Integrous Women

Making That Goal Reality

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Michael Reardon

Michael Reardon

Tao Fang

Tao Fang


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality

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Integrous Women is a social enterprise that aims to help bridge the gap for women seeking to develop their own business innovations. They provide a multitude of different resources to the clients that they serve. Ultimately, they seek to create positive outcomes among all their members to collectively reach their goals. They seek to help meet the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality. Stephanie, the founder, wanted to help Women connect with other Women to ultimately help them make a positive impact in the world.


This innovation was founded by Stephanie Courtillier, who saw herself running into burnout while running her own business. While she was very much successful at the time, she had pondered one of life's biggest questions and asked herself how can she ultimately feel fulfilled in life. She had questions and ultimately reached out to those around her. When she took this simple but brave step, things began to fall into place. She was not alone anymore and could collaborate with others around her with similar ideas.

While Stephanie did indeed feel accomplished by this, she had a calling to do more. This is why she founded Integrous Women, an organization that strives to help women on journeys similar to her own get help with the deeper purpose of their business. Sometimes, the most powerful lessons that can be learned are through collaboration with those around you. Everyone is at different stages in their career and ultimately can provide such helpful information to one another.

Making That Goal Reality


Stephanie was inspired by seeing the impact that collaboration has on those seeking a clear path. Stephanie was trying to network with others in a traditional way, but found that the "energy was misaligned out there." While people did indeed talk to her, many wanted to promote their own business instead of helping others. Stephanie decided instead of complying with this normal way of networking, she would instead create her own networking group. This was when she founded Integrous Women. Stephanie felt as if creating a space that served to assist people with their own personal development was something of utmost importance. Creating "safe spaces" ultimately empowered women to see their true potential. She wanted a world "in which all women felt empowered to fulfill their potential." She wanted to empower women and give them the tools to leave behind a great sustainable legacy.

Overall impact

Intergeous Women helps women of all ages connect and ultimately succeed at accomplishing their goals and reaching their full potential. They have also helped women who may not have had a clear path find the path to ultimate success and prosperity.

Helping women "supercharge" their impact is also one of the large goals of the organization. Intergeous Women creates a platform to support women in growing their businesses into their ultimate dream and impact. Intergeous Women hopes to serve as a positive source of impact for the entire world.

Intergeous Women has also helped marginalized women succeed. For instance, a significant portion of funds collected from memberships and paid workshops that they host are donated to various organizations that are helping women facing poor conditions. They also provide 20% of their memberships free of charge to those who are unable to afford them.

Business benefit

Integreous Women is classified as a Social Enterprise organization, which means the proceeds that they collect are used to help their ultimate mission. Many women have joined the members' program and paid workshops that have assisted them, but also provided the opportunity for Integreous Women to expand their help to other countries and reach even more women. Revenue raised is used for a variety of different causes that the organization supports and partners with. Integreous Women's popularity has helped them really grow and ultimately expand their network to as many women as they possibly can. Ultimately, they are trying to expand their community to establish greater access to their innovation.

Social and environmental benefit

Integrous Women ultimately creates both a social and environmental impact. For instance, 10% of Integrous Women's proceeds are pledged to an orphanage partner in Guatemala that serves women who have faced abuse. This pledge highlights that this innovation is indeed scalable and not confined to one country.

Another impactful program by Integrous Women is offering 20% of their paid memberships to women who cannot afford them. Integrous Women believes in having its innovation available regardless of resources and helps society as a whole by helping a larger group instead of benefitting a select few.

Lastly, Integrous Women donates a significant amount of time to helping organizations. In fact, 30% of the organization's time is donated to non-profits and social enterprises. The organization inspires sustainable solutions to problems that other organizations may be facing. Without a doubt, Integrous Women is making a positive and sustainable impact in the world.


Stephanie Courtillier, Founder

Business information

Integrous Women

Integrous Women

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, US
Year Founded: 2017
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

The business seeks to help women reach their full potential within society. Integrous Women seeks to provide the necessary resources for women entrepreneurs to succeed and ultimately develop a legacy.