DBeau Empowerment

Preventative Wellness Saving Lives


Davon Raspberry

Davon Raspberry

Victoria Ippolito

Victoria Ippolito

Katie Grego

Katie Grego


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being

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DBeau Empowerment is a company focused on health and wellness through its collaboration with 1stPhorm. Together, an app has been created to counsel, help and prevent non-communicable diseases through health and wellness coaching.


In late 2018, DBeau Empowerment partnered with 1stPhorm. In conjunction with DBeau Empowerment, 1stPhorm provides supplements to the clients of the company and facilitates services through a mobile application under the advisement of DBeau Empowerment. The mobile platform allows for both client and ambassador integration. Clients can track their nutritional intake, workouts, and daily goals. Ambassadors of the companies, serve as life coaches, and are allowed to check their clients’ statistics to advise and critique their clients’ daily activities.

Furthermore, all services are customized to the lifestyle and goals of each client. Danilo and his ambassadors in training will sit down with each client and review their daily activities, carving and shaping time for the client to be more productive. Based upon the health and wellness goals of the client, DBeau Empowerment will create a custom meal and fitness plan. Hereby, the process is repeated for new onboarded clients. DBeau Empowerment is further looking to expand services and offer group sessions, in addition to its current offerings.

Preventative Wellness Saving Lives


In urban communities today, the average individual will potentially suffer from a non-communicable disease at some point in their life. In a communal effort to increase knowledge regarding health and wellness, DBeau Empowerment is taking steps to meet the United Nations sustainability goal of Good Health and Well-Being. In an interview with Founder and CEO Danilo Beaubrun, he states, “I have a passion to see the greater good in people…many diseases are preventable and not many providers are educating patients. Instead of referring out, providers should take time to build relationships and educate patients.” Danilo feels propelled to motivate people to become healthier through preventative measures rather than internal medicine.

Danilo was inspired to start DBeau Empowerment because of his personal experience with weight loss. His health journey started at 290lbs, depressed, and unsure of what to do. He was making unhealthy choices and knew he needed to make a change. He states, “Many people don’t remember me being 290 because I've been working out so long but that time in my life was very hard.” He says that he “refuses to let anyone go through the pains of being that heavy and not knowing what to do.” Because of this, he has developed a program with compassion and empathy in mind to help motivate people to live a healthier lifestyle.

Overall impact

Within the next five years, the company expects to reach the goal of 10,000 clients coached. DBeau Empowerment understands that quality healthcare means understanding the whole person and their background. “Quality healthcare is all about relationships. It’s about finding what is holding a patient back from being the healthiest they can be.” Rather than focusing on a symptomatic disease, you can be proactive in preventing non-communicable diseases. DBeau Empowerment starts by having a conversation about what results the patient wants to see and how they can accomplish it together. It is about working with the patient to build a healthy lifestyle that works for their everyday life. The goal is for patients to have their own routine that they can keep up with because it was designed for their lifestyle. Everybody and every journey is different and DBeau Empowerment capitalizes on that to have maximum impact.

The impact of DBeau Empowerment has made the mental and physical state of his clients better. Danilo explains that his focus is on the holistic individual and not just to obtain a weight loss goal. Overall, this company is continuing to find ways to propel past the obstacles in life, to prolong life and prevent diseases that can be prevented through wellness measures.

Business benefit

From speaking with Danilo, it is obvious that his passion for health, community, and success are intertwined in all aspects of his business. The partnership with 1stPhorm has been productive for DBeau Empowerment. 1stPhorm provides a supplement, nutritional and fitness curriculum for Danilo and his ambassadors to follow and implement within their company. The mobile software application provides on-demand access to the clients customize plan, therefore preventing regimen failure regardless of location.

It is his goal to replicate this business model, as he states, “I am currently training more ambassadors to alleviate me to work on more administrative tasks.” There has been positive feedback from his clients regarding their success with the program. The success of his program and mobile application is essential to his business model, as the service sector in health and wellness can be hard to gain traction. The health and wellness sector can be overlooked because of the many options but DBeau Empowerment provides concise and strategic operations.

Social and environmental benefit

The effects of DBeau Empowerment will enhance the communities surrounding the clients. Their outreach will trickle into surrounding communities and benefit thousands of people. The impact they have on bettering a single patient will also positively affect their family members and friends. There has been a health and wellness movement since the pandemic began, and DBeau Empowerment is a great platform for clients to focus on their total health.

DBeau Empowerment not only focuses on physical health ,but mental health as well. The first step in his process is a time audit. This time audit focuses on creating time and space for a client to become more productive. More production equates less stress and longer life. Everyone surrounding that person will be positively affected.


Danilo Beaubrun, CEO

Watch video on YouTube

Business information

DBeau Empowerment

DBeau Empowerment

Brooklyn, NY, US
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

DBeau Empowerment is a Brooklyn, NY based health and wellness service company that focuses on the betterment of life, nutrition, health, and fitness to prevent non-communicable diseases. Founded in 2018, the company began servicing urban communities with customized wellness-based plans to ensure stimulation of life. DBeau Empowerment has provided services to well over 100 clients since its inception and continues to strive forward. The goal of this company is to empower the mind, body, and soul of the individual to sustain optimal health within communities where the rates of non-communicable diseases are increasing and exceed national averages.