
Pioneering Sustainable Menstrual Health in the Philippines

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Global Goals

5. Gender Equality 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Halia, a Philippines-based company founded by Alexa Jocom in 2021 during her freshman year at Loyola Marymount University, stands at the forefront of sustainable menstrual health solutions. This innovative company has transformed the personal care industry by introducing biodegradable pads made from bamboo, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional products. Operating for three years and now available in over 200 retail stores, Halia is changing the narrative around menstrual health in the Philippines and beyond.


Halia's innovative leap was choosing bamboo over cotton for their menstrual pads. As Alexa explains, "Most brands in the US use organic cotton, but cotton is very water and pesticide-intensive. We chose bamboo for its sustainable growth and antibacterial properties." This decision reflects a deep commitment to sustainability, distinguishing Halia from its competitors and aligning with global environmental goals.

Halia’s innovation doesn’t stop here. As a company, they are actively pursuing future goals to enhance the sustainability of their products. One of the primary objectives is to utilize raw materials that are available in the Philippines. Currently, the company is collaborating with local scientists and institutions to explore new materials that could make their pads fully home-compostable. While their products are already 86% biodegradable, Halia is committed to achieving 100% biodegradability, a milestone they are working towards through innovative pilot tests and research initiatives.

Pioneering Sustainable Menstrual Health in the Philippines


The inspiration for Halia stemmed from the women in Alexa’s life and the broader community's needs. Recognizing the lack of sustainable menstrual products in the Philippines, Alexa was motivated to create a product that not only addresses the physical needs of women but also challenges the cultural taboos surrounding menstruation. Personal stories and customer feedback continue to drive Halia’s mission, pushing the company toward innovative solutions.

Overall impact

The adoption of an outsourcing model has significantly impacted Halia's business operations and team dynamics. At the beginning of their search for a manufacturer in China, it was a lengthy search to find a partner that satisfied Halia’s needs. After finding a good match, Halia has been with the same manufacturer since. By outsourcing production to China, Halia has been able to leverage cost efficiencies and access specialized manufacturing capabilities. While outsourcing has streamlined production processes and enabled Halia to scale its operations, it has also required the company to navigate international trade regulations and manage relationships with external partners effectively. Halia also had to consider the effect of import duties and taxes on their financial performance. As they are importing from China, the duties will impact their margins.

Overall, while outsourcing has presented both opportunities and challenges, Halia's ability to adapt and optimize its outsourcing strategy demonstrates its resilience and commitment to growth in a competitive market. Halia’s impact has been felt in the local communities in the Philippines. Universities and NGOs have reached out to Halia to work together to achieve common goals. For example, universities have expressed interest in having Halia as a sponsor, so the university’s bathrooms would be stocked with Halia products. Through alliances and partnerships, Halia can broaden its reach and market while also achieving its purpose and sustainable goals. Halia’s products have also made an impact for its owner, Alexa. A lot of Alexa’s friends and family have utilized her product and immediately displayed brand loyalty. They have messaged or called Alexa expressing how wonderful the product is.

Business benefit

Formerly unfamiliar to the public, Halia's focus on sustainable products has significantly boosted its market presence and reputation throughout the years. "At first, no one really knew us. But now, being in 200 plus retail stores... it really got people curious," Alexa remarked. This visibility has not only increased sales but also established Halia as a leader in sustainable personal care, challenging the status quo and attracting a younger, environmentally conscious demographic with its vibrant packaging and eco-friendly products.

Social and environmental benefit

Halia, under the leadership of founder Alexa Jocom, integrates sustainable business practices with technological innovation to enhance consumer education and engagement. This is exemplified by their use of QR codes on product packaging, which link to educational materials on environmental issues. In partnership with local NGOs and universities, Halia enhances community understanding of sustainability, supported by their commitment to the '1% for the Planet' initiative, where they contribute 1% of their revenue to environmental causes. This strategic approach is particularly relevant in diverse markets like the Philippines, where cultural nuances impact consumer behavior.

Although direct measurement of the societal benefits of Halia’s eco-friendly products is challenging due to the absence of predefined metrics, increased sales indicate growing consumer approval and recognition of sustainability as a valuable product feature. Academic frameworks on consumer behavior in sustainability marketing suggest that such engagement leads to repeat purchasing patterns and heightened community support, signaling a shift towards more sustainable living practices. Further, customer feedback post-initial purchase often reflects a deep alignment with Halia’s sustainability goals, indicating effective consumer education and engagement strategies.

Halia's operations align with several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

  • SDG 5 (Gender Equality): By improving access to safe and sustainable menstrual products, Halia empowers women and girls to manage their menstruation without stigma.
  • SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation): Sustainable products reduce waste and pollution, contributing to cleaner water sources.
  • SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production): The development of biodegradable products promotes efficient resource and energy use.

In conclusion, Halia is not just a company but a movement towards a sustainable future, reflecting a profound commitment to the health of both people and the planet. Through innovation, inspiration, and impactful business practices, Halia is setting new standards in the personal care industry, proving that small changes can lead to significant societal shifts.


Alexandra Ysabel Jocom, Founder, CEO

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Business information



Quezon City, PH
Business Website: https://halia.co/en-us
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

At Halia, they believe that periods can be fun. Halia's goal is to transform periods from the secretive aspect of feminine hygiene, to a normal and celebrated part of self-care. Halia provides organic, biodegradable sanitary pads for people who bleed, setting a new standard for period products in the Philippines.