Mychal's Prints and Embroidery

Print, Embroider, and Love


Luke Petrarca

Luke Petrarca


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Lisa Daggett

Lisa Daggett

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 3. Good Health and Well-Being 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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Mychal’s printing and embroidery is a Redondo Beach based digital print shop that produces custom printed items such as t-shirts, tote bags, jackets, and hats. Its quality print items are purchased by both local and national businesses. In the pursuit of creating a more just and inclusive world, Mychal’s hires individuals with developmental disabilities who are often excluded from obtaining dignified work. Its mission directly relates to the following SDGs: no poverty, decent work, good health & well-being, and reduced inequalities.


When it comes to hiring practices, Mychal’s is in a league of its own. Mychal’s only hires and trains adults with developmental disabilities, who traditionally don’t have the opportunity to participate in skilled labor. Mychal’s develops these individuals so that they can take part in meaningful work and employment.

Mychal’s has 3 commercial grade garment printers, 5 commercial grade embroidery machines, 1 commercial grade sticker machine, 2 garment presses, and many other machines in its print shop. All these machines are highly technical and require skilled labor to operate. Mychal’s provides training and an environment where adults can learn how to use these machines to produce high quality garments.

In one specific example, Mychal's developed Thomas (name changed) into a full-time employee. Thomas now operates embroidery, print, drying, and sticker machines at a proficient level. He also knows what it takes to finish, package, and ship orders. "Working with him, you wouldn't even know Thomas has a disability," Ed says as he reflects on the success of Mychal's.

In another example, one of Mychal's employees took the skills he learned into another sector. Rubin (name changed) was able to transfer his vocational skills learned at Mychal's to a private furniture company, where he has been steadily employed for 8 years. According to Ed, stories like these are the norm at Mychal's. All it takes is for someone to believe in these adults and offer them a chance.

Print, Embroider, and Love


Ed Lynch, the founder of Mychal's, does everything for his late daughter, Mychal.

Mychal passed away at 7 years old in 1996. While she was alive, Ed realized that there were few resources or programs available for people with developmental disabilities. It was time to change that.

"Everything I do is for her," Ed says as he reflects on Mychal's mission, "Her name will live on long after I'm gone. Because of her, so many lives have been affected."

Ed wanted to create a place where disabled adults are offered real work - not just stand-in or meaningless work. Ed believes that this helps add meaning, purpose, and prosperity to their lives. He also believes that we can learn something from adults with developmental disabilities.

Ed's passion and inspiration for helping adults with disabilities are apparent in everything that he does. In addition to a print and embroidery shop, Mychal's owns a bake shop and a café where the only employees are developmentally disabled adults.

Ed's t-shirt read 'Choose Love' on the front of it, one of Mychal's many mottos. When asked what Love means to him, Ed paused and said "Caring more about somebody else than yourself."

Overall impact

Mychal's has transformed lives because of the meaningful opportunity it provides for marginalized individuals. Because of Mychal's hiring practices, 3 to 4 adults per day, have the chance to learn and complete dignified work. This work gives these people the same opportunity that everyone else is given to pursue gainful employment. It gives their lives purpose, meaning, and direction.

The evidence for this impact comes in the form of countless stories of individuals being transformed because of Mychal's.

Business benefit

Because of Mychal's unique hiring practices and focus on quality, many large businesses and organizations have utilized Mychal's to produce custom shirts, mugs, and jackets. Some of these businesses are Fortune 500 companies that request hundreds of products. Companies are willing to pay a premium for Mychal's products because of both the quality of the product and the mission. Mychal's customers love that they not only produce high-quality products, but that they empower those who are often discarded.

Thanks to this, Mychal's has maintained a profitable business that has little to no debt, good margins, and a strong workforce. Because of its financial success, Mychal's has been able to offer higher volumes, more customization, and additional products to its customers.

Social and environmental benefit

Mychal's benefits society because it gives those on the margins a chance. Mychal's believes that adults with developmental disabilities can participate and succeed at legitimate, skilled work. In our society, these individuals are often excluded because of disabilities such as autism and Down syndrome. Mychal's believes that despite perceived limitations, adults with disabilities can obtain meaningful employment and provide a real contribution to a profitable business.

When it comes to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, Mychal's works mainly towards 'No Poverty,' 'Good Health & Well-Being,' 'Reduced Inequalities,' 'Decent Work,' and 'Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.' Of these, 'Reduced Inequalities' and 'Good Health & Well-Being' are the main goals Mychal's is focused on.

Mychal's is working to reduce the inequality that exists in our labor force. Adults with developmental disabilities are overlooked for real work because of their perceived inability to perform certain tasks. This perception often leads employers to offer 'work' to the developmentally disabled which is undignified, simple, and meaningless. Mychal's combats this by offering these individuals jobs that require real skills, training, and effort. Granted, there are certain tasks that these adults will be unable to partake in because of their disability. However, there are countless jobs that they can do and should be offered the opportunity to do them. Mychal's is a living example of what can be accomplished if someone believes in these adults.

When it comes to 'Good-Health & Well-Being,' Mychal's is contributing to the health and prosperity of marginalized individuals. Because gainful employment offers pay, structure, meaning, and purpose to our lives, Mychal's is contributing to the well-being of adults with developmental disabilities. Everyone should have an opportunity to participate in meaningful employment, even if they aren't able to perform at the highest possible level.

Mychal's is benefiting society because it's paving the way for more inclusive and intentional hiring practices. By reaching out and believing in those on the margins, Mychal's provides an example of what it means to include and lift up everyone. More importantly, Mychal's reminds us of the dignity that each human being has.


Ed Lynch, Executive Director/Founder

Business information

Mychal's Prints and Embroidery

Mychal's Prints and Embroidery

Redondo Beach, CA, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2019
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Mychal's Prints and Embroidery is a Redondo Beach based custom print shop focused on proving high quality garment printing and embroidering. It was founded in 2019 by Ed Lynch and has grown significantly since then. It provides garment printing services for local California businesses as well as national Fortune 500 companies.