Contraste Digital

Marketing Innovations

Contraste digital


Andrea Maiz

Andrea Maiz

Mauricio Castillo

Mauricio Castillo

Luis Donaldo Ballinas

Luis Donaldo Ballinas

Marly Gonzalez de la Garza

Marly Gonzalez de la Garza


Universidad de Monterrey

Universidad de Monterrey


Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Contraste Digital is a digital marketing agency that structures personalized communication strategies according to each client's profile, based on provoking emotions in the consumer.

With their team of marketing consultants, Contraste Digital creates tailored digital strategies, attending and detecting opportunities to enhance any brand. This company does a good job and maintains steady economic growth, in addition to being part of an innovative industry that helps transform brands through the digital experience.


Contraste Digital's business innovation is based on a more comfortable work environment to foster new ideas and create original content for the client, which is attractive to the consumer.

The designer must have space where he can develop his ideas. In “Contraste Digital," the designer is the artist who expresses his ideas on a digital canvas. This allows designers to reach their maximum potential by reinforcing their skills for which they stand out. Through its designs, the company seeks to create content for people that contributes positive things to our society, content that generates learning and does not visually contaminate such a deteriorated society.

It all started with the realization that in Mexico, the marketing agencies were very closed-off; they wanted to treat designers as workers who have to be indoors 8 hours or more working a day, which greatly affected their performance since they reached a state of frustration and did not generate ideas.

This is how Contraste Digital got to where it is today; being an important digital marketing agency with a wide range of clients that seeks to satisfy original content.

Marketing Innovations


What inspired this company to create this innovation was the founders' experience working in the same area in other companies. Through this experience, an opportunity for job improvement was found. Because talking about a digital marketing company is talking about creativity, this is achieved through designers and artists who create the content for the different companies and businesses that acquire the services, and inspiration comes from an improvement to the system where ideas are developed, where the designer can fully exploit his creativity since the designer can work freely and not under a very strict regimen.

Additionally, providing unique and original content is something that identifies the company a lot since the designers are the authors of each publication and image that is shared through clients. As a result, they are new, fresh, and unique ideas that companies want to share with their customers, capturing customers' attention and are very attractive to them.

Working in direct contact with the client also helps create a significant company-client bond. The client must feel satisfied with the work provided and have a clearer communication of what the client wants to convey in their content.

Overall impact

The impact of Contraste Digital's innovation is that they create tailored digital marketing strategies, attending to and detecting opportunities to enhance the brand they work for. The short-term effects of the innovation were the collaboration of the implementation efforts, which took place with feedback from the employees themselves, identifying the positive, negative, and areas of opportunity for improvement. Project after project, they improved their strategies and their implementation. They realized this as more people began to see its potential and be part of future marketing projects.

Contraste Digital has 5 different types of services that have helped the company be successful thanks to the different options it offers to the client. The types of service are digital marketing, audiovisual production, branding, web design, and event production. They have more than 19 projects already carried out, utilizing all the different types of services. The client has been satisfied with the work, which has attracted the attention of other brands and companies to work with "Digital Contrast."

Business benefit

The innovation that the company created has provided benefits to grow. In the form of the utility and tools that make up the digital market, the manual has provided a much faster way to work, comes more easily to designers, and can be equally accessible to everyone. This can be seen in the real-time results since the digital market allows much more complete and effective tools than traditional marketing.

All this helps the client know their interests and offers a better experience and service, thanks to the communication and interaction obtained when doing it digitally. The treatment can be direct and personalized, which helps the company provide security and confidence.

The internet is also a tool that reaches all types of clients. In this way, it has great growth potential in the technological area. It expands within its reach since when a digital market is elaborated, it should be considered available to many people. This helps to reach many more parts, and the probability of success is much greater because they are present in everything.

The utilities of Contraste Digital are from 4,300,000 Mexican pesos per project.

Social and environmental benefit

This innovation benefits society in terms of the people involved in creating new digital strategies to transform identities and opportunities to enhance the brand of micro-enterprises through digital media, art direction, audiovisual production, photographic production, photography & video editing, motion graphics, among others.

This helps the environment in ways that are not necessarily part of creating these transformations since everything is digital. On the contrary, this is an idea that helps and supports the measurements of a healthy environment and society's betterment.

In addition to the fact that this company also produces events, they always try to maintain their digital system without intervening negatively with the environment. They create an investigation of the industry's current norms and understand the needs of the users as well as the competition of the brand. They also analyze feedback by creating a collection of data and identifying key challenges and solutions for an innovative outcome.


Melanie Ballinas Ibarra, Contraste Digital Interview

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Business information

Contraste Digital

Contraste Digital

Monterrey, Nuevo León, MX
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

This company is a digital marketing agency that structures personalized communication strategies according to each client's profile, based on provoking emotions in the consumer.