On Time Medical Transportation

On Time Medical Transportation


Beatriz Reyes

Beatriz Reyes

Maria Arias

Maria Arias

Anna Pisklarov

Anna Pisklarov

Lilian Caballero Carcamo

Lilian Caballero Carcamo

Caitlin Markenstein

Caitlin Markenstein


Rutgers Business School

Rutgers Business School


Jeana Wirtenberg

Jeana Wirtenberg

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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On Time Transport started in John Bush’s basement and now employs over 250+ workers, won NJ EMS Safety Award in 2016, and has 3 locations in the New Jersey area. The idea all started when the founder, John Bush, realized customer care and specialized relationships with clients is the core strategy to a successful business. Mr. Bush wanted to focus on providing service to all people, especially those who cannot provide a service for themselves. The innovative training techniques and processes are what make On Time Transport stand out from its competition. The mission of the company is to create a specialized transportation program for its specialized, and diverse customers.

Throughout the years, they have provided medical transportation for pediatric, cognitive and physical therapy, 911 and non-emergency transports, bedridden, hospice, and adult daycare programs. Having such a diverse clientele base is the innovative initiative for sustainability embedded in the business. On Time Transport creates a diverse pool of innovations that are applied throughout the company’s work vision.


Melissa Sauka is the Manager of Safety, Wellness, and Employee Development, and was the employee we interviewed. She described the innovation as the following, “On Time Transport started off with one wheelchair van and two caravans. From the beginning, the innovation is to continuously grow with the latest technology to help treat, transport, and protect our client base. We began with three trucks, and grew into a company with over one hundred vehicles, completing over a thousand trips a week, and generating revenue that is spent on the company. I hope that describes the innovation. If you meant the atmosphere, you should know I love it here. The people are great. Our staff is friendly. We’ve gone through highs and lows, but I can’t say On Time Transport hasn’t pushed through.”

In describing the atmosphere, Melissa emphasized how On Time Transport is very goal oriented as well. “We have HPIM, it is what sets us apart.” HPIM, High Performance in Motion, is a sub-department in our Finance department that helps track of every department’s key performance and target goals. HPIM is critical because it is how the company keeps everyone on the projected goal, and helps each department reach short-term and long-term goals. “Through HPIM, we are able to keep track of how highs and lows. We know how only a third of every company is truly engaged. With HPIM, we are able to calculate the exact percentage. It is a blessing and a curse. Numbers don’t lie, right?” Melissa shared. Melissa also shared that as part of our Employee Development department, she personally sees employee growth within the company. “I know plenty of Field Training Officers and EMTs that we’ve had that went on to become firemen and firewomen, police officers, RNs and doctors! And they still come back to visit. They always credit On Time,” she shared.

On Time Medical Transportation


It is in the mission of the company to provide service to everybody, and “everybody” should not be subjective. The business started in a basement and has progressed into a market leader in healthy lifestyle. The company focuses on health, training and all necessary knowledge to succeed in company, on equal work for both men and women, on progressing the US economy, on regulating pollution and responsible consumption, and on creating a safe and strong future.

As Melissa shared, part of the inspiration also came from the idea of constant evolution within the company. On Time Transport is very proud to share how within two years they had promoted over thirty employees, and it's important to share career growth for all. She shared, “Part of the motivation and inspiration behind On Time Transport was getting into the healthcare field and creating a specialized transportation program for our customers. Throughout our years we have provided medical transportation for pediatric, cognitive and physical therapy, 911 and non-emergency transports, bedridden, hospice, and adult daycare programs. This diversified client base is the reason our training procedures and employee guidelines have always been geared towards transporting clients with special needs.” We concur.

Overall impact

Along with wheelchair van services, basic life support (BLS) and specialty care ambulance (SCTU, ALSwBLS) transportation, the company also focuses on 911 emergency EMS services, Medical busses & shuttles, stand-by medical services for events, insurance billing consultations, facility partnerships, pet therapy, and more. "The impact is overall happiness in life, pleasant work environment, and most importantly, providing an impeccable service to the customer in need. This also gives a career opportunity in the transportation industry. You can begin from the very bottom as an attendant to becoming one of our Registered Nurses who handles our Advanced Life Support patients. It motivates our employees to do better."

In a larger aspect, the impact of the innovation is that it promotes job growth, job opportunity, it provides several services for its clients, and it promotes a healthy lifestyle. In terms of job growth, it creates more opportunities for people in the healthcare department who do not necessarily want to be in the hospital. Working On Time Transport means being able to handle a fast moving-pace job, where you are literally on-the-go.

Business benefit

Some benefits of this innovation are that the company's overall profits have increased, brand recognition and value have improved, and potential for growth in industry have improved. This innovation has helped them manage to stay on top of their competitors through customized services that meet the needs of their customers. On Time Transport accomplishes meeting the needs of its customers through their intensive and specialized training processes. Melissa shared, “The innovation that happens within the business is what has kept us in business for over thirty years. The company has progressed because they’re constantly innovating. My career growth within the company is a prime example.”

This innovation of technology and staying up-to-date with key performance metrics is what helps create more innovation within the company. By being able to keep track of all assets, being able to create innovation within the company helps the business to grow, and in turn, give more to others.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation benefits the society because it employs 250+ employees in local NJ towns. There is a lot of potential for job growth and career opportunities. On Time Transport also participates in various charitable events that give back to the community. One way in which they accomplish this is by donating gifts to children in need during the holiday season. Another example is doing charitable events during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On Time Transport’s innovation benefits the society by creating a sense of security to its citizens. They ensure the public’s security by requiring their staff to go through a rigorous training process in which safe medical practices are paramount to their operation.


Melissa Sauka, Manager of Safety, Wellness, and Employee Development

Business information

On Time Medical Transportation

On Time Medical Transportation

Roselle, NJ, US
Year Founded: 1990
Number of Employees: 201 to 500
On Time Medical Transportation provides clients with transportation to medical facilities by people who have some basic medical knowledge that enable them to get the client to their destination without issues. On Time Transportation serves people that need medical assistance or have medical conditions that need to get treatment.