PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

Organic Farming PT Holcim Indonesia Tuban Plant

9A68 1396


Fajar Susilo Adi Nugroho

Fajar Susilo Adi Nugroho


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 15. Life on Land

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As Pak Trayudi Darma mentioned one of the corporate social value programs of PT Holcim Indonesia Tuban Plant is improved nutrition and to increase the economic potential through the creation of special community agricultural intensification program using limited land use in the neighborhoods surrounding the factory of PT Holcim Indonesia Tuban Plant.

The community is educated to organize through planting media, household-based, program at the same time intended to improve public health through the consumption of chemical-free vegetables.

The program begins in September 2014, farmers involved: 30 people (initiator), with capacity: 30 RSO (Organic Vegetable House & 6 (Village Seed Garden) this include with 3rd Party Collaboration among PT Holcim Indonesia, consultant, and community activity center.


The community is educated to organize through planting media, household-based, program at the same time intended to improve public health through the consumption of chemical-free vegetables.

PT Holcim Indonesia provides 17 green house with 6x10 meters size and village seedlings of each village 1 unit, in the other hand Holcim also mentoring CSR program in terms of training to farmers, making organic fertilizers, knowledge of natural pesticides, application of the mentoring from the training is done every 1 week in the period of 1 year.

Organic vegetables not only consumed for households but also sold to some supermarkets and traditional stores in Tuban and Surabaya area this can increase their income.

Organic Farming PT Holcim Indonesia Tuban Plant


For many people in the communities surrounding PT Holcim Indonesia Tuban Plant operations, maintaining basic living standards is a constant challenge. In a weaker economy with significant rupiah depreciation, rising unemployment and persistently high food price inflation, Indonesia’s poverty rate actually increased by 0.2% to 11.1%, about 67 million Indonesians live just above the poverty line making them vulnerable to economic shocks such as food price increases.

PT Holcim Indonesia aims to strike a balance – to support the less privileged in times of need but to focus on self help and empowerment through knowledge and capacity building.

PT Holcim Indonesia aim is to replace negative mindsets and unsustainable habits through programs that encourage and promote self-sufficiency and effective resource management.

Overall impact

PT Holcim Indonesia has empowered the community and brought benefit and created new extra earning for local residents.

The program begins: September 2014, Farmers involved: 30 people (initiator) with the Capacity: 30 (organic vegetable house & 6 KBD (village seed garden) and 3rd party collaboration among PT Holcim Indonesia, Consultant, and Community Activity Center, the organic vegetables not only consumed for households but also sold to some supermarkets and traditional stores in Tuban and Surabaya.

Business benefit

Based on discussion with Pak Trayudi Darma the business model is developed beyond profitability for both PT Holcim Indonesia and community, the impact is society earnings grow 108% in the last five years.

Social and environmental benefit

The CSV (Corporate Shared Values) program based on interview from Pak Trayudi Darma is about community perception of PT Holcim Indonesia existence in Tuban such as 75% strongly support Holcim factory in Tuban Jawa Timur, 66% contributed to economic growth and 73% in education.


Mr Trayudi Darma, General Affairs & Community Relation Manager Tuban Plant

Business information

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk

Tuban, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000
As a responsibility to the sustainability of community, PT Holcim Indonesia continues to seek opportunities to add value in local communities. PT Holcim Indonesia actively supports community self-help initiatives in the key areas of infrastructure, education, health and micro-business development -- another aspect of PT Holcim Indonesia motto is "Building Together." The social commitment is realized through community development program, which allow to address real and enduring challenges in partnership with community representatives. One of Corporate Social Value program is organic farming this to increase the economic potential through the creation of special community agricultural intensification program through limited land use in the neighborhoods surrounding the factory of PT Holcim Indonesia Tuban Plant. The community is educated to organize through planting media, Household-based, program at the same time intended to improve public health through the consumption of chemical-free vegetables.