Stitched by Mia

Passion to Reality: Chasing Your Dreams

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Madie Palma

Madie Palma

Karla Sy

Karla Sy

Jacqueline Renee Buenaventura

Jacqueline Renee Buenaventura

Kevin Carl Figueroa

Kevin Carl Figueroa


De La Salle University Manila

De La Salle University Manila


Pia Manalastas

Pia Manalastas

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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StitchedbyMia offers crocheted items made with varied stitches and methodically executed by hand using different crochet techniques while considering its value to societal and cultural well-being. The company aids in solving the following SDG Goals: (1) No Poverty, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

In line with this, the company's solutions to the SDG goals are evident through its proper representation of a sustainable lifestyle by using environmentally friendly products, providing work and opportunities to Filipina mothers, and empowering them to maximize their talents.


Stitched by Mia considers its whole business to be an innovation by providing crocheted products that individuals can use in place of items made from single-use plastics. The invention was inspired by empowering Filipina mothers by giving them chances to make money or perhaps double their current income, to support their families, and by allowing them to develop their talent and creativity. Mia, the company's founder, needed help to choose its focus before it was officially established. When it came to business concepts, Mia had assistance from others in the formation of the company. During the interview, Mia said that "we call this the "brain trust" - the set of people you would brainstorm with and trust their opinion. They may have different opinions, but it makes the process more beautiful." This brain trust consisted of Mia's friends, who gave their input and pushed her in a way that helped her ensure her product ideas would be successful. They continually helped her through the process by providing her with the needed support.

Mia wanted to offer the target audience something unique because most market-crocheted goods were accessories. Hand-crocheted items such as purses, home accessories, and personal items are made available by StitchedbyMia. These items have meaning to her because the women inspire them in her life. In addition, StitchedbyMia decided to use designs that highlight the most popular travel locations in the nation. The business aimed to provide goods that empower women, exhibit love and passion for the country, and demonstrate a concern for the environment. With the environmentally friendly items StitchedbyMia delivers, they can carry out their innovation objective to promote the Philippines while also taking care of the planet and its most important constituents.

Passion to Reality: Chasing Your Dreams

StitchedbyMia x Make-A-Wish Philippines


Growing up, Mia Santos has always been an artsy and crafty child. She would often do anything which could make her creativity shine through. Out of enjoyment and interest, Mia started to crochet back in grade school and would create small pieces of crochet for herself and her loved ones. Her passion for art grew because, in the coming years, she learned to cross stitch and accepted painting commissions. Eventually, there was little to no time to return to her artistic side as Mia became an adult. When her mother became critically ill due to diabetes, she got into crocheting again to make a crochet chain out of flowers. A simple gift from a daughter to a mother inspired her to crochet again. Mia said, "When my mom passed away, I went back to crocheting because it was therapeutic and calming."

Before starting the company, Mia was already working in a corporate company. However, she felt restricted, and her creativity was not being used to its potential. Mia decided to explore different opportunities that could be an excellent start-up business. She brainstormed on several things but decided to either crotchet or paint. However, Mia said that "painting is a one-woman business and not scalable as compared to crocheting, wherein it is a practical and passionate choice that is scalable."

In 2017, she started her online business, Stitched by Mia, with the help of her family and friends, who supported her products. Her first product was a bedspread sheet, and then she explored tumbler holders, small pouches, wallets, bags, and her latest innovation, a baby bonnet. Her products are inspired by things that surround her and captivate her. Family, Friends, scenic places in the Philippines, Woman Empowerment, Nature, and Motherhood, are a few inspirations seen and curated in the Stitched by Mia products.

