Green House Solar

Kermit, it Actually is Easy Being Green


Shivani Patel

Shivani Patel


Rutgers Business School

Rutgers Business School


Joe Markert

Joe Markert

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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Green House Electric is a company owned by Frank Curran. Originally, he started as an electrical contractor until he realized he could make a difference in the world. After a trip to Afghanistan where he helped bring power, he started pursuing his innovation of solar power as a life career. His company was founded in 2015 and continues to serve Union Counties in NJ including Madison, East Hanover, Livingston, and Florham Park.

Green House Solar designs the right solar system for homeowners and businesses based on their needs at an affordable price, and handles all permitting, engineering and installation of the product. Furthermore, they provide services in solar system troubleshooting and maintenance as well as battery back-up solar power systems so that customers can use their solar when the power goes out. They are extremely involved in the search for affordable and clean energy through new innovations in his industry.


Frank Curran was working for a company as a solar electric contractor and engineer when he realized how much solar was helping people out. For example, they brought solar to countries that were dealing with power shortages like Iraq and Afghanistan. Due to this experience, he found his purpose and business innovation which is to make a difference in the world by installing solar. Frank actually used motivation as a key decision maker throughout the hiring process. He wanted employees who have the same incentives as he has, and no one better to hire than his close friend and family who share the motivation for a greener Earth.

They install solar panels as well as the cleaning, maintenance, and repair of them. He and his team work locally in the area of Madison as well as the entire state of New Jersey. In 2015 was the start to his small business and since then has learned and grown. While they have grown since the start, the company remains with fourteen employees and could thrive if they were willing to expand for the purpose of having their global outreach efforts expand as well. Because they are a small company, their prices are more reasonable than most large companies which is beneficial as one of the global goals is affordable energy. The other aspect of that global goal is clean energy which is also achieved by solar power energy.

Kermit, it Actually is Easy Being Green


After seeing the affects of his work in the industry and then expanding to go work in other countries, Curran found that his work could grow exponentially. As mentioned, a trip to Afghanistan helped inspire his actions as he brought them power and was able to observe the impact of solar power first hand.

Overall impact

Frank Curran's work will have a huge impact on society and the environment as switching to solar is equivalent to 410,450 miles driven in a passenger car, 401 barrels of oil consumed, 4,000 trees planted, and 62 tons of waste sent to landfills. Additionally, this innovation meets a few of the UN Sustainable Development Goals such Affordable and Clean Energy and Climate Action. Solar power as a whole has such a great impact and does so much in saving the energy that is often wasted or used to provide for households or individuals. He saw what it was capable of doing and how a clean resource such as the sun needs to do nothing but shine in order to provide for human consumption. If his company and the work of it can grow and reach people all over the country and world, it is capable of being an incredible fix to the world's consumption of energy long term. For the time being however, Mr. Curran would like to stay in New Jersey. It is saving the world now and later as a way for the innovation to sustain our heavy use of energy.

Business benefit

At Green House Solar, managers and employees describe the innovation as beneficial to both the society and environment as well as business. Most importantly, as a new business, they are able to compete with their competitors and bring awareness of the positive effects of solar energy. The root causes of Green House Solar’s success would be their affordable prices and commitment to make their customers happy. Because of their intrinsic motivation, the company keep improving and beat their competition. Furthermore, their innovations succeed because Green House Solar is responsive, effectively diagnoses the problem, and completes the work in a timely manner. We understand innovations succeed because they usually fix a problem or enhance something that can be used globally.

The licensed employees also work together then to install or repair the equipment. Frank’s expertise is also used to determine solutions to some problems that needs more experience. All employees are working together for a collective goal, which is to make their customers happy. Their synergy is also positive, making it easy for us to confirm they clearly operate as a work team.

Social and environmental benefit

The primary use of this innovation is to provide a sustainable and affordable way for people to live. If the energy is going to be used no matter what, why not provide a way to use it without destroying the single planet that we have. Green House Solar tries to reduce carbon footprint of people by educating them on the benefits of saving energy. Green House Solar’s innovation could change the world in a positive way by delivering sustainable solar energy systems and generators to countries that deal with power shortages frequently or daily. It is starting off in the state of New Jersey but can touch other states, and hopefully other countries with its expansion. The use of solar power helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces our collective dependence on fossil fuel, while Green House Solar offers it for a low cost.


Frank Curran, Owner (Mr.)

Business information

Green House Solar

Green House Solar

Madison, NJ, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Green House Electric is a company owned by Frank Curran. Originally, he started as an electrical contractor until he realized he could make a difference in the world. After a trip to Afghanistan where he helped bring power, he started pursuing his innovation of solar power as a life career. His company was founded in 2015 and continues to serve Union Counties in NJ including Madison, East Hanover, Livingston, and Florham Park.