K3(Kudrat Ka Karvan)- Nature Tribe

K3- Nature Tribe - Healing life with Nature

K3 Nature tribe


Kanav Chauhan

Kanav Chauhan


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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By hosting engaging family camping and meditation events in the serene settings of Takhni and Rahimapur forests, K3-Nature Tribe directly involves participants in hands-on conservation activities and educational workshops, significantly enhancing local engagement and awareness about wildlife conservation. Participants actively explore regional biodiversity through guided tours and interactive sessions, focusing on local wildlife, birds, and flora during these events.

These events, meticulously arranged and catered by local villagers, not only facilitate environmental education but also play a pivotal role in generating income for the community. By sourcing and providing services locally, the initiative actively supports sustainable economic practices within the village, fostering a harmonious balance between environmental conservation and economic empowerment. Through these immersive experiences, the K3-Nature Tribe not only raises awareness about the importance of preserving wildlife but also demonstrates the tangible benefits of community involvement in fostering a more sustainable future.


Dr. Amandeep Singh founded the K3-Nature Tribe in 2021 as a for-profit venture, distinct from his establishment of the NGO, K3-Kudrat ka Karvan, in 2017, which was dedicated to wildlife conservation in villages near his birthplace. The primary objective of K3-Nature Tribe is to conserve nature while also fostering sustainable livelihoods for individuals and local communities, thereby ensuring the longevity and attractiveness of conservation endeavors.

K3-Nature Tribe introduces an innovative model of responsible tourism, intertwining the interests of people, nature, and local economies. This initiative aligns with multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by integrating eco-tourism with community empowerment and environmental education and promotes SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and SDG 11(Sustainable Cities and Communities).

What sets K3-Nature Tribe apart is its holistic sustainability approach, deeply ingrained in community participation. In addition to acquainting participants with the area's wildlife and indigenous bird species, these camping excursions serve as educational platforms for informing visitors about the local food ecosystem. Participants come from diverse backgrounds, including students from educational institutions and families spanning all age groups. By sourcing and providing food directly from nearby villagers, the initiative not only promotes sustainable economic practices but also directly supports the livelihoods of local communities. Notably, villagers also prepare pickles and preserves from forest produce and horticulture, which are sold beyond the village, generating supplementary income for the tribe and advancing SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 15 (Life on Land). The initiative helps reduce inequalities, promote inclusive growth, and, promote SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) by prioritizing the hiring of employees from the local community and fostering economic empowerment. Moreover, this comprehensive approach aligns with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action) by promoting responsible tourism, positioning K3-Nature Tribe as an exemplar of sustainable practices, while catalyzing positive change towards a more equitable and environmentally conscious world.

K3- Nature Tribe - Healing life with Nature

Kudrat Ka Karvan - Nature Tribe


Dr. Amandeep Singh's inspiration to champion environmental conservation and biodiversity preservation stems from a deep-seated passion nurtured since his childhood by his firsthand experiences of living in a village and profound connection with nature. Dr. Singh, an avid bird watcher, holds B.Tech and M.Tech degrees from SLIET University, Punjab, and completed his doctoral studies at IIT-Roorkee research facility on a SLIET scholarship program. With over 15 years of teaching experience, including leadership roles as Head of Department at Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering, Jalandhar, he demonstrates a deep commitment to education and awareness efforts.

He said, " I consider myself an advocate for wildlife species, giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves."

Driven by his profound passion for wildlife conservation, he embarked on a commendable three-year unpaid sabbatical in January 2017 to wholeheartedly devote himself to nature conservation and public awareness. Diligently pursuing this cause, he initiated two self-help groups with 12 and 16 members respectively near his village. Subsequently, in 2021, he established the K3-Nature Tribe, aiming to provide a sustainable income for himself and villagers while concurrently raising public awareness about wildlife conservation.

In parallel to his endeavors, Dr. Singh initiated additional initiatives such as the Natural Hut, where locally sourced produce from self-help groups is sold. Moreover, he successfully garnered support from nearby villagers who generously donated land for further native tree plantation efforts. These initiatives underscore Dr. Singh's holistic approach to environmental conservation, incorporating community engagement and sustainable practices to bolster his mission.

His overarching goal is to cultivate awareness within the community, fostering a mindset where people naturally think about and connect with nature, ultimately making it their instinct to protect and preserve it.

He said: “It is not something that we can achieve overnight or by taking a few years away from work, it may take a few lifetimes to serve Mother Nature and get these wildlife conservation efforts to become the second nature of our people.”

Overall impact

The overall impact of the K3-Nature Tribe innovation has been significant, spanning both short-term and long-term effects that have reverberated throughout the community and the environment. Founded by Dr. Amandeep Singh, the Nature Tribe initiative emerged in 2021 as a culmination of years of dedication to wildlife conservation, public awareness, and community engagement. Through immersive experiences like family camping and meditation events the initiative aimed to reconnect individuals with nature and raise awareness about the importance of conservation efforts.

In the short term, the establishment of the K3-Nature Tribe provided immediate benefits to the community. By generating a sustainable income for Dr. Singh and local villagers through eco-tourism activities and the sale of locally sourced produce at the Natural Hut, the initiative contributed to economic empowerment and livelihood enhancement. Moreover, the engagement of villagers in conservation efforts, such as donating land for native tree plantation, demonstrated a growing commitment to environmental stewardship within the community.

Dr. Singh said, "The shift in the people's mindset towards protecting and growing native trees by donating land is a significant achievement in my view and makes me feel happy and more committed to my conservation efforts."

