Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Nurses Support Services



Jason Singh

Jason Singh

Evan Best

Evan Best


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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The business focuses on cancer care and how to solve complex cancer cases worldwide. The department that was interviewed focuses mainly on patient transport, and how the latest technology allows for faster patient care in the mode of transport.


The specific solution is developing treatment plans at the most effective rate for all types of cancer. This solves the excellent health and well-being portion of the UN SDG. MSKCC focuses on getting the most efficient treatment plans and always tries to innovate to have the fastest available treatment methods. MSKCC strives to invest in the most research to eliminate cancer in the body and has spent a lot of money on getting the best doctors and treatment methods.

NSS strives to get patients to desired locations with the latest iPhone technology and advanced stretchers and beds. NSS uses "Teletracking," which gives NSS much-needed insights on transferring patients better and gives the employees access to their iPhones to get patient information to transport them.


What inspired the leader was fighting cancer and getting the patients to their desired location. NSS strives to reduce lag in patient transfer operations and get jobs done within a specific time. In the interview, Mr. Farber said that they are a data-driven department and find root causes to lower delays in patient transport.

Overall impact

The overall impact of the innovation of NSS and Memorial Sloan is patient care is much better. Patients are getting to locations much quicker, allowing doctors to get proper diagnoses. The short-term effects are that patients are getting to a place much faster, and the long-term effects are that more patients can be transported and treated because of less delay throughout the day.

The impact of the department is that nurses can treat more patients because they do not need to escort a patient down to scans but instead have a transport department handle it. This, in turn, allows for more care for other patients and better workflow for all.

Business benefit

Because the business invested so much into the care for patient transfer, Patients feel compelled and comfortable while being transported. The job market for patient transport is always in demand because a computer can not transport patients in a hospital, mainly when unpredictable situations occur.

Patient escorts benefit healthcare businesses by contributing to positive patient experiences, improving communication, streamlining operations, and potentially reducing healthcare costs. Their role aligns with the goals of providing high-quality care, enhancing patient satisfaction, and ensuring healthcare facilities' efficient and effective operation.

Social and environmental benefit

Patient escorts play a vital role in society by providing valuable support and assistance to individuals navigating the healthcare system. One key benefit is the enhancement of the overall patient experience. The process of navigating medical facilities can be overwhelming, especially for those dealing with chronic illnesses or complex treatments. Patient escorts offer a comforting presence, helping individuals feel more at ease and supported during stressful and challenging times.

In addition to providing emotional support, patient escorts also improve communication between healthcare professionals and patients. They can assist in conveying important information, asking questions on behalf of the patient, and ensuring that crucial details are not overlooked. This facilitation of communication fosters a more efficient and patient-centered healthcare experience.


Derek Farber, Manager

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Business information

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

This business is a cancer care center. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center focuses on cancer care with patients and advanced research methods to beat cancer. The specific department, Nurses Support Services, focuses on patient transfer around the main campus building, to and from important scans, or other various treatments.