PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara

Jalas Veva Jaya Mahe

Aruna Indonesia


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corry sagala


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


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Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

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Aruna Jaya Nuswantara comes with an idea to create sustainability in marine ecosystem through information technology in fishery industry. Aruna helps fisherman to market fish by providing fair and open data and so they can improve economic condition and provide education in fishery. Aruna believes that every nations has their own unique value proposition, for example: China as a manufacture nation has Alibaba as a global manufacture company, Thailand as a tourism country has Agoda as global tourism company, so Indonesia as a marine nations should have a global marine company.


Indonesia is an archipelago country with more than 17,500 islands. It has huge potential and abundant wealth lying within its territorial water. However fishery business hasn’t been fully developed. Lack of investment and infrastructure particularly in outer islands of Indonesia is the main culprit. On the other side, fishery production has grown in recent years but most of the Indonesian fishermen are still living in low quality standards because of limited information and knowledge of fish trading and market demand.

Farid, Indra and Utari were inspired to create online fishery platform to help fishermen find the market with easeness, openness and transparent price. In 2015, was launched as the first platform of Fisheries e-commerce. They also found that fishery information hasn’t been developed eventhough the information is very important to fisheries companies and the government managed the supply demand in fishery business. Then they provided integrated fisheries system with complete information about price, stock, specification and quality of fish trading. Finally in 2016, PT Aruna Jaya Nuswantara was launched and had 2 websites : (commercialize fishery market platform) and (company’s profile and integrated fisheries system platform)

Nowadays, Aruna connect with 1701 fishermen in 15 provinces in Indonesia. Aruna has 26 employees spread in holding office and province coverage. Aruna also assisted by local heroes (origin community) to help created mini plant as a local institutional so fishermen could learn how to manage and saving their income as well learn how to fishing right fish as per demand of the market.

Jalas Veva Jaya Mahe


The idea comes from 3 college students who grew up in coastal area and studying together in Telkom University majoring IT. Farid, Indra and Utari felt worried about marine industry condition in Indonesia. Indonesia has good potential in marine and fishery industry however fisherman livelihood is very apprehensive. They wanted to help fishermen by develops technology that useful and help the fishermen market their fish with fairness and openness price.

Aruna has an inspiration to become a global company in fishery industry. To achieve the dream, Aruna has rolling out 3 big steps to achieve the dream. There are:

1. Create digitalized fishery community through provided education of fish variety based on market needs, how to fishing properly, and how to choose right customer.

2. Develop e-commerce system into global market

3. Create sustainability system in marine through collaboration with local community to help fishery funding investment.

Overall impact

This innovation brings huge impact to the fishermen. Fishermen can sell fish in competitive price as the information provided in the system and leverage the market directly business market. As Aruna developed mini plant (like mini factory) with standardized rules of fish it helps fishermen fishing properly according with fish demands in market. Previously in some sites of fishery market, fishermen could only sell the fish to middleman with low bargaining power but since Aruna was there fishermen could sell with competitive price. Beside that, Aruna utilize local manpower as well to improve education, and increase prestige to become a fishermen as they provide uniform to the client.

High quality fish then marketed into targeted customer (B2B) through online platform Aruna can supply around 75-100 tons/month to the customer. However market is over demand and reach 4000 ton/months. So Aruna was still trying to expand miniplant location to fulfilled customer needs. Aruna could guaranteed stock to the customer by collecting real-time supply data directly from local fishermen.

Business benefit

Aruna is the first fishery business that provide big data of fishery market in Indonesia. It provide comprehensive and real data in fishery business which is very useful for fishery industries and government. Aruna had partnered with more than 60 local cooperatives and build miniplant in 15 province then marketed high standard fish to the targeted customer. Customer could choose selected fish species through online platform with minimal order 100kg.

Aruna provide appropriate fishery marketing system by connecting fishermen with market needs. Aruna helps fishermen fishing properly and guaranteed stock and high quality fish to the customer.

Social and environmental benefit

Based on the data that Aruna can grab from their region, since Aruna provide e-commerce fishery system, it gives benefit to the fishermen, buyer and society. On the fishermen side, revenue of the fishermen who is collaborate with Aruna increased 20% because fishermen could get bargaining power to sell the fish and leverage market besides on existing middleman. Beside that, fishermen could upsized education level by fishing properly based on market needs. It's not only support improvement for the fishermen but also manage sustainability in marine ecosystem.

On the buyer side, it helps them to find right fish on market with lower price but still in high quality because of the process in Aruna’s commercial is more simple than through several middleman. It impacts to decreased 10% from regular cost with more guaranteed stock.

On the society side, it gives working opportunity and improve local ability in sustainability fishing, digitalization and many more. Local marine community do partnership with Aruna in developing fishery education and crowdfunding in order to help funding for fishermen.


Utari Octavianty, Chief General Affair Officer

Indraka Fadhillah, Chief Operating Office

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara

PT Aruna Jaya Nusantara

Jakarta, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

PT Aruna Jaya Nuswantara is a startup company who provides end to end E-commerce solution in marine and fisheries industry. There are 2 main businesses in PT Aruna Jaya Nuswantara. First is Fisheries e-Commerce as an online fisheries trading platform connecting fishermen with customer. Second is Integrated Fisheries System as a platform to help fisheries companies and government manage fishery data and do operation efficiently. Aruna covers 1701 fishermen in 15 provinces spreading all over Indonesia and commerce fish in Indonesia and global market.