Joy Hotel

Proving Hope to the East Coast of Taiwan





Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU)

Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU)


Aixa Ritz

Aixa Ritz

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

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Actions that Joy Hotel is implementing connects with the UN Global Goals and they lead to No Poverty, Gender Equality, and Economic Growth.


Joy Hotel is creating a system for indigenous peoples in Taiwan to give them ways to succeed. They provide job opportunities and make sure five percent of their employees are indigenous peoples. Joy Hotel helps indigenous people solve their own personal disputes while also helping them to earn a livelihood in order to provide for their families. Moreover, Joy Hotel focuses on gender equality because gender issues still exists in Taiwanese society, women have less chance to get jobs, especially in at east side of Taiwan. Thus, the biggest innovation Joy Hotel offers is not a physical innovation, Joy Hotel helps connect people and give them hope. Actions that Joy Hotel is implementing connect with the UN Global Goals because they lead to No Poverty, Gender Equality, and Economic Growth.

Proving Hope to the East Coast of Taiwan


First, although aboriginals are seen as a crucial part of the Taiwanese identity, culturally and historically, in the society, they face a lot of challenges. Facing discrimination, aboriginal people mostly live under the poverty line, are often unemployed or hold unstable and dangerous jobs, die younger than most other Taiwanese, and are more subject to alcoholism. Second, Taiwan’s central government is making significant progress in implementing legislation, mechanisms, and programs safeguarding women’s rights across the economic, political and social spheres. However, gender discrimination still happens in east countryside of Taiwan. Culture forces women to stay home to take care of households instead of working. Last, unlike the bustling urban area of Taipei, the capital, and other modern cities lining Taiwan’s western area, east coast cities such as Hualien and Taitung are developing and have mountains, coastal terraces, and sandy beaches. East coast cities face the issue of outflow, young generations prefer working in big cities such as Taipei than in their small hometown.

Overall impact

Joy Hotel focuses on delivering employment opportunities to aboriginal people in east coast Taiwan. Joy Hotel offers education and training, which aid indigenous peoples to have the right skills and knowledge to commence a rewarding career in the hospitality industry. Because of these job opportunities there is a decrease in local crime and poverty. Furthermore, Joy Hotel attempts to avoid gender discrimination such as stereotype of position and difficulty for women finding jobs. Also, this action allows people to accept several positions without gender judgment; one of these examples is that housekeeping attendants should be female. Joy Hotel creates job opportunities not only for aboriginal people but also younger generations. Since outflow population is a serious issue in Taiwan’s east coast, Joy Hotel designs training system to attract young people to stay in heir hometowns instead of going to big cities and thus enhancing local economies.

Business benefit

Since Joy Hotel hires numerous indigenous peoples in the east coast of Taiwan, the enterprise decides to showcase indigenous tribes’ unique cultures and let guests experience their lifestyle. Joy Hotel designs a tribe's travel package for guests; for example, guests have a chance to visit indigenous employees' house and family; stories are shared by family members, and traditional meals are provided by them. Based on those special travel experiences, Joy Hotel's profit have increased ten percent in the last half year. More and more visitors are interested in experiencing culture tourism, especially foreigners. Those increased profits help Joy Hotel grow and provide more job opportunities to local and indigenous people.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation of Joy Hotel has helped both society and the environment. It has helped society because it has created an accepting community and has also helped the people who have joined the company have better jobs with higher pay and greater economic power. Joy Hotel has also helped improve society within the indigenous tribes that they work with. Due to their programs, these people have seen economic prosperity and been able to construct actual houses rather than continue living in small huts that could be blown away in strong winds. Joy Hotel has given these people a better life and decent work and is trying to end poverty in these villages. These societal changes can have a huge impact on the future of these tribes and will most likely continue to help future generations.


Chengwei Lin, Founder and Owner

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Joy Hotel

Joy Hotel

Taitung, Taiwan, TW
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Happiness and social inclusion are important indicators of social sustainability, as recommended in the Sustainable Development Goals; however, little is known about the social sustainable development of ethnic minorities. To fill this knowledge gap, special attention is paid to understanding the issues of social exclusion and happiness in relation to the indigenous peoples in Taiwan. The goal of Joy Hotel is to help indigenous peoples avoid poverty, gender discrimination, and to improve Taiwan’s east coast’s economy.