Fork and Cork Grill

Power of Local Food

Cover Photo 2 Aim2Flourish


Purbasha Purohit

Purbasha Purohit

Trinh Crocker-Sooley

Trinh Crocker-Sooley

Tyler Nightingale

Tyler Nightingale

Matthew Annable

Matthew Annable

Aaron Noble

Aaron Noble


University of Guelph

University of Guelph


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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The restaurant serves customers dishes that are made from supplies from local farmers. This bring awareness towards locally grown produce/beverages among communities to promote health and well being along with responsible consumption.


Eric was originally a graduate in bachelor of music who was trying to find a career path in life which he was truly passionate towards. Over time through taking up part time jobs at restaurants and as kitchen staff, his love for culinary arts emerged. In 2015, he decided to start up his own restaurant chain Fork and Cork grill which made its mission to serve customers fresh food and fine wine from locally grown produce. It creates awareness to build sustainable cities and communities which strive to improve health and wellness of all. As chef Eric mentions, "There's no question we can produce some amazing fruits and vegetables. And I think that cities do themselves a disservice to not encourage their citizens to". By starting a culture of increasing local produce, the company not only passes on the idea to other restaurant but also the people in the community.

Power of Local Food


Chef Eric Neaves' inspiration has always come as a product of his experience working in the culinary field. Upon entering the restaurant industry at the ground floor, Eric knew that this line of work was suited towards him. Despite the seemingly lackluster role he played in his first restaurant gig, his "6-hour shifts would fly by, "ultimately leading him to realize his dream of becoming a chef." After completing culinary school and working under a number of accomplished chefs, that same passion that drove him in to cooking propelled him towards taking a leap and opening his own restaurant Fork and Cork grill, a decision that he said was, "inherent. " Now, having established his own Italian based restaurant, he is drawing inspiration from his years in culinary school in the form of Fork and Cork's new 'Uncorked' Series.

Eric believes that Ontario vineyards, in particular, served as an inspiration due to the tremendous improvements they have made to their wines. He expressed his strive towards operating alongside local food and beverage sources as a rewarding practice that fuels the Ontario economy.

Overall impact

The impact that the Fork and Cork Grills innovation has on society is not profound, but it is honorable. Eric believes that their business philosophy has a sort of contagious effect on the customers. He believes that in some respects, loyal customers are taught and evolve to Fork and Cork Grills philosophy of using locally sourced food and wine. This has a benefit on society insofar as money is being spent in Ontario to support local businesses and the economy. The Fork and Cork Grills initiative also has a positive impact on the environment. Eric stated, “…consuming locally farmed vegetables has less environmental impact than consuming things from halfway across the world.” Fork and Cork Grills innovation addresses many of the UN global goals for sustainable development. The most self-evident for a restaurant that uses organic ingredients is goal number three: Good health and well-being. Another big one is goal number thirteen: climate action, for the reduced emissions from using local sources. Additionally, goal number twelve: Responsible consumption and production and goal number eleven: sustainable cities and communities, are both addressed by the rigorous amounts of effort the Fork and Cork Grill undergoes to support local jobs and the local economy. And all four of these addressed goals are amplified by the effect the Fork and Cork Grills philosophy has on it's customers.

Business benefit

The “Uncorked” dinners are a business innovation where the Fork and Cork Grill partners with Ontario wineries to showcase local wines and pair them with a tasting menu. This business innovation is beneficial for the company by showing customers what Ontario has to offer while making a profit off of it. The “Uncorked” dinners will bring in an owner from an Ontario winery which provides an opportunity to educate customers on what the Ontario wine industry has to offer and the environmental initiatives taken through the steps of wine production

Social and environmental benefit

This ties into the social benefit that stakeholders, primarily customers, are wanting to see companies that are environmentally friendly and supporting locally grown foods. Companies are faced with the challenge of meeting the changing wants and needs of stakeholders and knowing when these expectations will change. Since stakeholders dictate expectations of companies, they often reflect the personal values of each stakeholder. The business innovation also contributes to the environment in an indirect way by supporting local and organic food. In supporting local suppliers, it reduces the amount of distance that food has to travel which results in a reduction of greenhouse gases. These impactful changes can contribute to a business that is socially responsible while maintaining the practices of a business.


Eric Neaves, Executive Chef

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Fork and Cork Grill

Fork and Cork Grill

Kitchener, ON, CA
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
Fork and Cork Grill is a restaurant based in Kitchener, ON established in 2015 by executive chef Eric Neaves. It serves local customers with fresh food and fine wine from local farmers and vineyards.