Cuore Italiano

"Melting hearts, not the planet: the story of Cuore Italiano"

Captura de Pantalla 2024 04 23 a las 11 04 35


Cielo Naranjo

Cielo Naranjo

Julián Pérez Espinoza

Julián Pérez Espinoza

Melissa Lopez Medrano

Melissa Lopez Medrano

Patrick Villa

Patrick Villa


Universidad Anáhuac Puebla

Universidad Anáhuac Puebla


Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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By offering sustainable packaging options, Cuore Italiano contributes directly to UN SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Their dedication to reduce environmental impact aligns with the goal of promoting sustainable practices in consumption and production, fostering a more responsible approach in the food industry.


Cuore Italiano's innovation approach goes beyond the gelato production offering biodegradable packaging; it embodies an holistic commitment for creating a better world. The CEO Andrea Morteo, since the beginning of Cuore Italiano encouraged to prioritize local and organic ingredients whenever possible. The company not only ensures the quality of its products, but also supports the local economy and reduces the carbon footprint. This aligns directly with UN SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, as it promotes sustainable practices in food sourcing and distribution.

Moreover, Cuore Italiano's dedication to social responsibility extends to its labor culture, fostering a supportive environment for its employees, and maintaining transparent and honest relationships with customers and suppliers. Through conscious waste management practices, such as separating recyclables and delivering them to recycling centers. The company minimizes its environmental impact, contributing to SDG 12's objectives by reducing waste generation and promoting sustainable source use.

Furthermore, the development of a sugar-free gelato line addresses the growing need for healthier dessert options, catering to individuals with specific dietary requirements such as diabetics or those following a keto diet. By using alternative sweeteners like Erythritol and Maltitol. Cuore Italiano ensures that these products are not only sugar-free but also delicious, allowing everyone to indulge in the joy of a gelato without compromising their health. This initiative not only supports SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being but also promotes inclusivity and accessibility to enjoy by all.

"Melting hearts, not the planet: the story of Cuore Italiano"

Andrea Morteo, CEO of Cuore Italiano


Andrea Morteo, the founder of Cuore Italiano, is inspired by her family's gelato-making legacy, particularly her grandfather's trattoria where gelato was a beloved treat. Her journey began with inheriting her grandfather's gelato machines, sparking a passion to revive his recipes. Despite challenges in adapting the machines, Andrea's determination led her to study gelato-making in Bologna, Italy. Alongside her passion for gelato, Andrea is driven by a commitment for sustainability. It is very evident in Cuore Italiano's the use of eco-friendly packaging and their development of a sugar-free gelato line. Andrea, says "Nuestra filosofía más allá de solo tener empaques biodegradables, queremos UN MUNDO MEJOR", so this idea has been at the core company´s values since its beginnings in 2016. This dedication stems from a desire to create not just delicious treats, but also to contribute positively to the environment and promote healthier dessert options. The idea of creating a sugar free line started as a response to the market necessities, but as Andrea said "El impedimento de comer azúcar, no debería ser un obstáculo para disfrutar de eso que te hace feliz y conectar con tu niño interior." (The impediment of eating sugar shouldn't be an obstacle to enjoy what makes you happy and connect with your inner child). In each scoop, Cuore Italiano embodies Andrea's vision of offering authentic gelato experiences while striving for a better world. Through sustainable practices and innovative flavors, Cuore Italiano aims to delight customers, while making a meaningful impact on both the community and the environment.

Overall impact

Andrea Morteo's inspiration and dedication to sustainability and innovation have driven Cuore Italiano to make significant strides in the gelato industry. In the short term, the introduction of eco-friendly packaging and the sugar-free gelato line gained immediate attention, attracting environmentally conscious consumers and those seeking healthier dessert options. This innovation allowed Cuore Italiano to differentiate itself in the market and expand its customer base, leading to increased sales and brand recognition.

