Poly Victoria

Nature Green


zifan Qin

zifan Qin


Monash University

Monash University


Gitanjali Bedi

Gitanjali Bedi

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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This innovation is about developing Green Buildings. Poly Victoria has used green and recycled resources for the properties, and they have planned to reduce the negative impact on the environment. In addition, they do not want to waste the materials while constructing.


This innovation is about meeting the standard of Green Building for all of Poly Victoria's projects. Since they have been only 4 years in Melbourne, they do not have many projects: a developed one (Claremont in South Yarra), a developing one (Summit in Doncaster), and so on.

To minimize the impact on the environment, they have used solar panels to create renewable energy. They can receive the heat from the sun and change it to an energy that is unlimited. As long as there are solar lights, this energy can be produced and used in our lives. The solar panels will not produce any pollution and will positively impact the environment. The pollution costs an abundance of money and labor to eliminate its effects. The air ventilation design and wind circulation of their projects are according to the mechanism standard. Hence, they can save much resources and energy instead of wasting them during the process. The natural air ventilation can refresh the buildings with the natural winds. It uses less energy and can improve the quality of the air, which directly impacts health.

Green Building standards achieve Affordable and Clean Energy, as such buildings use energy efficiently. Poly Victoria has reused and recycled some resources for developing properties. Thus, the Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure goal has been met. Moreover, Poly Victoria has been responsible in production. They have paid enough attention to using the minimum of resources.

Nature Green


Poly Victoria has only 4 years of experience in Melbourne. However, its parent company in China has been operating for over 27 years. They have many valuable experiences in construction and development, which can be used in improving the quality of buildings from Poly Victoria. In the past, Poly has developed excessive resources, and they finally realized it was not a sustainable way to grow in the long term. As a for-profit company, the most important goal is to maximize the shareholders' wealth and profits; minimizing the costs of construction will be the most direct way to satisfy that objective.

To achieve that, adopting the Green Building Policy will be a great choice. If the business starts using renewable energy, they will save much capital to prepare for normal energy. Like the solar panels, it produces the electricity by changing from sunlight and heat, saving a lot of costs. Furthermore, wood is necessary for the property. Trees can produce oxygen, which is extremely important for human life. They can absorb carbon dioxide, which is contributed by humans as well. Trees provide a lot of benefits for people and the earth. Nevertheless, they are decreasing quickly by humans cutting them down. People need woods to produce their necessary oxygen and even non-essentially to increase their life expectancy. They ignored the results where there are no trees and air. People will have no ability to survive. The Green Building Policy has restricted the use of wood to prohibit the waste of the scarce resource.

To avoid the consequences of running out of resources on earth, people have to take actions to protect their environment and try to slow down the coming of undermining. The Green Building Policy has played an important role in sustainable development, as well as encouraging the whole society to take actions to protect their living environment.

Overall impact

By adopting Green Building strategies, Poly Victoria has used the land resources efficiently. Since they have limited land for construction, the company has to divide them into reasonable areas, respectively. This results in the minimum costs for the developments. As well as the resources used in the construction, the Green Building Policy has eliminated the negative impact on the environment and society by adopting the solar panels and some other technologies. Furthermore, it can reduce the pollution. It asks the business to use recycled or renewable resources. This decreased the usage of non-recycled resources like plastic. In addition, they will be careful when dealing with wasted energy in the case that they have produced some. The natural air ventilation will give the property a good air-recycling system so that the health of people can be ensured.

According to the nine planetary boundaries, the areas of biosphere integrity and biochemical flows have been seriously disrupted by human activities. Since the biosphere environment has been destroyed by some pollution from construction or chemical factories, Green Building has decreased those pollution possibilities. It has restricted the usage of each resource and encourages Poly Victoria to use the recycled energies. Poly Victoria innovated with the Green Building Policy to satisfy sustainable development, which has reduced the negative impact directly and indirectly to the planetary boundaries.

Business benefit

As Poly is one of the top 500 companies all around the world, it is a huge-scaled construction company. For all of their projects in Victoria, they have used the Green Building Policy to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Since this policy required Poly Victoria to use environmentally friendly materials and try to minimize the negative impact on the Earth, customers would be attracted by their construction ways. The business would disclose their eco-friendly ways to design and develop the buildings. The consumers would be happier to spend their money on the same quality (or even better) property with a good reputation. They can enjoy a higher quality of life in a good way, by protecting the environment. This leads to gaining more profit in Poly Victoria by using Green Buildings.

Once they have entered the eco-friendly field, they can expand their business into more profitable areas that are related to being eco-friendly. They would be more familiar with the resources and energies, and it would be easier to enter the eco-friendly technology markets.

Overall, Poly Victoria would get many benefits from using the Green Building Policy, and they will improve their profits in Victoria.

Social and environmental benefit

Poly Victoria has done well in the construction area so far. Green Buildings have given them a good reputation, as this requires them to use eco-friendly resources to construct. This contributes a lot to the local environment, as they have decreased the usage of wasted resources and increased the quality of their products. Materials like wood, iron, and even land are scarce, and they will not become less so while the population on earth is growing quickly. People have to pay more attention to limiting their usage of limited energies. The biosphere integrity has to be protected, as it has been damaged so badly. People have crossed the line too much where the animals are facing extinction. The global temperature has become higher and higher while most animals cannot adapt to their living environment. The biosphere is chaotic, and people are threatened by it as well. Green Building has been a good start for people to reduce the harm to their environment.

Moreover, Poly Victoria can encourage the whole society to start focusing on our living place by disclosing their policies. After they become successful in their areas, they would absorb more skilled employees to make themselves stronger. For society, they provide many working opportunities to those workers, which impacts positively as well. If PolyVictoria has entered the new eco-friendly technology markets successfully, it will help the whole economy grow. And it will help to improve the global technology markets, which will give people a better life.


Fan Fei, Project Contact, Claremont Development

Business information

Poly Victoria

Poly Victoria

Melbourne, Victoria, AU
Business Website: http://polyglobal.com/au/
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Poly Victoria was founded almost 4 years ago. It is a branch of a Chinese Company, Poly Global, with headquarters in Sydney, Australia. It is a real estate company that combines design, construction, and marketing of buildings. They mainly focus on developing residential projects and some office towers.