Insect Respect

Insect Respect


Felix Pettersson

Felix Pettersson


Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping International Business School


Guenola Nonet

Guenola Nonet

Global Goals

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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In 2012, Reckhaus made the decision to make the housefly a topic to fulfill three SDGs; sustainable land and communities, life on land, and climate action. The quality mark INSECT RESPECT was created for better insect control. The compensation principle is implemented by creating biodiversity gardens adapted to local areas to enhance biodiversity.


The innovation was brought about by dialogue with the concept artists, Frank and Patrik Riklin, in 2012. Since then, transformation has been the main responsibility of the company. Continuously, they have been raising awareness about the endangerment and value of insects. Through Insect Respect, they have created a globally unique recognized seal for a new sustainable way of dealing with insects. Furthermore, through thorough research and gaining expertise in insect protection, they excelled in the compensation area of insect control and creation of insect-friendly areas.

The compensation model is created to compensate for the loss that insect control results in. It is created through remodeling flat roofs to be green insect friendly ecological areas. The principle is easy, however, the implementation is not. In order to calculate the compensation area for a business or industrial area, an ecological model was developed with the assistance of ARNAL - Büro für Natur und Landschaft AG. It is based on the weight of the insects and is the world's first of its kind.

These biodiversity gardens bring about several benefits. Firstly, the insect-friendly areas creates a networking function with other areas, working as a stepping stone. It creates longer life spans for roofs, while having better rainwater retention. Additionally, it brings about improved environmental and climate cost through reducing energy costs, wastewater charges, and refurbishments. Furthermore, it shields buildings from radio frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Insect Respect


In 1995, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus took over his parents’ company. Until 2011, he said “I did not have a bad feeling about the company because I did good products, contemporary products, modern products, insect-free products.” Then, he met the two concept artists, Frank and Patrik Riklin, which made Reckhaus realize the value flies truly have.

He said that “these artists spoke to me very intensely and hit me in the heart”. He elaborated; “these artists really hit me in my heart and as I’ve said I had to stop making these harmful products”. He also read a lot of books to get inspired and have information and knowledge about insects. In particular, he read the book entitled Why Every Fly Counts which gave further insight to the importance of insects.

Subsequently, he decided to transform his company to make it more sustainable. He wanted to save more insects than he killed. He discovered that it really is his passion, and that he is very fulfilled to save insects and create awareness. He is very thankful for this new direction and said further: “It became my passion, my way, my heart and I’ve been fighting very hard for this.” He could not have it another way and could not make advertisements about pesticides.

Overall impact

The overall impact of INSECT RESPECT is divided in three main parts.

The first one is related to who benefits from this innovation. The main target is people who are looking for a solution for better insect control. Whenever people decide to look for any commercial insect control product, INSECT RESPECT creates awareness about the importance of taking care of insects.

In different parts of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, they have spread lots of information related to insect respect. Further, they now have collaboration with renowned companies, such as IKEA and Migros, mainly for selling their insect friendly control products. However, through IKEA, the development of insect-friendly areas are underway. There are IKEAs almost all over the world that contain large empty areas on rooftops. Biodiversity would flourish through the creation of the insect friendly habitats. At the same time, it allows the spread of ideology regarding the care and significance of insects in the environment.

Finally, despite the fact that in the last six years they lost 25 percent of the turnover and around 80 percent of the profits, the main objective is that in a long term, transform the market of biosize products and improve the world we live in. Simultaneously, more markets, as well as companies, will become aware of the importance of insects in the life of a human being. Although there is no great economic benefit and even the loss of workers due to lack of economic resources, the main objective is to respect the life of insects.

Business benefit

Because the business had such an immense transformation and stopped promoting their profitable products the last decade economic benefits have not been a benefit. The main achievement that the business has had is that awareness of insects and the vitality it has in biodiversity has gained attention. Not until over the last year they have finally gained well-deserved attention and thus economic benefit has become a factor. Through spreading their ideology of conservation and compensation the gained attention has benefitted them through new collaboration, such as the case of IKEA. Subsequently, it will benefit them through new revenue streams.

Dr. Reckhaus explains that they have a team of approximately 60 people which are dedicated to the new business model. While the hiring new inspired and ambitious graduates are still an obstacle, they have employees who are fulfilled by the direction the business has taken. Simoultanesouly, they sell their products through vendors such as Drogerie-Markt, Migros and Aldi. Last year they sold 4.5 millions of products with the quality seal of insect respect, so the philosophy that they have implemented for the sale of products has paid off, from the point of view that the opening of new markets have been developed.

Another aspect that is worth to be mentioned is mainly related to the fact that thanks to the hard work they have done, mainly focused on publishing information regarding the importance of insects, they currently have more than 35 national and international awards and more than 1000 articles related the mission and vision that INSECTS CARE maintains, thus generating that people belonging to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, among others, have decided to trust the work that INSECTS CARE carries out, and little by little to gain the trust of new customers

Social and environmental benefit

The INSECT RESPECT stands for a new way of dealing with insects with less control and more biodiversity. The insects have a great benefit to our society and towards our ecosystem. By creating insect-friendly habitats, they make it possible to have the important insects for the future generation. However, they are also promoting projects and products to raise the awareness for the consumer about the value of insects.

As mentioned before, the innovation with INSECT RESPECT operates in mainly three of the sustainable development goals. Thanks to their insect-friendly habitats, they support the 11 SDG, sustainable cities and communities and has become an important factor for the bigger cities. With their insect-friendly gardens, INSECT RESPECT also face SDG 13 which is climate action.

It also contributes to the SDG 15, which is about life on land. Here, INSECT RESPECT have a great impact since the business wants to protect, restore, and promote the importance of the ecosystems and biodiversity loss.

By working within the sustainable development goals, companies benefit the society and the environment which Insect Respect is doing by supporting and promoting the value of our insects and cities.


Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus, CEO

Business information

Insect Respect

Insect Respect

Gais, CH
Year Founded: 1956
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

The business; Reckhaus have for more than 60 years specialized in the development and production of insect control. Since 2012, it has been transforming the business to promote products, prevention, and projects that raise awareness and advance insect areas with biodiversity conservation as the main business model.