GreenLeaf Painters

Painting a more Sustainable Future

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Jayda Castro

Jayda Castro

Justin Johnstone

Justin Johnstone

Sean Smith

Sean Smith

Kareem Suliman

Kareem Suliman


Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU)

Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU)


Aixa Ritz

Aixa Ritz

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Greenleaf Painters LLC is a sustainably based painting company that showcases a deep integration towards community bonds and wellbeing. Through constant education of customers and at green expositions, they have gained a client base that understand the importance of health change from something as simple as the paint on our walls. The company's processes align with several sustainable development goals.


The result of an EPA study conducted in 1985 determined VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are compounds that when released into the atmosphere rises and hurts the already damaged ozone. While they are an environmental detriment, they are also dangerous to an individual's health. They have been known to be connected to heart and lung related issues upon inhalation. The creation of low VOC paint is, " less harsh on the environment than oil paint, Jonathan Shenk expressed," oil based paint was one of the only paint options at one point and time, which in turn became nonexistent in usage in the present because of health concerns they posed. Mr. Shenk stated, "The innovation this brought to the market was revolutionary as an alternative to where companies could adhere to sustainability and make a profit." Expanding further on this quote this showcased GreenLeaf Painters LLC's baseline initiatives geared towards a healthier community, starting from the inside of the places we enter and exit every single day. GreenLeaf Painters LLC makes the effort to abide by sustainable development goal 11, sustainable communities and cities. Greenleaf Painters LLC, led by CEO Jonathan Shenk, stands as a beacon of sustainability and social responsibility in the painting industry. This not only contributes to environmental conservation but also enhances indoor air quality, aligning with the company's dedication to responsible consumption and production (UN SDG Goal 12). 

Beyond products, Greenleaf Painters is deeply committed to community support. Companies have made the switch to low VOC paints for the care of their customers, many have made them widely available as a marketing technique to promote their own contribution to environmental wellbeing. Mr. Schenk stated that, "This approach was made by some of the biggest paint distributors out there such as 3M, Bear, Benjamin Moore, and many more." It has aided within the education towards the harm of voc paints and shows a physical innovation targeted towards health improvement.

Painting a more Sustainable Future


The inspiration behind building Greenleaf Painters LLC was "primarily health and community based," said Jonathan Shenk. " In the company’s founding year 2006, there were barely more than a few paint supplier warehouses that were putting out low-VOC paint options." That did not stop the Mr. Shenk from locating one based in New York that worked well for his business. He explained how the paints on our walls ultimately determine the quality of air we breathe in. Never using oil paints, as well as educating his community and customers about the dangers of VOCs, and why low-VOC paints are important to consider and implement into our homes, has been a constant mission Jonathan Shenk and his team have been innovating and expanding for nearly 20 years. CEO Jonathan Shenk aspired and worked towards Greenleaf Painters LLC being, not only a sustainable business, but one that could give back to its community even further past its health benefits.

Greenleaf Painters LLC works with their local habitat for humanity. Greenleaf Painters LLC grew to support the Trenton Microloan Collaborative, which contributes further to the company's ties toward community bonds! Jonathan Shenk's inspiration and initiative towards equal opportunity and community fulfillment have been showcased by the things he and his team grew to do within their own business. The CEO stated he was “inspired to educate customers through conversation, advertising, green expos, press releases, and other marketing. Greenleaf stays abreast of new developments in this area and incorporates products as they become available.” According to the NJSBDC, it is evident through every project they get involved in as well.

Overall impact

Greenleaf Painters LLC strives to give excellent customer service and offer the highest quality work anyone can offer. With their sustainability-based painting company, they have implemented the use of paints with less volatile organic compounds, otherwise known as VOC. Low-VOC paint can increase indoor air quality by providing low chemical emissions in homes. Not only is it a healthier adjustment, but it is also a more sustainable option for the environment compared to paints without the same qualities.

Along with their housework, Greenleaf Painters continues to give back to the community with their work. Extra paint is given back to the community for further use as well as having an on-sight recycling process consisting of combing through debris within paint thinner for the paint thinner remnants to be used again. This reduces the amount of hazardous waste produced by the paint thinner, making the disposal process safe and simple. Studies over the years have shown the amount of health improvement within this topic is significant and has come from switching from oil paints to low VOC paints, as well as implementing them in sustainable ways such as GreenLeaf Painters LLC has.

Business benefit

Greenleaf Painters LLC, led by CEO Jonathan Shenk, stands as a beacon of sustainability and social responsibility in the painting industry. Since its establishment in 2006, the company has prioritized eco-friendly practices, notably by using low-VOC paints and eschewing oil-based alternatives.

Beyond products, Greenleaf Painters is deeply ingrained in community support. CEO Jonathan Shenk stated, " Donating excess paints to Habitat for Humanity, implementing on-site recycling processes, and actively participating in the Trenton Microloan Collaborative (TMC) showcases our commitment to community well-being." The TMC supports equality by providing 0 interest loans to formerly incarcerated entrepreneurs, the company addresses social issues, contributing to reduced inequalities (UN SDG 10) and sustainable economic growth (UN SDG 8). GreenLeaf supporting this is a great means of dedication towards a more sustainable and fair future.

These sustainable practices not only demonstrate corporate responsibility but also contribute to a positive brand image, attracting customers who prioritize environmentally conscious businesses. Moreover, the emphasis on community engagement fosters employee satisfaction and retention. Greenleaf Painters LLC's holistic approach aligns with multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals, making it a model for businesses seeking to integrate sustainability, social impact, and economic growth. Due to GreenLeaf Painters LLC's investment towards these sustainable practices they have created a space for employee opportunity and company expansion alongside growth!

Social and environmental benefit

The company actively engages in the reuse of paint for mixes, exemplifying a commitment to minimizing product waste. This practice not only contributes to a more sustainable supply chain but also showcases a thoughtful approach to responsible consumption and production. By creatively repurposing materials, Greenleaf Painters aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goal 12, focusing on sustainable practices.

The company's decision to give away excess paint to the community, particularly through partnerships with organizations like Habitat for Humanity, exemplifies a commitment to community welfare. This not only diverts usable materials from landfills but also contributes to community development. By providing resources to those in need, Greenleaf Painters strengthens its ties to the local community, supporting UN SDG 11—making cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

In summary, Greenleaf Painters LLC's dedication to reusing rags, repurposing paint, and giving back to the community through partnerships with organizations like Habitat for Humanity showcases a holistic commitment to social and environmental responsibility. These practices not only contribute to a healthier planet but also foster community engagement and well-being. The usage of low VOC paints tied in with this company's promotion towards education behind why they benefit humans, and the environment reflects these very points as well.


Jonathan Shenk, CEO

Business information

GreenLeaf Painters

GreenLeaf Painters

Lawrenceville, NJ, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2006
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
Greenleaf Painters LLC is a company that conduct business using sustainable painting products, as well as sustainable practices within the business that support several sustainable developments goals. They integrate their services within their community and ensure the well-being and opportunity of their employees.