Merle Norman Cosmetics

Merle Norman Cosmetics adequately endures an evolving industry


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Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

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Merle Norman opened her first store in 1931. The company offers a variety of products and services for skin care. Merle Norman gives women the opportunity to open their own businesses. For the last decade, Mrs. Tammy Toups has prided herself as a locally owned small business-woman supplying Merle Norman products and services. Merle Norman Cosmetics helps foster a drive for entrepreneurship from their franchisees.


The UN Sustainable Development Goal for this business is Goal 8 which states Decent Work and Economic Growth. The goal highlights targets 8.1 sustainable economic growth, 8.2 diversify, innovate, and upgrade for economic productivity, 8.3 as this company fosters entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, and 8.4 improve resource efficiency in consumption and production. Merle Norman's implementation of hand sanitizer and skin products empowers individuals. Merle Norman allows franchise owners to foster entrepreneurship and grow their local economy by empowering their owners to form a stronghold within the community. As a result, Merle Norman helps foster local and small businesses, as not all profits go to Merle Norman Cosmetics as a corporation. Most recently, when entering the e-commerce world, they allow small businesses credit and compensation for products bought online. Mrs. Toups is a perfect example of the opportunities Merle Norman's legacy has created today. They provide a chance for small businesses to be open to be part of the community to provide products and services to the community.

Merle Norman Cosmetics adequately endures an evolving industry


Merle Norman Cosmetics aims to boost small business owners through their addendum of technological upgrading and innovation. The company recently added e-commerce after many years of steering away from online shopping as they saw a need to provide it in their business model since the COVID-19 outbreak. They look to build up small businesses by allowing specific stores to be credited with an online sale instead of all of the money going to the corporation. This fosters economic growth as it allows their small business owners to not be too adversely affected by the growing popularity of e-commerce. Throughout the years, Merle Norman has continued to be in the cutting edge of products within the industry. Merle Norman recently created the product line, Aqua Bliss which has all natural, plant-based ingredients which offers efficiency and sustainability in consumption and production.

Merle Norman Cosmetics strives to promote development, and one of their core goals in their business, since its inception, is to empower female business owners. Merle Norman Cosmetics has stood the test of time as they are one of the very first cosmetic companies that are still able to thrive within the industry through their ability to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Merle Norman aims to develop and enhance their business owners by holding conferences inviting all owners to meet up and share their strengths and capabilities to help everyone within the company to be caught up with the changing environment. Merle Norman Cosmetics, since its beginning in 1931, has boosted women business owners and played a major role in innovating cosmetic products. They created the first powder-based foundation as it was made to help burn victims, but it still shines through as an extremely effective protectant from the sun.

Merle Norman was a chemist who created her first three products in her kitchen. These three products were what she called the first three steps to beauty, which are the cleansing cream, miracle mask, and powderbase. These products are still being sold today alongside the many new offerings the company has created. The powderbase was created to help the people who were burn victims and came to her for an ointment as a solution. The powderbase she formulated was able to both assist in healing the burn victims along with helping hid their blemishes.

Tammy Toups, a small business franchise owner of Merle Norman cosmetics, proudly promotes, wears, and learns about the products she sells as a way to help economic growth within her business. Merle Norman Cosmetics is a company that Mrs. Toups was a former employee of, and was ecstatic when the opportunity arose for her to buy the company from her former boss.

Mrs. Toups explained, “Our Zinc-oxide foundation is so great with protecting the skin from the sun we still get men coming into the store to use the product either as fishermen, hunters, or for work outdoors.” Mrs. Toups said, “Merle Norman Cosmetics has done a great job at standing the test of time as they have been operating for over ninety years and still have such a strong reputation.” Their ability to create new products and adjust their business model has been a great example of how a company can thrive to achieve decent work and economic growth.

Overall impact

Merle Norman’s ambition for success and innovation shines through her nephew, Jack Boison Nethercutt, who she gave ownership of the business to upon inheritance. He has continued to remain competitive in the beauty product industry through innovations like an all natural, plant-based product line, and their fast action in manufacturing hand sanitizer with moisturizer practically as soon as the Covid-19 outbreak began.

Merle Norman is the first company within the beauty industry to adopt the Sanitation Conversation certification, which requires their Studios to be certified as a “Safe Business” for people to try their beauty products.

Mrs. Toups said, “The mission of Merle Norman is to give every woman a more beautiful life.” The company is striving to meet this mission by adding online stores for customers who prefer e-commerce to add to their shopping experience. Beyond online shopping, there are 1,007 Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios in 7 countries.

Mrs. Tammy Toups as a franchisee aims to create decent work for her key employee. As she herself often covers shift, she ensures that her worker is being paid and cared for in a favorable way. Ms. Cindy, Mrs. Toups's employee, is paid a fair wage and is able to earn a commission on makeovers. As a way to thank her for her hard work and effort in the business and keep her more than motivated and satisfied to be an employee there, Mrs. Toups takes Ms. Cindy and her husband on a trip every year where everything is paid for by Mrs. Toups and her husband, Mark Toups.

Business benefit

Merle Norman franchises have empowered women business owners since 1931, when women were not traditionally employed beyond common occupations for women at that time, like nurses, teachers, and receptionists. Since Merle Norman was a pioneer for women to own their own businesses, this has allowed women to pursue and experience their dreams of being business owners for over 90 years. The company is the first beauty brand to invest in a safe practices certification called “#SanitationConversation”, which certifies that all Merle Norman Studio locations are safe for customers to explore beauty products. Merle Norman did not originally plan to enter the e-commerce world, but after the COVID-19 pandemic began, customers were not able to purchase products in stores. To adapt, the company created its own website to be able to reach its customers during a change in customer preference. When clients use Merle Norman’s website to buy products, they are able to select a specific franchise location that will receive 50% of the revenue made from that sale. When the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak in 2020, Merle Norman began producing a new hand sanitizer. This not only helped to provide customers with a product to keep them safe, but it also gave franchise owners a highly demanded product to sell to customers.

Social and environmental benefit

Merle Norman makes a cleanser and a moisturizer, called Aqua Bliss, that is environmentally friendly because it is made using plant-based ingredients. The company is also planning on releasing more plant-based products in the near future. This credits Merle Norman Inc. with providing sustainable production and consumption for their products. The first product made by Merle Norman is a foundation called the “Three Steps of Beauty”. They are Cleansing Cream, Miracol mask, and Powder Base. These products are made using Zinc Oxide, which is the best inorganic compound to use as protection against UV rays. This product is still being used ever since it was first made by Merle Norman herself in the 1930’s. Merle Norman also allows customers to use sample products before buying. This allows them to decide whether the product is what they are looking for. The company is the first beauty brand to invest in a safe practices certification called “#SanitationConversation”, which certifies that all Merle Norman locations are safe for customers to explore beauty products. During World War II, Merle Normal was called on by the United States government to produce a special machine gun oil. This provided the rapidly expanding armed forces with the necessary supplies needed by troops at the time. More recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Merle Norman quickly began production of a new hand sanitizer. Since this kind of product was highly demanded and not very easy to acquire during that time, Merle Norman was able to provide it for customers and keep them safe.


Tammy Toups, Franchisee

Business information

Merle Norman Cosmetics

Merle Norman Cosmetics

Thibodaux, LA, US
Year Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
Merle Norman Cosmetics operates in the skincare and cosmetics retail industry. The company produces skincare, personal care, and makeup products, and has been operating for over 90 years. Merle Norman Cosmetics allows franchisee's to become entrepreneurs and spread the message to "Give every woman a more beautiful life."