In the long term, Cuore Italiano's commitment to sustainable practices has had a lasting impact on the environment and the community. By using biodegradable packaging and locally sourced ingredients. The company has reduced its carbon footprint and supported local farmers and businesses. Furthermore, the introduction of the sugar-free gelato line has contributed to promoting healthier lifestyles and addressing dietary needs, positioning Cuore Italiano as a socially responsible business brand.

The evidence of Cuore Italiano's impact can be observed through customer feedback, increased demand for eco-friendly products, and the company's continued growth and expansion. Positive reviews praising the delicious flavors and sustainable practices indicated that customers appreciate Cuore Italiano's efforts to create high-quality gelato, while minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the company's success in establishing multiple locations and partnerships with restaurants demonstrates the effectiveness of its innovative approach in both, the short and long term. Overall, Cuore Italiano's commitment to sustainability and innovation has not only enhanced its brand reputation, but also made a positive difference in promoting responsible consumption and production in the gelato industry.

Business benefit

Because Cuore Italiano prioritized sustainability and innovation, several positive outcomes have materialized. Revenue has increased steadily due to consumer interest in eco-friendly products and healthier dessert options, driving the company's growth and profitability. As a result, Cuore Italiano has been able to hire more employees, providing job opportunities and contributing to economic development in the community. The company's commitment to employee wellbeing, exemplified by its supportive labor culture, has led to increased job satisfaction and employee retention, fostering a positive work environment.

Furthermore, Cuore Italiano's sustainable practices and product innovation have opened new markets and expanded its customer's base. By catering to environmentally conscious consumers and individuals with dietary restrictions, such as diabetics or those on keto diets. The company has tapped into new niche markets and established itself as a leader in the gelato industry. This expansion has not only diversified Cuore Italiano's customer demographics, but also created new investment opportunities, attracting investors interested in supporting socially responsible businesses.

Overall, Cuore Italiano's strategic is focused on sustainability and innovation. It has generated a cascade of positive outcomes from increased revenue and job creation to enhanced employee wellbeing and market expansion. By aligning its business practices with environmental and social values, Cuore Italiano has not only achieved financial success, but also made a meaningful impact on the community and the gelato industry as a whole.

Social and environmental benefit

Cuore Italiano's innovation is prioritizing sustainability and product development benefits, in both society and the environment in several ways. For example, by utilizing eco-friendly packaging and locally sourced ingredients, Cuore Italiano reduces its environmental footprint, minimizing waste and promoting responsible consumption and production practices. This commitment in sustainability contributes directly to achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, fostering a more environmentally conscious food industry.

Moreover, Cuore Italiano's introduction of a sugar-free gelato line addresses society concerns regarding health and wellness. By offering delicious gelato options that are free from added sugars, the company provides individuals with dietary restrictions, such as diabetics or those following keto diets, the opportunity to enjoy guilt-free indulgence options. This initiative promotes inclusivity and accessibility to healthier dessert options, enhancing overall societal well-being and contributing to UN SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Overall, Cuore Italiano's innovative approach to gelato production not only benefits consumers by offering delicious and healthier treats but also positively impacts the environment by reducing waste and supporting local economies. By aligning its business practices with sustainability and social responsibility, Cuore Italiano sets a precedent for ethical and environmentally conscious entrepreneurship, inspiring other businesses to follow them. Through these efforts, Cuore Italiano contributes to building a more sustainable and inclusive society, one scoop of gelato at a time.


Andrea Morteo, CEO

Business information

Cuore Italiano

Cuore Italiano

Cholula, Puebla, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Cuore Italiano, born from inheriting two Carpigiani gelato machines, has grown from its beginnings in 2016 at itinerant markets to opening its first store in San Pedro Cholula in 2019, with another in Angelópolis. Despite the pandemic, the team has grown from one to eleven members with biodegradable packaging and a line of sugar-free gelatos, Cuore Italiano aims to bring the authentic taste of Italian gelato to its Cuorelovers.