One Species

Making Wildlife Conservation Mainstream



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University of Guelph

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Global Goals

14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land

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The innovation is a retail company that works in partnership with wildlife organizations around the world to raise awareness for wildlife conservation and to prevent the extinction of endangered species. The main innovation One Species is currently working toward is educating the public about the importance of protecting endangered species through social campaigns, and providing funding as well as hands-on support for organizations on the ground that work with endangered species to prevent extinction. They have worked with organizations that focus on orcas, manatees, and spider monkeys, which are currently their featured species.


The innovation relates to a sense of mission, meaning, and purpose as its overarching goal is to reconnect people with nature and make wildlife conservation mainstream for a new generation of people. Additionally, the company’s goal is to create a social movement brand that focuses on helping wildlife around the world and becoming actively involved with the organizations that are already providing hands-on experiences in conservation areas around the world. Elena explained that by choosing to use clothing to further their mission, they have been able to push their brand as a brand that matters. She went on to explain that when you wear something you’re presenting not just as a brand but as an idea, it helps to create a strong social impact, raising awareness in society. Clothing is something you wear daily and can ultimately change a person’s mindset about wildlife conservation. This is because when people are constantly wearing the brand, it can be seen as “a walking advertisement of your beliefs,” therefore educating people about the cause. In addition to the clothing brand, the innovation provides a sense of purpose due to Elena’s desire to make a difference through raising awareness and educating people on social media. In summary, the innovation by One Species is best described as a brand name that seeks to be the face of the species conservation movement.

Making Wildlife Conservation Mainstream


One Species began with the founder and CEO, Elena Jean, who was inspired at a young age by her father (a Toronto Zoo worker). He told her stories and taught her about wildlife and the pressing need to protect various species. This is where Elena’s immense personal passion for making a difference began, ultimately leading to the creation of One Species.

The original idea for the company began at a business accelerator hosted at Queens University, where she convinced her small team to create a company with wildlife conservation in mind. She convinced them that creating a company that made a difference would be a great business model. Although many members of the original team have moved on to different companies, volunteers have been a huge asset to Elena as she continues to develop and grow the company.

Overall impact

The overall impact of the innovation on the business has been a very positive business model that has managed to bring awareness to endangered species, while also providing profit to the business. The largest impact of the innovation to date is the amount of attraction the government has gained surrounding the clothing and importance of educating society. Elena emphasized that “people want to care,” and this has helped the company gain steady support for the last year and a half. Moreover, the approach One Species has taken regarding worldwide involvement with other conservation organizations creates access to new communities where the company can spread their influence and educate people on a global scale.

Business benefit

Elena noted that the corporate social responsibility established by the company benefits the business as it increases the idea of value in contribution. This involved figuring out ways to get a monetary return for the value created in contribution to a cause or idea. In relation to One Species, it is centered on the idea of following a passion and helping a good cause, wildlife conservation, which can be successful as it is gaining popularity through this cause and is not designed around making the most money possible. In her opinion, the value created from contributing to a good cause can have a monetary return; you simply must look/try harder to find ways of doing that. A great example Elena brought up was Tesla, which creates electric vehicles and new innovations that benefit the planet and is a thriving business because it has found ways to get a monetary return out of the value its work creates. Overall, the innovation has made more people interested in the business itself. People are more likely to buy the clothing once they learn more about the company. Often people learn about the company through Instagram. This is beneficial for both the business as well as society and the environment because it educates the public on issues and draws them into the brand.

Social and environmental benefit

From a socio-environmental standpoint, this innovation helps to find a middle ground for people that want to help a good cause but do not have the funds to do so. Elena brought up the idea that many people want to do good and help but have a hard time doing this if there is no direct benefit for getting involved. Her company proposes an answer to this issue by allowing people to buy clothes that directly benefit an organization involved in the conservation of wildlife. Therefore, people are helping a great cause by doing a normal everyday activity like buying clothes for themselves. Additionally, as explained before, each piece of clothing one wears from the company helps to encourage others in society to join in this effort and spread the word of One Species to others. Finally, socially, the company is focused on education, which does not have an attached monetary value. One Species does not pressure volunteers to buy clothing and support the brand but instead focuses on the importance of raising awareness about a serious issue. Overall, One Species seeks to help society by educating everyone on the importance of wildlife conservation and provides an environmental benefit by working with conservation organizations.


Elena Routledge, Founder

Elena Routledge, Founder

Business information

One Species

One Species

Toronto, ON, CA
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

One Species is an apparel company that works to fight extinction, one species at a time. Every piece of clothing represents an endangered species. When you buy a product, One Species donates 10% of the profits to a project working to protect that species. To do this, they partner with wildlife conservation organizations around the world, working on projects that have a meaningful impact.