Mylk Made

Mylk Made: Plant-Based Mylk Bases

Mylk base


Kate Parker

Kate Parker


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Mylk Made's mission is to create a sustainable and waste free solution for plant-based milk. Mylk Made has achieved this by making concentrated milk bases that can be blended with water. Plant-based milk alternatives are usually sold in Tetra Pak cartons which is usually hard to recycle. These products contain mainly water which is transported throughout the country creating more carbon emissions than necessary. The business helps solve the problems of packaging waste, transport emissions, and production with plant-based milk alternatives.

The innovation helps to solve the following United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs): responsible consumption and production, good health and well-being, climate action, and industry, innovation, and infrastructure.


In 2020, Jemma Delore started a company called Mylk Made. Jemma and her mum Corinne created concentrated milk bases, which are a waste free solution to consuming milk alternatives. Jemma’s husband is a builder and converted an old shed into a commercial kitchen on her parents’ property in North Canterbury. The concentrated milk bases are made using a slow stone grinding method. The ingredients are 100% natural and do not include preservatives, binders, and gums. Mylk Made customer base is 50% consumers (online), and 50% wholesale (refill stores, supermarkets, cafes).

The problem Mylk Made solved was the ability for consumers to drink plant-based milk without the packaging waste being created at the same time. Most of the plant-based milk produced is put into Tetra Pak cartons which many local councils across New Zealand do not accept which end up in landfill waste. The plant-based milk products that are ready-made are transported around the country creating a larger environmental impact as most of the product contains 97%-98% water.

Mylk Made is an innovative solution that helps to achieve 4 of the 17 sustainable development goals and a better world by allowing consumers to have a waste free milk alternative which has a lower impact on the environment. Mylk Made helps achieve responsible consumption and production, and climate action through its source of milk (almonds, cashews, macadamia, hazelnut, coconut, hemp) and its life-cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) (manufacturing, packaging, transport, end of life, and resource recovery). Mylk Made supports good health and well-being as nuts contain protein, fibers and lots of vitamins. The product is very innovative and has been mindfully created to ensure that the least impact on the environment will occur while offering a healthy product for consumers that is convenient.

Mylk Made: Plant-Based Mylk Bases


Jemma and her husband were traveling in Lombok, Indonesia where they noticed the way plant based mylks were created with just cashews, coconut, lemon juice, and water. Jemma stated “It just really sparked my interest”. Jemma was inspired to create a product back in New Zealand. She has always been a plant-based milk consumer and researched whether anything like her product idea was available in New Zealand. Jemma realised there was a gap in the industry so started planning how her new business would work.

I asked Jemma, what would you tell someone who is starting a new sustainable product? Her response was to “make sure your product has a strong point of difference and solves a problem. So many products are marketed as 'sustainable' now, so you really need a strong solution that is different to what's already on offer”.

Jemma’s parents were entrepreneurs, and she considers her mum a mentor throughout this journey. Jemma enjoys discussing ideas with her mum and working through problems together. I asked Jemma, what is the best advice someone has given you relating to Mylk Made? Her response was to “remember to celebrate the wins!”

I asked Jemma to share what her biggest uphill battle or problem that occurred since the start of Mylk Made to now. Her response was “time, and balancing that time. Being a small, family run business, there are only so many hours in the day. Also learning when it's time to delegate (externally) for certain things is a challenge”.

Overall impact

Mylk Made vision is to create a world where sustainable choices are the norm, and everyone can enjoy delicious and nutritious plant-based alternatives without compromising on taste or the health of our planet. Mylk Made strives to be at the forefront of the plant-based revolution, inspiring individuals to embrace a more conscious lifestyle.

Mylk Made is achieving their vision. It is important as a consumer to have options that are truly sustainable, and you feel good purchasing them. Mylk Made has provided me as a consumer with a viable option to consume plant based mylk without waste. The base allows you to make as much as you need. This reduces food waste which is common with plant-based milks.

Mylk Made bases are transported in glass jars. The packaging materials are 100% recyclable. This includes the glass jar, lid, label, sticker, and packaging materials (box, tape, and pop starch). Mylk Made have a return your empty jars system in place. The empty jars can be returned and reused. The customer receives a discount code for their help in returning the jars.

The short-term effects of in innovation include: a waste free product, reduced emissions, and building momentum.

The long-term effects of the innovation include new innovation and putting pressure on the dairy industry and other carton plant-based milk alternatives to make changes to reduce emissions and waste.

I asked Jemma what impact you see Mylk Made having in the long term and her response was “I see Mylk Made changing the game for plant based mylk. Our goal is to make mylk bases the new 'norm' for plant based mylk and continue to prevent tons of waste going into our landfills, along with eliminating the need for water to be shipped”.

Business benefit

The innovation has challenged large manufacturers of plant based milk to consider how they are currently providing products into the industry. It is not necessary to create products in non-sustainable ways when there are viable solutions available. Mylk Made are currently working on another product line which will also shake up the industry. Jemma believes these products have enormous potential to set a new standard for sustainable consumption in the plant-based space.

The business is scalable, and the current business model works well with profit earned invested back into the company for further innovation to occur. Mylk Made have plans to start exporting to Australia and Japan, which makes sense given the product is already minimising emissions throughout the supply chain.

Mylk Made are working with cafes which would increase the number of Tetra Pak cartons saved. She is working with Bid food, which would help her product reach many more people and have a bigger impact. Jemma acknowledges getting people to change their habits is hard, however they are working on solutions to overcome this and allow their product to be easily used at cafes.

Mylk Made won the Kete accelerator programme through Woolworths NZ. Kete is a toolbox of support valued up to $250,000 per business and includes a $20,000 cash grant, marketing support and access to Woolworths customer insights, finance, product development, supply chain and merchandise expertise. This program allowed their products to be on shelves from 2022. Mylk Made are stocked at specific New World grocery stores which they target and pitch individually.

Social and environmental benefit

Mylk Made's values are sustainability, quality, transparency, innovation, health and well-being, collaboration, integrity, and continuous improvement. Mylk Made has since its inception lived by its mission and values, which is great to see.

Mylk Made have an annual impact report on their website. The company is very focused on water conservation. Mylk Made products require little water in both the cultivation and production process compared to traditional plant-based milk. This is another positive impact of the innovation as water is scare and Mylk Made are trying to minimise water usage across the supply chain.

Mylk Made has saved 180,000+ Tetrapak cartons from landfill. This is a huge innovation for plant-based milk drinkers. It allows consumers to have a convenient option available without the impact on the environment. This benefits society and the environment as less waste and less emissions are key for New Zealand as industries transition to a low carbon economy. Mylk Made have teamed up with carbon click which allows customers to offset their carbon emissions related to the purchase. Mylk Made has also been working on their B Corp certification which they are expecting to receive this year.

Mylk Made products are plant-based and the nuts are sourced locally in New Zealand and in Australia. The emissions created by plant-based milk alternatives are 3 times lower compared to the dairy industry which produces emissions at every phase of its LCSA. Mylk Made supports local growers reducing its emissions impact in sourcing raw ingredients from overseas.


Jemma Delore, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Mylk Made

Mylk Made

Rangiora, North Canterbury, NZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Mylk Made is a purpose driven brand dedicated to reducing waste in the milk plant industry. Mylk Made makes concentrated bases to mix with water creating a waste free solution for plant based milk.