Overall impact

The company exemplified holistic growth and steady sustainability through its operations and ideals. The owner, Mia, shared a heartfelt story about her employees' development with the company saying, "I am pleased to see how their lives are getting better." From humble beginnings, the company provided a job opportunity for two stay-at-home moms to provide for their families. Little did they know that a global pandemic would occur a few years later. The Covid outbreak affected the income of the families of her employees. The men of the household were usually the family's breadwinners. Still, occupations such as being a jeepney driver or a delivery man proved difficult in times of national lockdown. Despite the hardships, the employees of Mia prevailed and slowly became the sole breadwinners of their respective families. The business provided a steady income for the two stay-at-home moms. It empowered them with the ideology of feminism and stayed true to empowering stay-at-home mothers.

Mia frequently visited her employees' homes to check up on them, especially during the pandemic. She saw small developments in their homes, like a new computer, a new refrigerator, fresh paint, and other improvements to their lifestyle. Her employees can also provide for their daily needs, such as medicine, food, water, and education for their children. Mia's eyes teared up as she shared the small changes she saw. Her dedication and love for her employees align with her company's values and beliefs. This may seem like a small achievement to some, but for Mia, it has been a life-changing impact that affected the lives of her employees forever. Mia hopes to extend and expand the reach of her business. Her ambition pushes her so that she may be able to touch the lives and empower other stay-at-home Filipinas to reach their full potential.

Business benefit

Stitched by Mia began as a dream of rediscovering one's talents and creating a business out of them. Powered by the Filipina, the company aims to maximize skills development, empower mothers through creativity, and offer income-generating opportunities.

Given this, Mia mentioned that aside from having a profitable business, she appreciates the ability to help her employee's overall standard of living. Although the company was founded in the year 2017, it rose to fame during the middle of the pandemic. With this, digital marketing has been the company's main focus to acquire higher sales. Mia shared that the engagement statistics of the company surprised her because they had an organic reach of over 6,000 people, which helped make the company more recognizable.

During the interview, Mia mentioned that the company has more improvements. She states, "Although we are not quite at the level where I expected the company to be, I believe we are slowly yet surely getting there."

Social and environmental benefit

Stitched by Mia's innovation is to create sustainable items through crochet that replace single-use plastics, whether it be house decorations, bags, loofahs, keychains, etc. More importantly, the company practices are aligned with the sustainable development goals: (1) No Poverty, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

Mia shared her pride in employing stay-at-home mothers with no income, solely relying on their husbands. Through this, she indirectly supports the family to receive double their income. During her short visits to her employee household, Mia noticed that over the years, there would be minor changes in the worker's house, like a new refrigerator, computer, or paint job. Also, Mia expressed how some of her acquaintances asked her what she would do if her current employees started their businesses with the same concept. Mia pointed out, "it would be fine with me since my workers are empowering themselves to their capabilities. One of my workers has already been doing her commissions online."

In line with creating sustainable pieces that are good for the environment, the textile used for crocheted items promotes less waste. Compared to other material products that do not pass the final quality check, it is easy for the company to start over when a mistake is made in the creation process. This is because of the product's durability, which prevents the company from having a high production cost. Essentially, decreasing overconsumption since individuals would not constantly be repurchasing as the products are created to be used indefinitely.

Make-A-Wish Philippines is an affiliate of Make-A-Wish Foundation International, which seeks to bring wishes to life as they believe that hope aids in a child's treatment. In partnership with Make-A-Wish Philippines, Stitched by Mia works with the non-profit wish-granting organization by allowing consumers to purchase and donate a beanie for children with critical illnesses. According to Mia, "the company believes that if forces of good are joined together, it promotes a sense of urgency to help out while creating a societal impact." Furthermore, StitchedbyMia achieves partnership for the goals by focusing on mothers in need as their central employees.


Mia Santos, CEO & Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Stitched by Mia

Stitched by Mia

Marikina City, National Capital Region, PH
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2017
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Located in Marikina city, StitchedbyMia offers crocheted items made with varied stitches and methodically executed by hand using different crochet techniques. StitchedbyMia promotes women's empowerment and claims to advocate for the nation, the earth, and society through its business model and platform. StitchedbyMia started as an idea to maximize the founder's creative talent and allow others to do the same. With this, the founder, Mia, turned this idea into a reality that became income-generating and life-giving.