Pure Boba

Love Tea Love the World

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Zhiruo Zhang

Zhiruo Zhang


Monash University

Monash University


Gitanjali Bedi

Gitanjali Bedi

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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The innovations for Pure Boba are mainly from two aspects. Firstly, in order to provide the healthy bubble tea, Pure Boba uses the fresh ingredients instead of the non-dairy creamer. Secondly, Pure Boba designs their own cups to reduce the use of plastic products.


  • Using fresh milk and fruit instead of the non-dairy creamer

The traditional bubble tea is always along with the non-dairy powder which could give the bubble tea the fragrance and make it tasty. But the fragrance and tastiness mainly from the non-dairy powder, a type of chemical which is harmful for our health. As for a gastronome, Max, the business owner, realized that we could not gain the delicious food at the price of health. The best alternative way is to replace the non-dairy creamer by the high-quality milk and the fresh fruit without any artificial ingredients. He also removes those bubble teas which could not make from the pure milk from his menu.

  • Encourage to use Boba designed Cups replace the plastics cups

Moreover, Max also mentioned that those plastics cups he used are recyclable and degradable. But, the overused and mishandling of the disposable cup would still be the issue of white pollution. Therefore, he considers that it is important to reduce the use of plastics products, encourage to use the cups which are strong and durable. He subsequently personally designed some creative cups associated with sustainable development to encourage his customers to reduce the use of plastic products. For the customers of Pure Boba, they only need to plus three to five dollars to get a Boba designed cup otherwise they could bring their own cups to buy the bubble tea and get a discount.

Love Tea Love the World


  • Fresh Milk and Fruit

Based on the article Max read before, it mentioned the negative impacts of non-dairy creamer and the best limited diurnal intake suggest by the World Health Organization. The majority of the coffee and milk tea sold in the markets is made from the non-dairy creamer and contains the hydrogenated oil. But, each tablespoon of non-dairy creamer is 10-20 calories compared to the five calories we get in a tablespoon of nonfat milk. The higher calorie diet could lead to fat and lots of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, some of the non-dairy creamer may contain the trans fatty acids which would contribute to an increase of the cholesterol. Therefore, based on those general knowledge of health, Max tried to make the bubble tea with the fresh milk and started his business.

  • Boba Designed Cups

The idea for the Boba Designed Cups are mainly from Starbucks. He read that Starbucks commits $10M in solving the cups problem and decided to eliminate all plastics straws. It made Max realize that it is necessary to use eco-friendly cup instead of the plastics products and increase the sustainable awareness of the customers. Therefore, Max started to design the environmental friendly Boba Cups and only asked for a low price. His Boba cups idea gained extensive support from his friends. With the supporting from his friends, he started Pure Boba, just as the name, without any unhealthy ingredients and unsustainable ideas, it is a pure business aiming to be environmentally friendly.

Overall impact

  • Fresh Milk and Fruit

Max states that it is hard to summarize the overall impact of the entire bubble tea area, for his business is just a small part of that. But there is one thing he could sure that remove the non-dairy powder would be the effective way to reduce calories and do the weight management. And for most of the people, they do not aware of how the non-dairy creamer is made from, some of them may concern about the unhealthy ingredients, if all of the milk tea is made by fresh ingredients, people could drink the bubble tea without any worries.

  • Boba Designed Cups

The elimination of the plastics, for the entire business, if each of the tea shop could reduce one plastics product, the world would have a big change for the less use of plastics and increase people ecologically awareness. The decreasing plastics products would generate less waste for landfill and could gradually provide a better living environment for the wildlife.

Business benefit

  • Fresh Milk and Fruit

For the business profit of changing in the fresh milk, Max states that the price for fresh milk and fresh fruit is nearly 20% to 30% less than the non-dairy creamer. The reduction in budget could bring Pure Boba a small profit. Moreover, the annually turnover is steadily increasing at the 10% growth rate for the reason that most of the consumers prefer the healthy bubble tea.

  • Boba Designed Cups

Pure Boba spends a lot of money in producing the Boba cups because the durable material would be a lot more expensive than plastics. But the total turnover still increases nearly 10% compared to previous year for the following reasons. Firstly, the motivation of sustainable development of Pure Boba attracts many eco-friendly customers and raises the sales profit. Secondly, the special cups designed by Pure Boba are really creative and get a widely acclaimed among the community. Lastly, the less use of the plastics cups helps Pure Boba reduce the waste disposal costs.

Social and environmental benefit

The healthy bubble tea and Boba cups help Pure Boba gain a good reputation among the community.

From the social perspective, first thing first, the higher fame helps Pure Boba gradually builds a strong brand and makes customers could trust the quality of their bubble tea. Everyone who joined in the production and distribution of milk tea has the responsibility to ensure the food safety. It is crucial to ensure the health of all the customers. Secondly, the Boba Cups is the good way to raise customers environmental awareness and to encourage the sustainable use.

From the environmental perspective, the reduction in using of the plastics cups effectively reduces the waste surroundings and generating less trash to landfill. This could reduce land and water pollution as landfills playing a major role in the destruction of our environment.

All in all, the healthy bubble tea and the Boba cups become the characters of Pure Boba. Being a small business, it achieves the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals three and twelve. It shoulders the responsibility for consumers health and build a harmonious society.


Max Yang, Business Owner

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Pure Boba

Pure Boba

Melbourne, VIC, AU
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Pure Boba is the bubble tea shop located in Carnegie, Melbourne. It is established by Max Yang with the intention to provide the healthy bubble tea to the customers. What Pure Boba focus on is to remove the harmful non-dairy creamer from bubble tea, maintain the original flavor and make the tea drink become more popular.