
Online Clean Agricultural Market

79C9 B5C0


Chi Ho

Chi Ho

Dung Le

Dung Le


University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, International School of Business

University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, International School of Business


Guenola Nonet

Guenola Nonet

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being

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Box4Ps is the online clean agricultural market supported by Pizza 4P’s – a famous Italian pizza restaurant from Japan which is one of the most popular restaurants in Ho Chi Minh city rated by Trip advisor, Forces or New York Times.

The idea was raised from August 2014 with the first 3 employees: the leader – Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy and her 2 other partners. They all work for Pizza 4P's.

As the business is in Food industry, the management of Pizza 4P’s wants to bring the freshest and clean materials into their pizzas which is associated with the brand. This led them to the challenge of finding reliable supplies. At that time, Thuy was assigned to be the leader of the project.

The first thing to do is looking for the source of fresh vegetables. The team spent most of their time to travel to regions having the advantages of agricultural crops. This is not easy as most of Vietnamese farmers are used to current farming methods which use chemicals to push up the growth of vegetables or pest control. Through many meetings with farmers at Don Duong, Lam Dong province, Thuy finally found some farmers who had the same idea on offering safe and clean products to customers.

Besides, the team also conducted many market surveys to analyze the customers’ habits and demands. They also examined agricultural products’ prices at some traditional markets or big supermarket such as BigC, Coopmart or Vinmart. This helped the team to set up suitable project products’ prices.

After one-preparation year, on August 2015, the online clean agricultural market – Box4P’s was launched through the website: for supplying agricultural products in Ho Chi Minh City. On this website, the same as an online purchasing e-commerce, customers have many choices of food ingredients which are ensured by the project management for the clear origin and quality assurance. Up to now, the project has expanded with the number of employees from 3 to 40. Everyday, it receives over 200 orders which is a great deal for a new joiner in food supply industry.


Nowadays, news about unhealthy food have been widely noticed on multi media, especially unclear origin food which may be harmful to our health. In Vietnam, people recently have cared much about the origin and quality of food supplied for their daily meals. They always want to find trusty suppliers which ensure 2 criteria: clear origin and safe to human. Housewives are reaching to big supermarkets or popular ones to buy fresh and safe materials for their family’s meals. However, according to some recent researches by journalist, vegetables at some supermarkets are not as clean and safe as they are advertised or customers believe. They are grown up by the support of chemical such as pesticides or growth stimulants which are long-term impact to people’s health. This is the premise for the release of “Online clean agricultural market – Box4Ps”.

Online Clean Agricultural Market


After the meeting with Ms. Thuy – Operation Manager at Box4Ps and also the Leader of the project, she shared that even the knowledge about agricultural started at zero, based on her working with farmers that she got the knowledge of fertilizing, watering, and harvesting. When stating up in organic agriculture, she also met many difficulties. Firstly, Organic agriculture depends on weather and pests. Secondly, the technique is different from others. High production cost makes it difficult for us to find the customers. "Moreover, it is difficult to find clean agricultural products which meet the standard of organic products. When entering cheese producing area, we also met some difficulties because perfect cheese requires many factors. The quality of milk must be high so most cows are from Japan and Australia, farmers have to make sure that they do not use antibiotics and stimulants according to the regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Farmers must feed cows with 20 necessary nutrients. Animal lodging has to be spacious where cows can relax. Workers are trained to become skilled in order to make qualified handmade cheese as one wrong step will lead to failed products. Temperature is also an important factor as high temperature leads to bad quality of cheese. The most difficult thing is that cheese is new in Vietnam market, many Vietnamese people do not know how to use cheese and the benefit of it. Thus when cheese was first launched, it did not attract consumers". She and her colleagues had to post on the website how to use each kind of cheese.

Overall impact

In recent years, e-commerce explodes in Vietnam and people start to care much the origin and quality of food. Moreover, it is supported by Pizza 4P which is a famous restaurant. These are opportunities for the project. However, there are many companies join organic food area so the competition is so high. Some companies are in agricultural area including organik online, Dalat gap or of Thanhnien news. They sell agricultural products online with competitive price compared with these in box 4p's. To develop with large scale need to have strong finance ability which is the weakness of start up company. Rapid development of organic food area which creates many choices for customers and increased the standard of food.

Business benefit

By joining the project, chosen farmers must comply with some strict requirements such as using the clear origin of seeds, no chemical is allowed in growth period. This is controlled by the project team by visiting farms regularly and applying safety inspections by third parties. Farmers in the project are supported by Box4Ps with cultivation techniques and ensure the output. This helps them to change to the positive crop methods which are environmental friendly and get stable income each month.

Social and environmental benefit

In the website of Box4Ps, there are many kinds of products from vegetables, fruits to fresh meat, beef, fish or even drinks, cakes, condiments and sauces. This makes the Box4Ps online market look like any type of market. However, in order to make it difference, Box4Ps focuses on 2 main areas: agricultural products which are grown up by non-chemical method and cheese hand-made from high quality milk.

By joining the project, chosen farmers must comply with some strict requirements such as using the clear origin of seeds, no chemical is allowed in growth period. This is controlled by the project team by visiting farms regularly and applying safety inspections by third parties. Farmers in the project are supported by Box4Ps with cultivation techniques and ensure the output. This helps them to change to the positive crop methods which are environmental friendly and get stable income each month.

"Along with the fresh foods, Box4Ps also offers a very unfamiliar product to Vietnam market. That is cheese. When connecting with farmers, we understood from some milk farm owners that they were worrying about the output for the cow milk. At that time, my friend had been back from Japan after finishing his research in cheese manufacturing. He was seeking for the pure source of milk to make cheese. We set up the cheese factory from Pizza4P’s. Cheeses are handmade with Japanese standards to provide for Pizza4P’s restaurants and some big hotels and restaurants in Ho Chi Minh city. Before sending out to the market, cheeses are carefully tested by standards cycles. The cheeses manufacture project has not only brought a stable income for some milk farm in Lam Dong but also is supplied in luxury restaurants and hotels".

Box4Ps is now on its development progress. The output is always ensured by the supported of Pizza4P’s restaurants and the fame of this brand has brought the trust to customers to continue using their products.


Nguyen Thi Thuy, Manager

Photo of interviewee


Hồ Chí Minh, VN
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Box4Ps is the Online clean agricultural market supported by Pizza 4P’s – a famous Italian pizza restaurant from Japan which is one of the most popular restaurants in Ho Chi Minh city rated by Trip advisor, Forces or New York Times.