
Move. Shift. Propel. Progress.


Shadia Rask

Shadia Rask

Soile Kulmala

Soile Kulmala

Heidi Uusivirta

Heidi Uusivirta

Hanna Kumpulainen

Hanna Kumpulainen


Hanken School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics


Martin Fougere

Martin Fougere

Global Goals

5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Impaktly’s superpower is their cross-disciplinary team of sustainability experts. Impaktly’s technology and data consultants translate regulatory and business needs into tangible data strategies, data governance models, backlog requirements and solution designs. Impaktly produces a yearly data publication, The Nordic Business Diversity Index, to provide an overall picture of what senior leadership in the Nordics looks like in listed companies from four perspectives: the number of women and men, different age groups per decade, different nationalities, and educational backgrounds in Executive Management and Board of Directors. These data contribute to work for gender equality (SDG 5) and reduced inequality (SDG 10).


Impaktly’s expertise is in data-driven business models, product and service design, social and environmental sustainability. Impaktly helps companies to understand what the mega trends mean for people and how they shift values and behaviors: “It’s in our DNA to start with the humans.”.

Impaktly’s services help clients solve various SDGs, particularly gender equality (SDG 5), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12). Impaktly’s reference companies include large listed companies in Finland, such as Metsä, Raisio, Kone and S Group.

Move. Shift. Propel. Progress.


Suvi Halttula, Head of Social Responsibility and Human Rights, has strong substance expertise from NGOs. In the final years in Plan International Finland, she witnessed a monumental mental change in partnerships work. There was a genuine interest from the private sector to change the status quo and create a better world for future generations. This was something she wanted to be part of and it propelled her to set up her own consultancy business focusing on corporate social responsibility. This journey was extremely rewarding with a growing client base. After a few years of solo entrepreneurship, it was time for a change.

At the same, Mia Folkesson, who has a background working with digital transformations, saw how big the impacts of digitalisation were in different industries and the variety of stakeholders involved. She predicted the same to happen next in sustainability and how various elements of sustainability need to be integrated throughout the business operations. The paths of Suvi, Mia and Antti Maunula crossed – and Impaktly was born. The co-founders decided to set their goals high. Impaktly helps its clients to step up to the climate challenge, push for societal equality (SDG 5 and 8), respect planetary boundaries (SDG 12 and 13) and build competitive advantages (SDG 8).

According to Suvi:

“It is quite typical that at first we start to talk about a topic quite narrowly, like focusing on gender representation, but then we end up looking at the concept with the client much more holistically.”

And this is where the change originates from.

Overall impact

Impaktly directs its services to all companies and organizations willing to fast-track their sustainability agendas and apply a human-centric approach to strategy. Their innovation aims to embed human rights into business operations and teach the new tools and methods to everybody.

In the short-term companies are able to make their business sustainability compliant. With Impaktly’s offering, organizations become well-informed and learn about their sustainability impact and are able to deeply, holistically embed sustainability actions into their business operations.

Long-term effects of the innovation will be seen when the organization thrives because people / employees feel safe, free and creative at work. The innovation’s long-term impacts are most profound when organizations truly have made a shift towards sustainable progress and seen permanent change throughout the whole value chain. With this kind of sustainable progress companies can be more future proof.

Business benefit

Impaktly’s consulting service benefits client organizations in integrating sustainability into the core of their strategies and identifying key opportunities for sustainable business solutions. This develops clients overall competences in the area of sustainability, creates new business models and increases regulation readiness that also shows in profitability. This takes form, for example, through the Impaktly Academy training programs that include employee training, board and management, and expert teams that provide customized training for clients.

Impaktly sees the ongoing regulatory development as an opportunity for the sustainability transformation because it makes the organizations realize the wider impact of their functions more clearly.

Social and environmental benefit

Impaktly crafts innovative circular business models, scenarios and designs circular solutions for their clients to drive sustainable, positive impact into businesses. The environmental benefits are imminent when Impaktly makes their client organizations understand the environmental questions, such as biodiversity, in concrete terms, and identifies the type of business model opportunities for the clients that mitigate environmental and climate risks.

Impaktly serves their clients in ethical business acceleration by embedding human rights into business operations and advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. This makes the clients understand the impact of social sustainability in their business models.


Suvi Halttula, Head of Social Sustainability

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Business information



Helsinki, Helsinki, FI
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2022
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Impaktly is a sustainability consulting company that supports clients integrate sustainability into the core of their businesses. Their services help clients proactively navigate regulations, develop strong sustainability initiatives, design circular solutions, and fast-track systematic change.