash cfo special event

With continuous effort, by using raw materials not used by industries, CLEANSEE is able to produce products that are useful and at the same time creating a clean and healthy environment
Overall impact
The business has several impacts:
- Help in preventing the environment from the effect of plastic and metal waste
- Increase benefit and working opportunities to the surrounding communities
- Help society have a clean and healthy environment
Business benefit
Business benefit:
- Income to business entity
- Provide income to the employees
Social and environmental benefit
- Reduce plastic and metal waste
- producing bins/trash can with affordable prices
- Increase society awareness in preventing the environment from the plastic and metal waste
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Business information
Bandung City,
West Java,
Year Founded:
Number of Employees:
2 to 10
CLEANSEE (CV Putra Jaya Abadi) produce bins from recycled material (cans, tins, drums).
The business was founded in 2011, formed from a start-up college student's entrepreneurial program "Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa - Kewirausahaan (PKM-K Program) and named Clean N 'Green. In 2012, changing its organizational structure and the name become "CLEANSEE".
CLEANSEE has a mission to help the society maintain a clean environment, to provide various types of bins that fit the needs of society, to dispose their waste in proper place.