An Açai Affair

Making a Switch


Prem Gill

Prem Gill


Monash University

Monash University


Gitanjali Bedi

Gitanjali Bedi

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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This innovation by An Açai Affair was brought about to incorporate environmental sustainability into their business. An Açai Affair sells açai bowls which consists of an açai pulp base, which is a really thick smoothie along with fruits and superfoods (An Açai Affair, 2021). However, they looked to go further in making their business more aligned with the United Nations Sustainable development Goals (UN SDGs) and hence adopted to make a switch to using biodegradable cups for their aç

ai bowls.


An Açai Affair did not place much emphasis on environmental sustainability when they first started out as they were more focused on providing the best açai bowls for their customers. However, with time and as their business started to prosper, the partners started to welcome the idea of incorporating sustainable methods into their business.

The açai bowls already promote healthy living by eating healthily which is in line with the 3rd UN-SDGs of 'Good Health and Well being' ("The 17 Goals| Sustainable Development", 2021). However, the partners wanted to go further in their bid to align themselves with the UN SDGs. Thus, the business innovation that An Açai Affair introduced to incorporate sustainability into their business is that of switching the plastic cups in which the açai bowls are placed in to biodegradable cups. The use of these biodegradable cups is extremely beneficial to our environment.

Making a Switch


The idea of switching to the use of biodegradable cups came about when customers approached Isabel and her partner about doing so. As mentioned by Isabel (the co-founder of An Açai Affair) in the interview, she said that what spurred her and her partner to make the switch was the fact that customers would subtly ask them why they were not using biodegradable materials and if they were exploring that option.

Another motivating factor in them adopting this idea was the first mover effect. They felt that if they were the first local açai café to make this switch it would put pressure on their competitors to do so as well and they would also be known as the first ones to do so and the ones that sparked this change. This would thus be very beneficial not just to the environment and society but to their business as well. As customers would want to support those cafes that care for the environment and adopt sustainable and greener methods.

Overall impact

In the process of making the switch the partners observed that there were a lot of biodegradable options for cups and that it was not a lot more expensive than using normal plastic cups. Thus, this spurred them further to make the switch faster. The switch did raise their overall costs as mentioned by Isabel by roughly 5 percent. However, they felt that this was feasible and that they could still protect their bottom line after making the switch. Furthermore, they felt that with time these biodegradable cups would get cheaper and hence in the long run the additional costs may be close to negligible. Thus, it was a feasible switch which was good not just for the environment but for the business image as well.

Business benefit

The switch has brought about multiple benefits to the business. Firstly, after making the switch the word has spread that An Açai Affair is adopting and supporting the use of eco-friendly methods. Thus, Isabel does feel like this may be one of the contributing factors that led to a rise in patrons of their stores.

Another benefit Isabel highlighted is that ever since they started making this switch and adopting these eco-friendly methods it has resulted in a rise in companies and businesses looking to collaborate with them. She feels this is largely due to the emphasis being placed on sustainable development by the government and people in general. Awareness of the need to save our environment has risen and hence there is a rise in people supporting and patronising businesses that adopt environmental sustainability initiatives. Thus, established businesses and firms are aware of the benefits of adopting greener methods and hence look for like-minded businesses when collaborating so that it further substantiates their image and cause of doing so. This in line with the 17th UN SDG of 'Partnerships for the Goals' ("The 17 Goals | Sustainable Development", 2021).

Lastly, the other benefit is customer loyalty and satisfaction. The business innovation is in line with another initiative they have implemented which is to encourage customers to bring their own bowls or cups for a discount. When customers bring their own bowls or cups they will be given a discount. Isabel mentioned that many of her customers are in favor of the switch and initiatives they have made. This is because the customers not only feel happy about consuming healthier food by having the açai bowls, but also feel good that they are supporting a business that cares for the environment and is adopting greener methods. Thus, this makes the customers happier when they patronize the stores as said by Isabel and is also likely to result in them coming back for more.

Social and environmental benefit

This innovation is largely beneficial to the society and environment for multiple reasons. One of the benefits would be that these biodegradable cups decompose within months whereas normal plastic cups take relatively much longer to disintegrate. Thus, using these biodegradable cups frees up more space at landfills and also results in a reduction of pollution due to lesser waste having to be cleared. This helps both the society and our environment. The other benefit this switch brings about, as mentioned earlier, is it will influence other açai cafes and food and beverage companies to adopt to more eco-friendly methods. This will result in a fall in the use of normal plastics as a whole which will is likely to influence companies and businesses in other industries to adopt environmental sustainability initiatives as well. As such, this will be extremely beneficial to our society in our fight against climate change which is in line with the 13th UN SDGs of 'Climate Action' and the 12th UN SDGs of 'Responsible Consumption and Production' ("The 17 Goals | Sustainable Development", 2021).


Isabel Lee, Co-founder of An Acai Affair

Photo of interviewee

Business information

An Açai Affair

An Açai Affair

Singapore, Singapore, SG
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

“An Acai Affair” is a business entity that sells açai bowls. An açai bowl consist of an açai pulp base which is a purple nutrient dense berry smoothie along with additional fruits and superfoods (An Açai Affair, 2021). People of all ages can have an açai bowl.