
Online Agricultural Marketplace Increases Sales, Price Transparency


Saukhya Gumidyala

Saukhya Gumidyala

Emily Mills

Emily Mills

Ian Drummond

Ian Drummond


Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management

Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management


Michael Goldberg

Michael Goldberg

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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The innovation of Ninayo is in the supply visibility, demand visibility and logistical coordination that it provides to the rural, smaller holder, East African farmer in infrastructure-poor areas. Ninayo simultaneously addresses SDGs 1, 2, 8, 9, and 10 (No Poverty, No Hunger, Good Jobs and Economy Growth, Innovation and Infrastructure, and Reduced Inequalities).


The tools and technology that Ninayo employs (i.e., the internet, websites, and mobile brick phones) to achieve these things are not new. However, their application to the buying and selling of agricultural products in an area of the world where access to the internet has exploded in the last decade is entirely novel. By giving rural farmers access to a larger marketplace (demand visibility); helping buyers find these farmers (supply visibility); eradicating the informational asymmetry between savvy buyers and uneducated sellers through price transparency (the product of supply-side information and demand-side information being visible to everyone); as well as coordinating the physical exchange of goods (logistical coordination of the sale), Ninayo is helping to address the issues of poverty, hunger, lack economic activity, and inequality.

Online Agricultural Marketplace Increases Sales, Price Transparency


The Ninayo website explains that (paraphrased) 'buyers don’t know what crops farmers are selling, farmers don’t know how much buyers are willing to pay, and lack of logistical coordination between the two skyrockets costs and reduces sales'. In addition, in an area of the world where rates of malnutrition and poverty are high, it is a sad fact that up to 30% of crops grown will rot on the vine due to the problems mentioned above.

Overall impact

Rural farmers make more money, buyers of all kinds buy more crops (fairly), both of which lead to the easing of poverty and malnutrition, and to the reduction of inequality.

Business benefit

By facilitating the matching of the buyer and the seller as well as the transaction of the sale, Ninayo takes a small percentage of the transaction, thereby making money.

Social and environmental benefit

As explained above, Ninayo increases economic activity between buyers and sellers of agricultural products in a fair and transparent manner thereby relieving poverty and hunger. Where before two parties had the desire to transact, but could not, Ninayo provides the ability to do so in a completely transparent way.


Jack Langworthy, CEO

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Tanzania, TZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Did you know that over 30% of food rots in Tanzania, while malnutrition and poverty run rampant? is a two-sided marketplace for agriculture in East Africa that connects farmers with buyers of their crops. The average Ninayo user is a small holder farmer with an average annual income of less than $1000 who both struggles to find a buyer for their crop (supply visibility) and to figure out what price to charge for it (demand visibility). With mobile phone and SMS integration, Ninayo provides these rural farmers with a way to advertise their crops to a broader marketplace and to make their pricing transparent which helps them avoid being exploited by predatory distributors who capitalize on the their limited local buyer network.