
Oerlikon's Sustainable Innovations to Shape a Greener Future

Oerlikon Balzers RS 50 Coating System


Eleanor Somwaru

Eleanor Somwaru

Nicholas Garcia

Nicholas Garcia


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Oerlikon, a global technology and engineering company, develops innovative solutions across diverse industries through its additive manufacturing technologies. By utilizing advanced 3D printing mechanisms, Oerlikon modifies industries such as automotive, aerospace, and energy. Such an innovation restructures traditional manufacturing processes and aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly contributing to SDG #9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) by cultivating technological advancements and sustainable industrial operations.


Oerlikon has made significant progress in fostering sustainable innovations, most notably through its developments in additive manufacturing, commonly referred to as 3D printing. Oerlikon’s additive manufacturing solutions allow for the production of customized metal-based components in high demand across varying industries. The layer-by-layer technique involved in 3D printing processes enables the optimal use of resources; only the exact required amount of material is used in the construction of a product. Raw material consumption can be tuned, resulting in a reduced generation of waste, thereby offering a sustainable alternative to traditional manufacturing methods.

By leveraging additive manufacturing, Oerlikon successfully addresses chief United Nations Sustainable Development Goals such as Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG #9) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG #12). Oerlikon’s approach minimizes substance waste, energy consumption, and environmental impact since the precision of 3D printing ensures the optimal usage of supplies. Additionally, the associated carbon footprint is diminished due to material and energy efficiency, supply chain and design optimization, and customized production. With parts being produced on demand, excess production is no longer a problem; thus, the need for excessively large inventories is considerably less.

Oerlikon’s innovative solution is not restricted by any industry or geographical boundaries. The company’s additive manufacturing technologies can be applied within diverse sectors such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and beyond. Oerlikon’s dedication and commitment to pursuing what is accomplishable in the field of manufacturing ideally aligns with the vision for a better world and society, where technological developments stimulate economic growth while reducing environmental harm. Oerlikon’s additive manufacturing capabilities demonstrate the power of technology in cultivating sustainable practices, advancing industries, and contributing to an equitable global future.

Oerlikon's Sustainable Innovations to Shape a Greener Future


The inspiration behind Oerlikon’s commitment to leverage additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, branches from the company’s values of offering boundless innovations, reducing environmental impact, and providing transformative solutions to modern industrial challenges. The company’s established values correspond with the global urgency to implement sustainable practices and engage in responsible corporate citizenship. As a leading provider within the technology and engineering sector, Oerlikon acknowledges its potential to entirely restructure traditional methods of production and, instead, promote contemporary methods that will reap a number of environmental benefits.

A driving force has been the desire to contribute to sustainable practices that can better the world. Traditional forms of manufacturing have an adverse environmental impact due to excessive material waste and energy consumption. This inspired Oerlikon to explore the possibilities of 3D printing and promote it as an eco-friendly alternative. Through its embrace of additive manufacturing, Oerlikon strives to lessen waste generation, optimize the use of raw materials, and reduce the carbon footprint that is associated with heavy industrial production.

Another prime source of inspiration stems from the unmatched design customization and freedom that 3D printing offers. Oerlikon’s leaders recognize that additive manufacturing enables the creation of intricate parts that may be in high demand, satisfying functionality that would be otherwise difficult to achieve with standard manufacturing techniques.

Overall impact

Oerlikon’s utilization of additive manufacturing has had a remarkable impact on various industries, both in the short term and long term. Since their customer base is actively looking for ways to lessen the consumption of resources and reduce the emissions of harmful substances, Oerlikon offers solutions that ideally meet such fundamental goals. Over the short term, the company’s adoption of 3D printing technologies has consolidated manufacturing processes, significantly reducing production timelines. Accelerated production cycles and quicker delivery times of customized parts have resulted in meeting clients’ particular needs working in aerospace, automotive, and energy sectors. In the long term, we have seen a reduced ecological footprint attributed to their optimization of materials and minimized waste.

Oerlikon has earned the silver award from EcoVadis, one of the leading global sustainability ratings providers for corporate social responsibility. Such an achievement reveals Oerlikon’s ongoing positive impact on the environment, society, and world.

Business benefit

Because Oerlikon made the strategic decision to invest in additive manufacturing, such calculated initiatives have produced a wide range of benefits for the business. Oerlikon’s 3D printing solutions which are being offered throughout different industries, have opened up new revenue streams. With the expansion of customized manufacturing services, it is likely that it has attracted new clients and expanded Oerllikon’s customer base, leading to an overall increase in both revenue and market share.

Oerlikon’s emphasis on more eco-friendly and innovative methods of production has also improved the company’s perception among the public, positioning it as a socially responsible business. Such a reputation has likely resulted in higher workplace morale since employees take pride in working for a company that sits at the center of technological advancements and contributes beneficial aspects to various environmental and societal challenges. The company’s dedication to sustainable practices fosters a positive company culture.

Furthermore, Oerlikon’s robust influence in additive manufacturing has uncovered new opportunities for investment. To potential investors seeking out businesses that clearly demonstrate financial stability as well as the devotion to address prevailing global issues, Oerlikon is viewed favorably. As we see the market continue to prioritize sustainable efforts of high feasibility, Oerlikon’s expertise in additive manufacturing proves its business operations are shaping the future of manufacturing.

Social and environmental benefit

Oerlikon can provide significant benefits to both society and the environment through its adaptation of sustainable production methods like additive manufacturing.

For society, Oerlikon is able to use fewer materials and energy while helping customers accomplish more in terms of savings, productivity, and efficiency. In addition to this, their technological solutions spur job creation as well as economic growth. As these advanced forms of technology are adopted, the demand for professionals to operate and handle the 3D printing processes experiences vast growth. This stimulates economies and promotes innovative ideas among communities.

For the environment, Oerlikon aims to reduce energy usage and the emissions of harmful substances. The company has expressed its goal of reaching carbon neutrality in all locations by the year 2030. The company has already partially achieved this goal, as seen at its Liechtenstein location. Some more specific examples of Oerlikon’s environmental benefits include the creation of technologies that reduce fuel consumption in airplanes, extending the lifespan of tools, and conserving energy and limiting waste in processing polymers. Oerlikon acquires and uses energy only from renewable resources, increasing the consumption of recycled fibers. The company’s varied and persistent efforts to protect the environment and reduce their global impact display the benefits they reap environmentally.


Tyron Somwaru, Senior IT Business Partner

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Business information



Business Website: https://www.oerlikon.com/en/
Year Founded: 1906
Number of Employees: 10000+

Oerlikon is a Swiss multinational engineering and technology company with a robust global presence. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, Oerlikon serves as a leading provider of materials and surface solutions. It operates in diverse industries, offering highly innovative technologies and solutions throughout the aerospace, energy, and automotive sectors. The company's expertise in surface engineering and additive manufacturing allows for expansive advancements in sustainability efforts and the reshaping of future technology across a variety of industries.