Over the long term, the impact of the K3-Nature Tribe is expected to be even more profound. By instilling a sense of connection with nature and fostering a culture of conservation among community members, the initiative aims to create lasting behavioral change. Evidence of this impact can be observed in the increased awareness and involvement of community members in conservation activities, as well as the continued support for sustainable economic practices. Additionally, the majority of surrounding schools are now booking these camps and attending wildlife conservation talks, providing a valuable opportunity for the younger generation to connect with nature and raise awareness. Furthermore, the growth of native tree populations due to ongoing plantation efforts and campaigns like "Plant a tree on your birthday" suggests a positive trajectory toward environmental sustainability in the region. Overall, the K3-Nature Tribe has not only provided immediate benefits to the community but also laid the foundation for long-term environmental conservation and community resilience.

Business benefit

Because the K3-Nature Tribe initiative was established to promote both environmental conservation and economic sustainability, several positive outcomes have ensued. Since its inception in 2021, the venture has witnessed a steady rise in revenue generated through its eco-tourism activities, such as family camping and meditation events, as well as the sale of locally sourced produce at Natural Hut. This revenue not only sustains the operations of the initiative but also contributes to the economic empowerment of Dr. Amandeep Singh and local villagers, creating new income streams and fostering financial stability within the community.

In Dr. Singh's words: "Witnessing members of the community actively engage with and support our initiatives demonstrates a genuine commitment to preserving our natural heritage and further strengthened my faith in our mission."

Moreover, the inception of the K3-Nature Tribe has resulted in the recruitment of employees, predominantly from the local community, to aid in various facets of the initiative's operations. With five permanent staff members and an average of twenty contract workers employed for organizing events, the venture not only offers job opportunities but also bolsters retention rates as community members become vested in its success. Additionally, by placing emphasis on employee well-being and cultivating a positive workplace atmosphere, the initiative has further bolstered retention and productivity among its workforce.

Furthermore, the K3-Nature Tribe has opened new markets by tapping into the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly tourism experiences. Through its unique offerings centered around wildlife conservation and community engagement, the initiative has attracted visitors from diverse backgrounds, thereby expanding its reach and influence. Additionally, by promoting sustainable economic practices and environmental conservation, the initiative has created new investment opportunities, attracting investors who are aligned with its values and mission. Overall, because the business prioritized environmental and community welfare, it has successfully generated revenue, created employment opportunities, improved retention rates, opened new markets, and unlocked new investment prospects. Employees share a common vision and are committed to staying connected to this noble cause.

Social and environmental benefit

Founded in 2021 with the aim of promoting both environmental conservation and economic sustainability, the initiative has witnessed remarkable success in its endeavors. By offering responsible-tourism activities such as family camping and meditation events, coupled with the sale of locally sourced produce at the Nature Hut, the venture not only provides enriching experiences for visitors but also fosters a deeper connection with nature. These activities contribute to the preservation of local biodiversity and ecosystems, promoting environmental stewardship among participants. The K3-Nature Tribe initiative not only benefits society and the environment but also fosters a deep sense of community engagement and commitment to nature conservation among nearby villagers.

Furthermore, the establishment of the K3-Nature Tribe has brought about tangible economic empowerment for Dr. Amandeep Singh, local villagers, and the broader community. The steady rise in revenue generated through responsible-tourism activities sustains the initiative's operations while creating new income streams for stakeholders. By prioritizing the hiring of employees, particularly from the local community, the initiative provides valuable employment opportunities and contributes to increased retention rates. This fosters a sense of ownership and investment in the venture's success among community members, enhancing social cohesion and well-being.

The Founder, Dr. Singh said, "The underlying mission of K3- Nature tribe is to conserve nature but also heal people by connecting with nature, reducing the psychosomatic issues which are increasingly prevalent in society yet often under-discussed"

Moreover, the initiative's positive impact extends beyond economic and environmental realms to include community involvement in wildlife conservation efforts. Villagers actively participate in safeguarding injured wildlife, promptly contacting the forest wild animal conservation department and Dr. Singh or his representatives when needed. Additionally, some villagers have received training to provide immediate assistance to injured animals, showcasing their proactive engagement in conservation activities. The increasing demand for camping experiences reflects growing satisfaction among attendees, as word of mouth spreads positive feedback. Furthermore, the initiative's focus on planting native trees has helped preserve wildlife habitats, reducing instances of wildlife encroachment into domestic areas. The willingness of nearby villages to donate additional land further demonstrates their commitment to and connectivity with nature. Dr. Singh and his team view the initiative as an ongoing mission, with plans to replicate its success beyond their district to the entire state of Punjab, underscoring their dedication to promoting environmental conservation, community engagement, and sustainable tourism on a broader scale.


Dr. Amandeep Singh, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

K3(Kudrat Ka Karvan)- Nature Tribe

K3(Kudrat Ka Karvan)- Nature Tribe

Hoshiarpur, Punjab, IN
Business Website: https://NA
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

K3-Nature Tribe is a sustainable tourism initiative dedicated to promoting wildlife conservation awareness in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. Through family camping and meditation events held near the forests of Takhni and Rahimapur villages, the business offers affordable opportunities for students and the public to reconnect with nature, learn about local wildlife, and explore native food plants and herbs. With a focus on environmental education and community engagement, K3-Nature Tribe aims to foster a deeper appreciation for biodiversity while promoting sustainable tourism practices.