
PetStar Innovation

A520 00B9


Mónica De Martino

Mónica De Martino

Jorge Elizondo

Jorge Elizondo

Carlos García

Carlos García

Jose Luis Ortega

Jose Luis Ortega

Hugo García

Hugo García


EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey

EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey


Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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As part of the need to incorporate into the productive life cycle the main packaging used by the refreshment industry in the world, PetStar is the solution to reduce the use of plastic and thus contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint in the world. Today PetStar has the capacity to recycle 3,100 million bottles annually, which would fill 2.4 times the Azteca stadium, to convert them into 50 thousand tons of high quality recycled grade PET resin.


Development of a bottle recycling plant (food grade). Disruptive innovation that allowed the company to be the largest in the world in recycling of post-consumer plastic for its reuse in bottle of consumption for the human being. Today, the company continues to look for innovations in day-to-day operations with a continuous improvement approach to be more efficient in the operation of the business.

Likewise, collection programs are being developed with a social impact for the generation of empowered micro entrepreneurs from the trash collection business. PetStar has a business model that promotes the concept of Inclusive Recycling - participants of the Regional Initiative for Inclusive Recycling - and the collection division developed the PetStar Inclusive Collection Model (MAIP by its acronym in Spanish). Today PetStar is an effective example of circular economy, since its methods are aligned and integrated. From the collection of a bottle to its incorporation into new containers with recycled content.

PetStar Innovation


It all began with a need from the Coca-Cola system, specifically Arca Continental, to promote within its product portfolio the use of recycled material that could positively influence the environment. In addition, it is very important to provide bottling customers with a resin, in quality and volume, that allows them to be among the bottlers with the highest percentage of recycled content in their PET containers. Likewise, for the firm commitment to the preservation and sustainability of the environment and the benefit of future generations.

Overall impact

To be the leading company in the recycling of food grade PET at an international level, with a capacity of gathering more than 3,100 million bottles annually with a production of resin of more than 50 thousand tons.

+ 72 thousand tons of PET collected per year and processed to generate recycled PET food grade

+ 26% recycled in bottles

+ 15% reduction of emissions generated per liter of beverage

+ 90% recycled industrial waste

+ 87% reduction in carbon emissions

Business benefit

PetStar generates value in the supply chain of the Mexican Bottlers of Coca-Cola and contributes to the sustainability of the containers when recycling. It has eight collection plants, one of valorization, one of recycling and multiple collecting partners at the national level. It indirectly benefits more than 24,000 waste pickers and collectors in Mexico.

Social and environmental benefit

SOCIAL: Through social responsibility schemes and alliances with other institutions, they dignify the work of collectors in the country through a stable and fair income, offering training and inclusion initiatives.

ENVIRONMENTAL: In addition to removing the plastic bottles from the environment, PetStar collaborates in the generation of a cleaner environment. The process to convert containers of PET resin, reduces by 78% the emission of greenhouse gases. Starting in 2016, through the implementation of a cogeneration and wind energy project, the reduction reached 87%.


Ramón Maraboto Manzo, CEO

Photo of interviewee

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Business information



Monterrey, NL, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1995
Number of Employees: 501 to 1000
PetStar is a company that recycles PET bottles.