
One Man’s Garbage is Another Man’s Treasure


Soumya Kumar Burma

Soumya Kumar Burma

Shreya Sharma

Shreya Sharma

Sidharth Banerjee

Sidharth Banerjee

Arti Kesari

Arti Kesari

Ronit Kumar Singh

Ronit Kumar Singh


Goa Institute of Management

Goa Institute of Management


Divya Singhal

Divya Singhal

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Alterenergyz offers customised waste management solutions which are practical and cost effective. The organisation provides quick and efficient service and is based in Goa. The kitchen waste management system designed by the company produces approximately 0.45 cubic metre of biogas from 1 kg of kitchen waste.

The company considers itself as a pioneer in waste disposal and management in Goa. It has created a tremendous impact in reducing the carbon footprint of various institutions in the state. According to the founder, Samruddh Hegde Dessai, “If more people follow our footprints for the same cause, we will be able to accomplish more than what we have hoped for.”


A biogas plant is an easy-to-install solution to kitchen waste problems. Alternergyz provides installation and maintenance to the clients who are aware of the waste disposal problems in Goa. So far, they have installed around 32 plants in Goa and the numbers are still increasing.

Biogas Unit has a digester tank installed in it which can digest the kitchen waste with the help of anaerobic bacteria and emit about 70% methane and other gases. An upper chamber which floats on water stores this gas. This gas thus produced is collected in a gas drum which rises and falls according to the amount of gas stored. As the gas produced, it passes through a pipe which is connected to the biogas stove.

Portable biogas plants are available in various capacities as per the requirement from domestic 2 kg per day to industrial requirement of 1000 kg per day. Biogas saves about 20-30% of LPG, thus reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.

One Man’s Garbage is Another Man’s Treasure


“Everyone can sit in a room, complain, make reports and discuss about the waste management problems, but who will walk the talk?” says Brian Farias, Marine Engineer and co-founder of Alternergyz.

Samruddh Hegde Dessai, a mechanical engineer by education, quit his well paying job is Vedanta Sesa Goa, in order to pursue his dream of making an impact on the society and do something useful. After years of working with Vedanta in Goa, he got the required information and motivation to work towards micromanaging the waste in Goa.

"You feel disgusted on seeing a pile of garbage, I see it as a business opportunity." Mr Brian said.

Overall impact

After gaining exposure and insight about waste disposal problem in Goa, Desai managed to start his own company through personal funding with his partner Brian. Desai did not have any particular UN SDG in mind while starting Alterenergyz

The innovation helps the client to get rid of their waste in a productive manner. The size of biogas units can be customized as per the customer needs. Moreover, it has turned out to be efficient in tackling the menace of rodents as all the garbage is disposed of in the process. Restaurants using Alterenergyz solutions not only get rid of their waste, but that same waste is being then converted into cooking gas.

Apart from this, the organisation is putting efforts to spread awareness

Business benefit

Alterenergyz, through its innovative and customer-centric waste management solutions, made a revenue of INR 4,000,000 in 2017.

It was due to the clear impact of the innovation that the organisation witnessed a growth of 200% within its second year of operation.

The organisation has a highly experienced team in the technical and execution fields. Since its inception, the organisation has fostered an employee friendly environment, helping the company retain its employees.

Social and environmental benefit

  • The solutions offered by the organisation help the client to manage and dispose of kitchen waste properly. This waste is used to generate biogas, thus lowering the consumption of LPG produced using fossil fuels.
  • The organisation has also helped in reducing waste garbage dumps in Goa, thus decreasing land pollution and promoting a healthy, sustainable environment.
  • The organisation creates awareness about healthy waste disposal methods to school students. The company has a product called “Sanitary Napkin Incinerator” which is installed in 80 schools around Goa.
  • The organisation in collaboration with Nestle has set up a rainwater harvesting system Goa University.


Samruddh Hegde Dessai, Co-Founder

Brian Farias, Co-Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Margao, Goa, IN
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

AlterEnergyz is involved in the following:

• A Single Point solution provider for all renewable Energy Needs and Waste Management Solutions
• Customised and Scientific Solutions catering to client specific needs
• Offer operation and maintenance services
• Providing TURNKEY Solutions for all projects if required (Design/Construction/Operation)
• Offer Consultancy/Education /Awareness Programmes
• One of the few companies to conduct Waste Audits etc