Michlifen Hotel

Luxury and Benefits


Oumayma Fathallah

Oumayma Fathallah


Al Akhawayn University

Al Akhawayn University


Mary Grace Neville

Mary Grace Neville

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

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In 1973, the Michlifen Suites & Spa was created by a Moroccan company operating within the railroad sector; the Office National des Chemins de Fer, also known as the ONCF. This 5-star hotel located in the touristic area of Ifrane is a catalyzer of growth and development in this region. It has participated to the creation of more than 290 jobs either direct or indirect ones. This innovation aims to decrease inequalities in the region; offer better living conditions through training and equal opportunities to everyone.


The innovation of Michlifen Hotel is well shown in the contrast of establishing a five-star hotel in the middle of the Atlas Mountains.

According to Mr. Maftouh “Our main goal is to contribute to the development of our community”. The Michlifen Hotel promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

The Michlifen hotel is known to have developed an innovative approach to contribute to development of the community. It has been recruiting workers from the region, especially young people. Therefore, the main goal was to offer the community training to improve their productivity.

Luxury and Benefits


The motivation to create such impressive Hotel in a region like Ifrane was a big challenge. On a quantitative level, all luxurious hotels are established in big cities and most fancy neighborhoods. As examples, La Mamounia in Marakech or Sofitel Rabat, are famous for their high quality services as well as glorious placements. Therefore, the main goal behind Michelifen was to promote the region.

Overall impact

Michlifen Suites & Spa serves as a showcase of Morocco. It attracts people from all over the world and serves as a luxury advertisement for the whole country. This 5-star hotel is one of the region’s biggest attraction of international tourists.

According to Mr. Hicham, the number of foreigners that come visit the region has more than doubled after the creation of this hotel. Tourists are more and more numerous and the inhabitants’ standard of living even higher.

Business benefit

People nowadays are more sensitive to the social issues and are more willing to help others in need and the fact that Michlifen was created to enhance the development of the country and improve the social conditions of the community; the hotel fits with the needs and expectations of more and more people worldwide. The idea to create a 5-star hotel 300 kilometers from the economic center of Morocco was unbelievable at that time because it was like a paradox; however, this is what makes the strength, beauty and magic of this wonderful place. The Michilfen Suites & Spa is a luxury hotel gives international tourists and also fortunate local people the opportunity to spend some days full of surprises in the “Moroccan Switzerland”. The location is a good strategy for the hotel to attract tourists because they can benefit from the comfort of a 5-star hotel and at the same time be in harmony with the nature.The potential customers feel that they contribute to development of the community and that way they are aligning duty or giving with pleasure. This is what helps them increase their profits and improve their image in the mind of their customers.

Social and environmental benefit

As clarified before, the Michelifen hotel provides job opportunities. New graduates are recruited on average. Thus, employees are provided with experience and additional free training to promote their learning if needed.

To sum up, the promotion that Michelifen Hotel gives to the region boosts the confidence of the locals. Therefore, many other startups are encouraged to enhance the tourism in the region. Ski stations, restaurants and shops are opened to offer the best to the residents of the hotel.


Hicham Maftouh, Human Resources Director

Business information

Michlifen Hotel

Michlifen Hotel

Ifran, MA
Business Website: https://www.michlifen.com/fr/
Year Founded: 1973
Number of Employees: 201 to 500

In 1973, the Michlifen Suites & Spa was created by a Moroccan company operating within the railroad sector; the Office National des Chemins de Fer, also known as the ONCF. This 5-star hotel located in the touristic area of Ifrane is a catalyzer of growth and development in this region. It has participated to the creation of more than 290 jobs either direct or indirect ones. This innovation aims to decrease inequalities in the region; offer better living conditions through training and equal opportunities to everyone.