Green Hug

Improving the Textile Industry through Sustainable Clothing




Ramiro Tello

Ramiro Tello

Ernesto Tatay

Ernesto Tatay


EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey

EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey


Ezequiel Reficco

Ezequiel Reficco

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 15. Life on Land

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In order to reduce the environmental impact, this process was designed to transform PET waste into polyester polymers where recycled yarn is obtained, mixed with recycled cotton fibers processed in the same way in order to obtain material to make garments that are sustainable and not contaminated. In addition, the company employs within its process Mexican craftsmen with well-paid salaries, and the company is committed to planting 7 trees for each garment acquired. With this, Goals 1, 12, and 15 are reached.


The textile industry, through its production processes, is the second-most polluting industry on the planet. Through this initiative, the company sought an innovative way to reduce the impacts generated. This idea provided the ability to noticeably reduce the problems produced; this is through the collection of recycled material, which, through a mechanical process, manages to convert the recycled plastic into polyester polymer, which is manipulated to obtain the recycled yarn. The yarn is mixed with cotton fiber, also recycled, to obtain a resistant and high-quality thread. These new yarns are manufactured into fabrics that are converted into new garments. Each shirt uses approximately 80 grams of recycled material, and an important point to consider is that this process is done without using a single drop of water.

Also, the company makes sure that the shirts are plastic and biodegradable; vegetable inks are used, and the label is made with seeds.

As part of the innovation, the founders seek to support indigenous communities, providing jobs that pay a salary and above all a fair payment with respect to the amount for which the garment is sold, giving these communities the possibility of new opportunities that have a direct impact on their quality of life.

Improving the Textile Industry through Sustainable Clothing


Aware of Mexico's environmental and social problems, the founders decided to create a foundation that would provide tools to support the Mexican artisan as well as counteract the environmental impact.

Overall impact

The textile industry is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Ten percent of global carbon dioxide production comes from this industry. A cotton shirt requires 2,700 liters of water. In addition, the industry uses 18% of the global amount of pesticides and insecticides. Some 1.2 million tons of clothes are thrown out per year in Mexico, and 95% of the textile waste can be recycled.

The manufacturing process with recycled materials contributes to sustainable production. A Green Hug t-shirt has an impact on reducing water consumption, energy, and CO2 emissions, while contributing to clean production.

Business benefit

Sustainable raw materials give a differentiator to the product, which is attractive for a market sector in the textile industry. Consuming products from this business gives certainty to the buyer to be collaborating in reducing pollution by opening an undeveloped new market.

Besides, that innovation benefits the environment; they complement innovation with the business model. Green Hug gives work to indigenous communities and organizes reforestation programs. Green Hug sells not only shirts, but the idea of improving sustainability where we live.

Social and environmental benefit

This innovation seeks to benefit in three main areas:

On the textile side, it is known that this industry is the second-most polluting industry in the world, with the use of large amounts of chemicals and water consumption. Green Hug's innovative products reuse PET materials in the manufacture of their clothing by 50%, and the remaining 50% is taken from recycled textiles. This eliminates the consumption of 2,700 liters of water that a shirt requires throughout its supply chain until the final product is obtained.

The company is committed to planting 7 trees for each item sold, which contributes to the reforestation of our environment. To date, they have sowed 8,350 trees and have a very aggressive goal of reaching 100,000 in a short time (2 years).

In the social sphere, the company has in its supply chain the embroidery services of indigenous families of Mexico, having as principles the concept of fair payment for the work done in these communities and promoting the social welfare of these groups living in extreme poverty.


Miguel Ruiz, Co-Founder

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Green Hug

Green Hug

San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Green Hug is a clothing brand focused on environmental and social issues; it was born from the need of the consumer who wants to contribute to the welfare of our planet and our society. The clothes are made of 100% recycled materials with a manufacturing process that helps to reduce carbon emissions and uses no water. Also, the clothes include a small embroidery that is made by local indigenous people from a community, giving them a well-paid and stable remuneration.

For each article sold, the company plants 7 trees in places where they will bring the most benefit, thus achieving the satisfaction of our community knowing that they are helping the environment when they purchase Green Hug products