
Let's Make Indonesia Free of Waste 2020

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Oke Hastiawan

Oke Hastiawan


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Due to the urge to have good waste management in Indonesia, Greeneration Indonesia and ecoBali Recycling established social entrepreneurship under the name Waste4Change in 2013.

Waste4Change offers a comprehensive solution related to the waste issues, supported by professional manpower in the field. With the tagline “Responsible Waste Management,” Waste4Change's mission is to create an Indonesia community that cares about and is responsible for managing their waste.


Waste4Change has embedded CSR in its business model through the services they offer through their core business:

  • Consult: Waste4Change helps corporations in Indonesia to think of their business impact to the surrounding community. They provide consultation on waste management.
  • Campaign: Through the “Good Waste Management” campaign, Waste4Change educates the community on sorting waste and being responsible for their waste.

  • Collect: They provide services of waste collection for 800 houses in the Vida’s Residence in Bekasi, and they recruit many waste collector staff members.

  • Create: By using the Material Recovery Facility (MRF), the waste is sorted by categories in a more detailed manner. The waste that has been categorized is given to the people who can deliver the waste to be recycled, such as the big recycle supplier or directly to industries that need recycled materials. The waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of in the Final Dump owned by the local government.

They also create a good qualified fertilizer of VermiKompos. The fertilizer is created by worms in the remaining organic waste. The fertilizer is then used by farmers and farms. The fertilizer creates fertile soil with a good result for vegetables and fruits.

Let's Make Indonesia Free of Waste 2020


Waste4Change uses a comprehensive approach of a flourish business model, from consult, campaign, collect, and create.

  • Good Health and Well-Being: Waste4Change helps the community with the waste problem where it is increasing the quality of health for the environment by implementing a good waste management program.

  • Clean Water and Sanitation: Waste4Change helps the surrounding area by the cooperation with many farmers through providing a qualified fertilizer made by Waste4Change.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth: Waste4Change provides support and a good living for the waste collector staff. They help the government decrease the number of unemployed by providing job opportunities.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities: Waste4Change helps the community in providing a clean environment.

  • Responsible Consumption and Production: Waste4Change helps the waste recycle chain by providing waste that has been categorized. They also make a good fertilizer.

  • Life on Land: Waste4Change helps the community provide a healthy environment.

  • Climate Action: Methane gas that is produced from the waste is very dangerous for the community and the climate. The more waste in the Final Dump, the more methane gas is produced. Waste4Change helps to reduce the massive collection in the Final Dump by producing the waste into a ready-to-use recycled material which they sell to big recycle players or industry.

  • Partnership for the Goal: Waste4Change has a strong network of collaboration with many parties of government, corporations, or community that have concerns about the waste and environment issues, such as Sanitary Unit from Local Government, Environment Ministry, Indonesian Recycle Association, Jakarta Free of Waste Forum, Body Shop, Unilever, Kalbe Farma, Bersih Nyo! community, and Osoji community.

Overall impact

Waste4Change helps the surrounding community and 800 houses in Bekasi, Indonesia, with the 4 business cores of consult, campaign, collect, and create. They help to create a healthy environment and educate the community on good waste management, in order to be Indonesia Free of Unproductive Waste 2020.

Business benefit

Through 4 cores of business the Waste4Change gains benefits as follows:

  • Consult: Waste4Change gains the benefit of fees from company/corporate and local government from giving consultation on waste management.
  • Campaign: During the campaign, Waste4Change sells the waste bags (bags made out of waste) through their network in other communities.
  • Collect: Waste4Change gains monthly fees for collecting waste from 800 houses.
  • Create: Waste4Change gains revenue by selling a ready to recycle material and fertilizer. In addition, they sell fruits and vegetables from the farm that they manage.

Social and environmental benefit

Waste4Change helps the government in reducing the number of unemployed. They employ staff in their 4 cores of business such as consultant, farmer, fertilizer expert, waste collector, recycling staff, and marketing.

They also create awareness and give a good education to solve the waste management issue. They provide a full-range, good service waste management system. The community receives a good benefit from Waste4Change in the form of a healthy environment.


Bijaksana Junerosano, Managing Director

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Bekasi, West Java, ID
Business Website: http://waste4change.com
Year Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
Waste4Change is a social entrepreneur entity that gives solutions to waste problems, with the change behavior principle of responsibility to the waste management to the community. Waste4Change offers a comprehensive solution related to the waste issues, supported by professional manpower in the field. With the tagline “Responsible Waste Management,” the Waste4Change mission is to create an Indonesia community that cares about and is responsible for managing their waste. They have four core businesses: Consult, Campaign, Collect, and Create.